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Everything posted by Highest

  1. That's what you get from relationship. Solitude, as all religions propose, is the best thing to do if you want to know yourself and therefore acquire true happines.
  2. So you depend on others to be happy? If you cannot be utterly alone, if you are happy only With a good relationship, then there is a problem. To be alone is in our nature, there is much beauty and ecstasy in it. Much peace.
  3. If God is all-powerful and infinitely intelligent, then why does it need evolution? Why not create everything instantly? Can it be that evolution is just a man made construct, using another human made construct, time? Because if, as I have experienced, there is only the timeless now, where does time and evolution come from? I do not deny evolution, but why if consciousness is all-powerful does evolution need to happen?
  4. Those who know they know. Yes, there is an afterlife. You cannot die.
  5. Fear is a powerful thing, as is the fear of death. That's where fear comes from, the need for self-survival. Only when you accept that death may lead to non-existence and be fine with it, fear will perish. There is no reason to fear death anymore. Of course to be fine with non-existence you have to understand that non-existence is not really non-existence, it's like before birth, it is not. Nothing to experience it, nothing matters, including existence.
  6. God is consciousness, all there is, infinite, the creator being itself uncreated. We are just a version of it, the human version. But we ourselves were made, evolved by the One. Here is a beautiful description by one of the best poetry in the world, the Quran: "He is God, the One other than Whom there is no god, the knower of the hidden and the manifest, the Compassionate, the Merciful. He is God, the One other than Whom there is no god, the Commander, the All-powerful, Pure and Without Defect, the Bestower of Safety, the Protector, the Precious, the Mighty, the Sublime, the Most Elevated. Exempt and purified be He from the partners which they ascribe to Him."
  7. That which is not born does not die, that which had no beginning can have no end. ''Die'', ''End'' are human concepts. Given the total of all my spiritual experiences, there is no doubt that death is an illusion, false. We are more than the body, we are something which is beyond it. Existence is eternal, timeless. It will be forever.
  8. Forget about the materialistic view that matter is the fundemental reality. Physics says that everything material is not really solid matter, only energy is real. But my true problem with materialism is that it destroys the human spirit. To Maslow, the highest need is the spiritual, the desire for self-actualization. But as mother Therese observed while being in the United States, the people are impoverished in spirit. I have been the western world myself and I can see that spirituality and faith is low. That's because, if only matter is real, then material possessions are the only reasonable foundation for happines and a good life. The truth is the opposite, materialism leads at best to crime, suicide, disease, and other problems. Spiritually, it keeps you primitive and locked. Science needs to do more research on consiousness as they will find out that it's all there is, if it is even possible to scientifically know that. Most importantly, they need to tell the world that matter is in fact unreal.
  9. Fear would probably come up, as I am a normal human being. However as I have contemplated death a lot and made myself ready for it, it would probably subside. I think I would be slightly exicted as to what comes next, my last words would probably be; reality, show me what you can do.
  10. Consciousness is all there is, it's not about God, it can be said that it is God itself. It's a big difference. But a personal God does not exist, reality at it's core is no-thing, emptiness. Every sage or mystic knows this, it's the very nature of yourself (reality, existence). And if God exists, it would not be separate from existence, it would probably be the whole thing. Yes, I believe in non-duality, as I have become aware that reality is no-thing, emptiness.
  11. It is my opinion that the use of God has now become a tautology. What does it matter what we call the ultimate truth? Or the ultimate cause of everyting? If God is existence or consciousness, what does it matter if we say God is existence or existence is existence? The majority believe God is a personified thing, we invented a personified God, we gave God a personality, now we found out that this not the case. Existence is non-personal, impersonal. Consciousness/existence exists, God does not. An ultimate causer may exists, but there is no need to call it anything, not God, nor anything. It certainly does not call itself anything, we do that name calling, probably because it is so much rooted within us.
  12. Then start meditating, be the observer. Be here now. If that does not help, try lsd or mushrooms. They can show you amazing stuff.
  13. You are that which IS. You are the totality of existence. Be the observer, stay as the observer. The fact is that you exists, realize the immensity of that. You are Complete, self-existing. Be here now, that's all there is.
  14. Non-duality is simply the truth. Solipisism is a a pure delusion. The One is apparantly in many, but it just One awarness/existence. It's a Paradox. Solipsism fails logically, and with just some obersvation it is clear that it's a delusion.
  15. You are not alone believe me, why should it only be you? We are all experiencing the same reality, it is One. It cannot be otherwise, Solipism is the greatest delusion that exists.
  16. She would, like hundreds of millions do, cuz they are brainwashed. Of course you can get touched by something within if you pray enough, but that's not literally God coming to you and touching you or whatever. Which is what you claim? No offence bro, if it really happened to you then that's nice, it wouldn't matter what I say.
  17. Egoless, why doesn't this personal God come and touch my mother who have prayed her entre life? To give just one example.
  18. I have tried, the closest I came was receving energy from something I tought could only be from God. But on second tought, it was not enough to convince me, it could simply have been a force from the universe etc. I think only with death is there a possibility to find Him/it. Or 5 meo, which I will try some beatiful day. Still there something in me that tells me that it's pointless whatever I call it, that it's beyond language and meaning all togheter. Or maybe I just don't appreciate the meaning of God enough, I don't know but I quess I will find out one day. By the way, have you experienced the God yourself since you believe in it?
  19. Yeah it is nice to talk about it, it's also nice that something as what Leo described above exists, at least from his experience. And if it feels right to say God then that's fine. I have believed in God almost my entire life, but I have contemplated this deeply, and it seems like it's pointless to call it anything when it exists. ' I would easily accept it and it's attributes, but to call it anything in the end is to me pointless. Unless it tells me ''I am God'', I have no reason to say it. It doesn't matter, it's just my mind, my projection of language. What matters is that it exists! I do not need to say it is God, no matter how much godly attributes it has. It IS, therefore it doesn't matter what name I give it. It's beyond it all togheter.
  20. Dodo, you call anything whatever you like. It doesn't matter what we call anything. It's not difficult to understand that langauge itself and all it's meanings are mind-made. But it is difficult to accept something, with all it's attributes, simply for what it is, without calling it anything. If it exists, it does not matter what we call it. Langauge is in the mind, existence just IS, it is nameless. We found something with some certain attributes, then we called it God. But no, that's our projection. It just IS, what does it now matter what we call it? Why is the word God so important? Is a tree a tree? No, we invented that! The tree is a thing, but we gave it a name. Just like we did with God. It's pointless, it does not matter what we call a tree, nor does it matter what we call God, because what matters is that it exists. Words in that sense becomes meaningless, pointless, just there so our mind can better simplify the situation.
  21. You don't know what I have experienced. I have no problem if God exists, that would be awesome. And I'm not saying that God cannot exist, I'm saying that the concept is mind-made. The word points to something with those attributes, however I'm saying why call it anything? It certainly does not call itself ''God'', it just is, with all it's attributes. To call it God is your projection upon it, doesn't matter how right it feels. It's mind-made, correct me if I am wrong.
  22. So you have experienced something with these attributes, and it doesn't suprise me that the word God comes easy and right for you because it is deep rooted within us to believe in a creator or God. However, even if you accept or experience this something or no-thing with all those attributes, it is in the end your projection if you call it God or whatever else. If you don't call it anything, it still exists, it still IS with all it's attributes, the only difference now is that you don't give it a name like you would give to your pet. It's just a word in the end, it has meaning yes, but it can be as meaningless and pointless as existence itself. I would never call anything ''God'' because I know it's my projection, and there is no need to call the nameless for names.