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Everything posted by Highest

  1. Osho had attained enlightment. When enlightment happens, the physical becomes the illusion that is. The unreal becomes the real, and reality shows it's glory. As he said, he knew that the soul goes on after death. One has to continue his journey and Osho was ready. There is no point in waiting, If I could leave this body trough Mahasamadhi I would have done it. There is no fear in Mahasamadhi, the practioner knows very well what will happen.
  2. The ego self created by tought content is surely an illusion, but as you find out the illusion you also should find that which is real, that which is true (The Self). The problem is not the illusion, it is how you perceive it.
  3. The ego self is one aspect of you, one dimension. You have others beyond the mind all togheter, beyond the pysical body. You will either believe me or not, it doesn't matter. Experience it yourself, rise in consciousness and you will know. The possibility is there, the potential is there.
  4. hmmmm interesting. thanks and when grace came to you? what was that like? the integration process of what you had witnessed or became aware of.. did you all of a sudden change you ego-ways or is everyday a learning experience? (as you said above, you're not yet enlightened) I just watched the movements of my toughts then a great peace and light came. It happened instantaneous, but I am sure it was because I was smoking a lot of weed, which intensified it all when I for the first time in my existence tried to just observe my toughts. This was the Self which wanted to realize itself trough me, altough I never came that far I at least realized a very important thing in my journey, I am not the body alone. I did not change my ego ways all of a sudden, the ego (sense of self) still exists in me. But it has become weaker, I have almost no interest in external stuff anymore, etc. Identification with the body and ego mind is much weaker. There is literally almost no more suffering.
  5. What I did was observing my toughts silently with eyes closed. Focus on the point where there is a pause on toughts, when there is no tought. Ask who is the watcher and observer of tought, really try to find out. Maybe grace will come to you, in that case you just follow the path given to you.
  6. No, I am not enlightened. What I did was only following the words of Mooji, watching my toughts, observe them. Then grace came, light came and I just followed that. Which lead to many unbelievable experiences. You seem to be very open for this, I am sure you will find a way to open the spiritual door one day if you really desire it. Be the observer, self-inquire, introspect. It is required altough it is the pathless path, it simply doesn't come by itself from the blue.
  7. I really hope so too my friend
  8. This stuff is accessible only in the awakened state, or on DMT, LSD, etc. I can share one thing with you. You probably know what OBE is, many people have experienced it. Well the last time I experienced it, I was out of my body for about 5 minutes. I saw myself sleep, I went up to the kitchen, went inside my mother's room and saw her sleep. Then somehow I awake from my sleep, and there I was as this regular body form. After this I was certain that death is an illusion, that the pysical body is just one out of many different dimensions of me. Actually almost nothing is impossible, it is indeed from the point of the limited ego that it seems impossible. The truth is that reality is too great to be limited only to a materialistic existence, only as a body. It is not.
  9. The design and construct of reality is perfect, flawless. I could talk a lot about reality and what I have seen, most would not believe me, to them it is impossible, not real. So experience it for yourself and you will know what I mean when I say reality is magnificent and unbelievable, you have the potential since you are a human being, the One Self of all existing beings.
  10. Q: What is our current physical reality and body? A: The physical is one of many realities, the body is one out of many different dimensions of the Self. We have different subtle bodies, astral body, OBE body, energy body, spiritual body, etc. The formless Self is One with the body, they co-exist. But they are not completely the same, as the ultimate Self can exist without a physical body. From direct personal experiences. Reality/Existence is truly magnificent, unbelievable.
  11. Once you enter non-duality, duality will not exist anymore - It did not exist in the first place, never have and never will. There is only One being, One awarness, One consciousness. This is a simple ancient fact, there is only This.
  12. It is not cruel as long as as it isn't on the expense of others. Permanent joy fullness comes after Self-realization without any exception. How can he not be joyful when he has realized the immortal Self/Soul within, or God. But he will still suffer because he sees that the whole world suffers, the whole world lives in ignorance because it has not realized the Self, except a few. But then again as he grows in wisdom and age, he will see trough all of that as well, he will see that which matters the most. Suffering will not reach him anymore, just like the vast mind cannot touch him anymore.
  13. Anxiety comes from identification with the ego and body mind, having an interest in what others think of you. If you can let go of the ego then do it, you will become free and realize that you are greatest that is. I'm quite short but it doesn't bother me at all, I know what I am. I am not my height nor my weight. No one can tell me that I am. Be happy, annihilate this false anxiety as soon as you can.
  14. A sociopath is a very damaged individual, his childhood is full of trauma. He could easily kill you and enjoy it if he knew he would get away with it, only strong psychedelics like DMT can fix him. I feel sorry for people like that, I really do.
  15. The formless and the body is One, they co-exist. So embrace it indeed. What if after you die you lost all memory of your previous existence, would there be any point in existing any longer? Maybe, maybe not. One thing is for sure, memory is an important aspect of you.
  16. Sex is needed for production of mankind, for self-survival. But it will not produce spiritual experiences, all these yoga movements, all this sex yoga may give you better sex, but it will not produce enlightenment. Most sages would probably tell you to refrain from sex if you are on the spiritual path, for countless reasons.
  17. No, I was never violent. There was much bliss and peace in those states of consciousness. It has no end bro, it goes on as long as you exist in this body form. Once you get there, once your kundalini is completely activated, only death can stop it.
  18. Haha it is beyond all of that. It's just another reality, it's no more real than our current reality.
  19. It isn't dangerous if you know to control it. Energy is simply energy, it's hard to explain but you know it when you experience it
  20. It has been treated but if I don't take the syringe once a month, it will come back. Just the way it is. What I mean by controlling it is controlling the energy, this was not possible when I smoked weed, everything became too intense. I still feel the energy, it is not gone. But this time it's completely different.
  21. It has been treated, but it will come back in a couple of months since I have quited taking syringe once a month. I decided to do this because now I don't smoke weed anymore, and so I will be able to control it. Should be fun, should take me to ultimate with enough time.
  22. I began with introduction to philosophy and philosophy for dummies, then I moved to existential spirituality after realizing that philosophy is a disease of the mind. The truth is within, the western mind is too clingy on thinking that it has forgotten this. Philosophy and the ego are seen as king. Therefore there will be no truth for them, no realization. A civilization that get's tricked by materialism and philosophy is an immature civilization that needs good enough time to mature into spirituality.
  23. Actually the characteristics described to Allah (God) is pretty near consciousness, which is the ultimate truth. And I have no doubt that Mohammad experienced the ultimate. With a clear eye this not difficult to see, the Quran clearly is speaking about consciousness, which Mohammad rightly took to be God. He is aware, the all seeing, all hearing, creator of everything, knower of all things, he is the manifest. Clearly consciousness.
  24. There is truth in the scriptures, not all of it has been corrupted. The truth has existed as long man has existed, so one will find non-duality in the scriptures. This are verified existential experiences put into words. Say, “He, God, is One, God, the Eternally Sufficient unto Himself. He begets not; nor was He begotten. And none is like unto Him.'' He is the First, and the Last, and the Outward, and the Inward; and He is Knower of all things. To God belong the East and the West. Wheresoever you turn, there is the Face of God; God is All-encompassing, Knowing. All upon it passes away. And there remains the Face of thy Lord, Possessed of Majesty and Bounty. We are nearer to him than his jugular vein. Say, “Truth has come, and falsehood has vanished. Truly falsehood is ever vanishing.” And say: “The Real has come and the unreal has vanished away; surely the unreal is ever certain to vanish.” We shall show them Our signs upon the horizons and within themselves till it becomes clear to them that it is the truth. We shall show them Our signs upon the horizons and in themselves, until it is clear to them that He is the Real. He created the heavens and the earth in truth. He created the heavens and the earth through the Real. [16:3] And they will know that God is the Manifest Truth. [24:25] And they shall know that God is the Evident Real. This is beauty from the Quran.
  25. I have. My mind became extremely still and then a big sensation came trough my entire body. It was so intense that I literally tought it would end my body, so I resisted and it went away. Now I just regret it, as it could have been a life changing experience.