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Everything posted by Highest

  1. Don't think emptiness is a bad or sad thing, it is beautiful. It is there that the false ego self and the false person created by tought (the mind) get's annihilated, within your true nature. You lose something and get something new, peace. Enlightment will not give you much so do not expect much from it, some are simply not ready for it because it requires the death of the false self-created ego self. It requires becoming emptiness and utterly nothing, because that is what you are.
  2. It is already here. The potential to discover what you and this reality is, and it will surely guide you, it has a nice way of doing it, of cleansing you and raising you. Grace from a master or grace from meditation must come, only then can we enter the other side, only then can we know Truth.
  3. @SoonHeiI have no direct experience of that my friend, but I understand intellectualy that past and future does not exist, I am aware that the present now is all there is, including everything that happens in the now.
  4. True indeed, there is only the now and everything is contained in it. There is just one experience and it is here now, you are not sitting in another country, you are here were I am.
  5. He was not born turquoise but we are all born with the potential to arrive at turquoise, to arrive at altered states of consciousness and be in them, to see the unreal become real, to see the impossible become the actual and evident.
  6. It began with smoking a lot of weed, then I began meditating which opened me to the other side, a lot of energy were absorbed inside me, too much. After a couple of months I arrived at what they call psychosis, which in truth was just the other side apsolutely. I tought for example everyone on the hospital were angels from God. The delusion was real, but what they did and what I saw was real, which made me believe that even my mother was an angel and not my real mother. Energy was pouring out of all humans, from everything, and directly into me. But I was not ready for this radical change, my mind were not ready. That's where you have the delusions of the mind.
  7. It is worth giving up your life for Truth, that's when true life begins, in pure emptiness. The con may be that you become insane like what happened to me, but it is in that insanity that you experience the most extraordinary and surreal things, in many ways insanity made me sane.
  8. The apparent reality of tought content and tought-images is nothing, non-existant. Reality is here now, when you move it stays still, it has always been and never changes with age. Find that. It is you, you are looking at it right now.
  9. @Aimblack Alright, but would you not feel deep within if you saw a baby getting killed a feeling that it was wrong, immoral, and simply disturbing? How can you say that stuff like this is not imbedded in you? I'm not speaking about the mind or concepts, the fact of the matter is that you feel and react to certain situations in which there is disturbance in you, we call these situations immoral, wrong or evil. Doesn't matter much, my point is that something is imbedded in us, which reacts to apparantly immoral situations, like killing babies or burning someone alive etc.
  10. You have the ability to see that killing babies is bad or even evil, this stuff is imbedded in you if you are a normal human being, it's what makes you a human being, it's inherent in the human nature. If you don't want to call it morality, then call it something else or nothing at all.
  11. Morality is imbedded in us. Doesn't matter much if it came from the source or from God or from evolution. It is there, so no I wouldn't say it's a mere concept.
  12. How do you know anything? Direct experience. You are right now gazing at what IS, you are gazing at eternity, pure Truth, pure reality.
  13. Identification creates suffering, identification with the body and thought content. Suffering ends when there is realization that you are not solely the body, when identification with tought, ego and the body ends or becomes enough weak. Identification with what you are not will always cause suffering, that's the only reason why I suffered.
  14. Islam dominates in north-africa, except Tunisia although most are Muslims. Without Islam and the way it is understood there and taken literally, the north could have evolved to green, it is not so indoctrinated with materialism as the west is.
  15. Love is a fascinating thing, eternal and invisible but an obvious existent. Love saved my life back in the dark days, the love of a woman. Then divine love made me feel totally accepted, understood and dignified. Love is indeed everywhere, without it there would be no existence.
  16. Existence is not meaning, it is existence, what simply is. Maybe the meaning of existence is existence itself, existence itself is the meaning of existence, to exist and be aware, to just be.
  17. Sorry couldn't answer all the questions.
  18. At first it feels nice, then you build up tolerance and get addicted like what happened to me. That's not nice, you become unmotivated and it just messes with your body and mind. On monday I shall quit all smoking for good and go into apsolute solitude, which is now possible since I have got rid of my toxic friends. Lastly I would say that smoking was worth it since it opened my mind extremely much, but it's time has ended now, it's not the same anymore. So it is best to quit.
  19. The mind, sense of self, sense of reality, conditioning. Identification with the ego and body mind, identification with thought content.
  20. The last time I was out of my body it happened instantaneous, less than a milli second, like nothing happened at all, no intermediate thing or anything. Something similar may happen at the moment of death, in less than a milli second you are suddenly in another dimension, in another body or something like that. Like nothing happened.
  21. I would say that the ego is an emergent phenomena of the body and mind.
  22. All religions share the same metaphysical and spiritual truth. All try to somehow lead you to spirituality, to go within. But after that, when you have arrived at the ultimate and seen truth for yourself, there is no need to follow any religion. I would have left it all, but everyone is different.
  23. Nothing happens, meaning there is no pause in the eternal existence. It will not be as before birth because that never was, never existed. You have always just been here now, there is no time in which you did not exist. Nor will there be a time in which you will not exist.
  24. Fulfilling moments, fulfilling times, exactly. It comes and goes, that is not fulfillment. One can live perfectly without desires, there is much peace and fulfillment in that. Without desires life can indeed feel empty and even dead, but it is in that emptiness that you become fulfilled and complete. You don't fully understand emptiness my friend, it is a beautiful thing.
  25. ''all the desires in "my" mind say that fulfillment is the best, so this body is going to try to achieve that, and not go to a monastery and waste it's life for example'' True fulfillment comes with the absence of desires. Every desire is a bondage. You will not find fulfillment in the future nor will you find it when you have desire in you. I can assure you of this.