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Everything posted by Highest

  1. We can agree to disagree You are right due, about becoming being.
  2. No, not concept. Direct experience, actuality. I didn't get out in any way to find it, I am already the One. I just became conscious of this, I am conscious of this 24/7. How I am so is not easy to explain in language, duality.
  3. Indeed, enlightenment is about seeing things as they are. Seeing clearly, becoming conscious of what IS. Which the mind cannot do. Prior to knowing, prior to evidence, prior to truth and not truth, prior to the mind. There lies that which simply is the case: Being, Consciousness, Awareness. That which is Everything, that which Alone exists as One without a second. I and You are the Truth, the evidence, the knowing. I and You are God, the undeniable fact of the matter, where the opinion of the mind, the person and the ego simply does not exist.
  4. Very good, very true. Never been a fan of science, never liked the way it tries to make itself the ultimate authority, never liked how they value something like materialism and tries to make it some kind of fact. Seems to be more of a reaction against religion than really trying to find the Truth and stay neutral on that, which it never will of course. It's nothing but falsehood within illusion. It may appear to work in the dream/matrix but that's all it's good for. I and You are the Truth, no way to find it other than in yourself.
  5. You can do both. Having a stable material life is very important, you don't want to live in the streets and do consciousness work. I have a small apartment, more than enough for me. It gives you a stable place to work in peace, etc.
  6. A chair can be a concept, a construct of the mind, very very far away from direct consciousness of what a chair really is. Biology is a concept, matter is a concept. Reality (the world, the universe) is an illusion, meaning that it isn't how and what it appears to be, it is and isn't. Matter and biology is an illusion and that's what science is grounded on, illusion. The idea of being a human being with a brain is far fetched illusion, so is the idea that ''you'' exist as a separate individual, or as a biological entity. Only God, Consciousness, Being is truly Real. Everything derives their existence from the One. Without the One, existence is non-existent. You have to understand that the only Real is the Self/Soul/Spirit. The goal of the Self is to experience, to awaken and know itself. You will die, meaning you will not remember that you ever existed after ''death''. The Self (which is One) will live on forever, continuing doing it's purpose. God is in a mission to know itself. This has been known by masters like Meher Baba for a long time. That's why and how you exist. As far as the universe goes, it only appears to have existence, but in fact is nothing and came from nothing, but this Nothing IS. The universe is simply a manifestation or reflection of the original Nothing/God. As for matter, in the ultimate sense, non-existent.
  7. The mind cannot be trusted indeed, metaphysically and epistemologicaly speaking. It has always done it's duty and created falsehood from the beginning, constructed a false self, constructed a false reality, divided reality which is essentially indivisible, and told itself that it's the truth. The fact is that all is God, I and You are God, but we are misled by the shameless mind. Becoming more aware is a good way of having an undisturbed, still, firm mind. Dozens have thought of annihilating the mind, but only grace from a realized perfect master or sadhguru can make that a possibility. Not that you should seek a master in order to annihilate the mind, it can be handy too IF it's under control, and not it controlling you.
  8. Indeed, very true. The I is All, All is the I, The Self, God.
  9. It's all One Being, conscious, self-aware. All is It, It is All. You can call it whatever. Doesn't matter. Only It alone exists. A cheeseburger IS It. It (You) becomes conscious of itself and in that moment you will actually see that a cheeseburger is You (It).
  10. Who or what is being aware of being aware? When awareness fully awakens from the me illusion and is fully conscious, it's realized that it is the One, the All, the God. Which have always been the case, it just wasn't revealed, not illuminated, not seen, not made aware of. Disguised.
  11. It's not impossible, I have proven it, experienced it. It's all the same one reality due, just... different. The great spiritual aspirants and masters of the world have all reached states of consciousness beyond the ordinary, played with spiritual powers, reached ''other'' realities. It's not something new. The material world is the spiritual world, matter is energy. This other reality is none other than everything we see around us. It's active right now in this ''world'', doing it's thing behind the scenes and being the scene itself.
  12. Indeed, I reached a point where I accepted that I knew nothing. Reality simply was and is, and there is no way to explain it with the mind. But when I meet God, I had no doubt for it was my innermost Self. That I could not deny, or doubt. For I would deny my-self, thus I would deny existence, reality. I would deny God itself. His love, compassion and understanding for me and everyone cannot be imagined. He is the All-Forgiving, the All-Merciful. Somehow, in His eyes, we are all Perfect. No matter what we have done, no matter what we have been. We are always accepted.
  13. Yes, it's indeed a big trap. Pure knowledge is knowing that I know absolutely nothing, that all true knowledge lies with God alone. All I know and can know is what I am: I am God and I am All, I Alone Exists. There is only God. This is ''known'' more than knowing, this is something I and all of reality is.
  14. Consciousness, awareness: all is the undivided non-dual One, untouched by illusions of separation, distinctions, duality, the mind, death. There exists no god but I: I is God, God is I. Other than that, there is no I. I=God, otherwise I=Zero. Both are true.
  15. Who can't be happy when one awakens to the fact that all of reality including yourself is God? It's perfection, beyond awesome. Only the ego has a problem with it, but the ego doesn't matter. The ego will die. There is no after life. Existence has greater plans, it doesn't include me and you living forever. And that doesn't matter either.
  16. True meditation and prayer is surrendering yourself to whatever is, surrendering all illusion of control and doership. ''You and I'' are nothing but a puppet under full control anyways. Step the mind and ego aside and let Reality=God do everything, for it already does. It will, in the end, turn out the way it should and ought to be.
  17. No. Never will anyone ''explain'' consciousness or reality or God, not by looking outside, not by using the mind. Science is within the dream and they still buy into materialism which is like child deception, no chance whatsoever.
  18. The same Aware God-Self which is All shines trough the eyes, the illusion/the false just has to be pierced trough and it will be seen clearly. It has always been the case, we were just in sleep. In love with the dream, afraid to see others as God.
  19. Why would this world be too painful to live in, after awakening to the truth? The truth is that life goes on even after awakening, life evolves forever. Those who resist suffer, those who surrender to what is, they will come out and back whole and complete. Life is suffering, awakening will not take that away. The ego and the mind is there to assure you of that. It's in total surrender that suffering ends, the surrender to the Self/awarness/God/life/insert name. Pain is always there, suffering however can end. There is no need to suffer, just know what you are and stay as what you are.
  20. The ego and the mind is the deceiver. Realize this, this is literally the case. When you become the aware witness, it can no longer dominate you. The Self/God cannot be touched by it. The mind creates seperation from the Self, but once the Self awakens from ''me'' and the mind, it can no longer dominate you. The Self will dominate it, if not annihilate it. No one is in control, the Self will take control over you/ego, the person illusion, and the mind. Surrender totally to the Real, surrender everything to the Real.
  21. I like to call it simply God, the One, the Non-dual, the All. Names like that. However, God cannot be defined or grasped by the mind and it's limited functions. Any attempt to grasp the non-dual is futile and not it, it will however grasp you. The ... is witnessing the entire mind and it's functions. It's witnessing everything happening within and outside an individual's existence. All that can be said about ... is that it IS. ... is Everything. That which I am IS God, none other than the One. …. is all there IS. However, …. is fully alive, aware and conscious. IT IS NONE OTHER THAN THE INDIVIDUAL and ''his'' awarness/consciousness.
  22. @ivankiss Indeed, the person is consistently created by the mind. There are expressions and perceptions, there is the mind and the ego. All are witnessed by awareness. However, eventually we have to drop the notion of awareness, for awareness is aware of that concept too. That comes with it being aware of the mind, without the mind, awareness simply doesn't exist. Only... exists.
  23. It is in pure emptiness that awareness sees itself purely and directly, without the illusory ego. And indeed, it is self-aware, self-conscious. And then it goes back to the ego, the sense of person hood, and in there too awareness sees itself playing the great game, being itself the great deceiver. At that moment, the game ends, ignorance ends.
  24. Yeah, I have meet him too. He is very very real and I know that for certain. I know the devil is none other than I. I didn't know it before but now I do for I am the non-dual awarness, the non-dual consciousness. All I know is Myself by Being Myself trough Myself, and I know I am All, I am Everything. If the Devil, if evil and darkness didn't exist, I wouldn't be God, I wouldn't be infinite.