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Everything posted by Highest

  1. @cetus56 Once one becomes conscious, it can never end, only strenghten. That’s my experience at least
  2. After I became conscious of God and other things I became conscious of, fear is gradually dying. Fear of death, fear of fully connecting with another human being. I won’t kill myself because I’m not afraid of death of course. Fear is still existent, but it will gradually become non-existent. A full enlightened master has no fear whatsoever.
  3. @ivankiss I am detached but I can immerse myself in someone’s reality fully, then I will go back being conscious of God and that it’s all just God, my regular ordinary state of consciousness. The only thing I’m saying is that your reality and experience is not the only one. What I’m saying and what I do is connect and immerse myself in someone’s else reality, and fully connect. Maybe you understand me, maybe not. But it works for me. And with the world, I mean human beings. Human beings with their own unique ego, personality, experiences, history. You cannot deny that world.
  4. @ivankiss It’s not easy because we live in a world of ego and personhood. Judgment, status, hatred, and all that shit which comes with the ego-mind. We live in a harsh world, not a world which is awake. But I know how to relate to that. Not by creating a new reality, altough a good frequency is vital. I immerse myself in it, I become it. I can live anothers reality, or we can share our two unique realities with each other. Connect, that is all that’s needed, it’s everything. Connect so fully that you two become One. Play the mask consciously because the mask will be there no matter If you like it or not. No fear, no anxiety. I can turn anyone into a friend, I can take with me any girl home because I can. Not by creating my reality, by immersing myself in her reality, by creating unbound connection. Most are judgmental, angry, not so interested in human contact. Or are afraid, have social anxiety. But those who are cool, a good conversation can happen, even friendship. Then we can share and do great things (experiences). And so on and so on. Just my way of dealing with this world, don’t think that I’m being ego devil here. I don’t give a fuck what your mind thinks. But we all have our way, I’m sure your way works perfectly fine.
  5. The character (ego and person) has to go or transform. Your idea is true but not easy, your idea can become actual and real but is not easy.
  6. @Ook No, I’m permanently 24/7 conscious of God and that only God exists and that I am God. It goes up and down, but never leaves.
  7. You can call it Infinity, God, Consciousness. There is only One, taking on all form, all perceptions, all duality and dual experiences. Just all of reality, everything. This One is formless but I have become conscious of this One, also in my heart and body. It’s existent, aware and intelligent. There is only God, literally. That’s what reality is. Just God. God can be infinite and finite, but either way it’s God. I become conscious of this just a couple of minutes ago. I will no longer use the word reality anymore, just God. Because I have a very conscious and aware intimitation with God. Altough I haven’t become infinite yet, I know God consciously and in my heart. Only He Alone exists.
  8. You are not aware because you have been taking yourself to be the ego-person-body mind. You have taken yourself to be a existent someone separate from for example a rock or another being. Just the way it is, no one can do anything with it. Transcend this and then become conscious of God, which You are right now this moment. You are just not conscious of it, I assume. It took me years to become conscious of it. Maya (illusion) is strong, but you can overcome it by becoming conscious and aware by self-inquiry and then I mean 24/7.
  9. Awakening has happened several times, both sober and high. Enlightment I don’t know, depends on how you define it. If it’s the direct clear conscious aware knowing of God and that God exists, then yes. If it is the direct clear conscious aware knowing that I am literally God completely and fully, then yes both has happened. It has transformed the unconscious ego into an awake one, conscious one. The character (the person) has also tranformed. No more fear, I connect with anyone. I don’t give a fuck who you are, we are two human beings. In fact, we are each other. No judgment, I will accept, connect, and love you no matter who are. I don’t give a fuck about your personality or ego, or your history or how you look. I care only about You, and the ego and person is part of it all. And I love that part of you as well, that is what connects us, makes us two unique individuals.
  10. @Hellspeed One day you will become conscious.
  11. You are right, there is no real You. The belief in a separate entity (I) is an illusion. There is no one inside. All is One God (or Consciousness). This includes the material world and all material bodies. That is what you are, God. And God is Nothing and Everything. That is the true nature and reality of You. You are what God is. You yourself do not exist.
  12. Yes, it appears real, that’s what an illusion is. You are already Nothing=God. Becoming Nothing and thus becoming God is death for the ego. The ego cannot die, only for some time but not for a whole life time. It will come back even after the most full non-dual experience ever experienced. But it will come back weaker. Exposed as the illusion that it is. But you, conscious and aware of God, must live with it in this body. Make the best out of it
  13. It means to contemplate and inquire the fuck out of your direct aware experience and what you are. With devotion, with a sincere heart, with a desire to become conscious of what reality is so strong that you could easily die for it. It means doing it 24/7 with your entire being and spirit and mind. Don’t question reality, the world or universe. Question existence, because after all you exist and thus you are existence. Question ‘’Who am I?’’ and don’t stop until you arrive at the ultimate answer ‘’I am God’’. And don’t stop until you have realized that you are not a separate entity, that’s bullshit. You are not a body or a brain, that’s greater bullshit.
  14. @Leo Gura Thank you I’m sober now but I am conscious of the non-dual One 24/7, most at the time in my heart. But with weed, it just intensifies everything. I become more aware and conscious. You are right, not many become conscious of God by smoking weed. They have not done the work and thus just get stoned. Consciousness work before and after is a must, it’s everything.
  15. @martins name i dont think it was an awakening, maybe you can say it in that way. I just became conscious of God and it is I, do you see? How to explain this in dual language. God just exists, I became aware and conscious of it. dont use the mind, this has nothing to do with it. the mind is just mind. this is beyond the mind or not a function of the mind, its a conscious cognized aware knowing of God. It simply is the case, it simply is the truth,
  16. Yes, indeed. All I know about God is that He is formless. I know I am It, I know all is God. From experience and direct consciousness both sober and high. I have always believed in God, just the wrong idea and concept of God. An omnipotent being somewhere outside the universe which created it. Did this help me realize God? I don’t think so. Years of Self-inquiry and contemplation made me conscious of God and that I am God. So yes, It may or may not be an obstacle to learn about God. It may and may not help believing in God beforehand, but self-inqury is the way to God because what you want is to become conscious, aware of God.
  17. Legends they were. But becoming conscious of God is enough. There is no need to become something, just become conscious that you are God and that only God exists. Then carry water and choop wood. Live in duality, experience it, connect and create greatness with fellow beings. Be yourself, no need to become a sage.
  18. @Nahm Much love from the One (Me) to the One (You) <3 <3
  19. You become Conscious of God which you are, you become CONSCIOUS that this is simply the case or the Truth. Even deeper than that, much deeper.
  20. @youngshinzen haha priceless video.
  21. @youngshinzen Because Consciousness is God, omnipotent, infinite. Don’t you think it’s strange that it wouldn’t have free will?
  22. You are God. Also you are Nothing. Only God is, only God has free will. In other words, You have free will. Well not you because you don’t exist. But as God you have free will, Consciousness is the only doer. You see, there is no you to have free will in the first place. Consciousness, which you are, has free will. It’s from the point of the ego that thinks it has or has not free will. Only Consciousness has free will, and you are That. I didn’t write this, God did.
  23. Remembers me of a girl I meet two days ago. Amazing girl, amazing kind eyes. I just came back home from her place. The sad part is that she has cancer and a son 11 years old, she will die in about 6 months and her son will not have a mother to grow up with, but she will be in his heart forever. So I visioned something, I wanted her to have some good time. So we went and I buyed some weed and dope. We went to her place, just smoked and sniffed, had amazing sex for two days. I did this for her, she will never forget it and I will never forget her. She just wanted to live the time she had left, she just wanted to have a good time. Not afriad of death she told me, just sad that she can’t be with her son. I loved that woman. We will meet tommorow. It’s all the One Consciousness expressing itself in two individuals, nothing more or less. But it’s not pointless or unreal, it’s just all about being Conscious. Life is real, life is love and passion. Because the One is omnipotent, anything can be real. Illusion is not = unreal or non-existent. It’s a tricky thing in itself. But nothing is actually illusion, everything comes from, is created by and IS the One.