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Everything posted by Highest

  1. @Mikael89 You don’t seem to understand what it means to be God. I assume, sorry if I’m mistaken. God, the Infinite NON-dual, becomes finite and experiences creation and duality trough itself and by itself. Or you can use ‘’you’’ altough you don’t really exist as a separate entity. So no, I can’t create anything out of thin air, only the Infinite God can do that.
  2. @Mikael89 God is both the creator and the creation. Nothing can be apart from the NON-dual God, God is all there is. I cannot explain to you how this is so by using dual language, you just have to directly become conscious and aware of it. Then you will understand without understanding, know without knowing. It just is.... the case.
  3. Some 2 hours ago I meet an amazing woman randomly, full of life and energy, amazing eyes. We connected in a blink of an eye. Then we talked and stuff, connected more. I asked her if she believes in God and she said ‘’Yes, I believe in God’’. She continued and said ‘’You must have God in your soul’’. I answered ‘’Yes, I do.’’ Then I just wanted to say it just for the fuck of it and because I felt that she really had some contact with God. I said ‘’I believe in God in my soul but I have also become aware that I am God.’’ She made a very strong eye contact with me and I cannot explain it, then she said ‘’Me too.’’ A shock came over me, never have I meet someone who is conscious that she or he is God. We talked some more, how we became conscious of God and so on. She told me she had to go to work and she gave me her number, I thanked her and told her that I will call you then we can talk more about God etc. I’m in bliss that I have meet someone conscious that she is God for the first time, that I will meet her again.
  4. Blink your eyes, what you saw after blinking is actuality, Right now, right here, this very moment. Now become conscious and aware that this very moment is God. It’s not ‘’yours’’’ direct aware experience. It’s God’s experience.
  5. @Aeris Interesting, awesome. I’m glad you had fun.
  6. @Aeris Sounds awesome, sounds like an interesting girl. Such days with another individual is precious, amazing. Remembers me of a girl I meet about a week ago. We smoked and made love all day, sniffed some strong good dope the next day, then we fucked again the rest of the night. Great girl, I will never forget her and those two days. Maybe we will meet again, maybe not. But at least we shared great experiences and we shared each other with passion and unbound connection. I know she will never forget it, I made assure of that.
  7. Indeed, you are completely right and speaking Truth. The true reality of God is formless. Form is formless. Nothing is apart from God, God is Everything. I am conscious of this.
  8. @Tistepiste You are right brother, I won’t be too straight-forward. We only talked for about 40 min before she went to work, so yeah. But I will let you guys know how it went etc, maybe I can make her a member her in this forum if she is interested in that stuff.
  9. @Aakash You are so right. Yes I will tell her about this site for sure
  10. @Tistepiste Yeah, like everything changed after that. The energy, the eye contact. I felt we are One now and I’m sure she felt that too. That we had known each other forever, that we were One and the Same as the One God. But our next meeting will be interesting, very much. I don’t know what to excpect but I will be as honest as I can about me being God and how I am conscious of that. She will too probably.
  11. @dimitri I was so happy, that another human being is conscious she is God. Happy for her, for myself for getting that recognition and acceptance that yes indeed we are God. I felt it in her, I was aware and conscious of it when she gave me that unexplainable eye contact and said ‘’Me too’’. My convinction got immensly stronger just because of her, just for being with her.
  12. @ivankiss Very nice, very true. Would you say that this apsolute nothingnesss is apart from apsolute infinity (God) ?
  13. @How to be wise Death is indeed a concept. But something will happen, you won’t be here and now when that happens
  14. You are an expression of the infinite, from the non-dual reality. The individual is nothing but an individual experience of God. You are God, one and the same. Death will take the individual back to it’s original singular non-dual source, in which all duality and creation manifests.
  15. I am God, an expression of God which pervades all of reality and life. The non-dual reality in which God experiences duality and creation. Apart from God there is no experience, no duality or creation. The individual naturally is not conscious that it is non-dual as it’s perceptions are the focus of it’s experience. This allows the individual to believe that what he is experiencing is reality. But whatever the individual experiences, God experiences. They are the same and one, no distinction. God experiences everything from a full state of conscious awareness. Duality exists within the non-dual reality. But both non-duality and duality can be observed, and God can attain the best of both worlds and both experiences. Ultimately, there is only God. Literally, actually.
  16. @ivankiss Indeed, very true <3 Have God in your heart, nothing can take away Truth. Nothing can take away something in the heart, it’s yours forever and you know it’s the Truth,
  17. @GabeN Yes. Mushrooms 2-3 years back. It made me see, feel and become conscious that the universe is alive and aware by literally showing it to me. I saw everythin alive: trees, rocks, my wall etc. That experience helped me in a metaphysical way and in my understaing of what creation, the universe is. But now in a ’’deeper’’ way my understanding is that it is God. Only God is. @Jkris God is God. When you have exprtienced and actually become conscious of God, you will know that it is God. God is much more appropriate than Consciousness. And the one who claims I am God is not stupid, he simply is just sincere and honest.
  18. God is your direct aware experience. Blink your eyes, what you saw after blinking is God. Right now, this very moment. God is also your toughts (and mind), personality, ego, all experiences, all perceptions, and the body. Do you know what that means? It means that you don’t exist. You don’t exist as a separate entity from God, you don’t exist as some biological creature or human being. You are God. God is You. God=You, You=God. Completely, fully. No separation between you and God, no distinction. Do you know what that also means? You will not die. Another thing it means is that you can do anything, become fearless. If you don’t like your character (ego and person) recreate it, transform. It will take time, but the more conscious you become the easier it will be. After you become conscious that You are the creator of your reality, it becomes easier to transform your current reality, your current personality. You can do anything. You can become fearless. I promise you. But you must become conscious that you are literally completely GOD. Not Consciousness or Reality, but the actual GOD. When I say become conscious of God, I cannot explain it in dual language. Are you conscious that the last word in this sentence is God? The same way become conscious, aware of God. Are conscious that you are reading something now? In the same way become conscious of God. It’s direct aware conscious knowing, undeniable. You will know without a doubt that God exists. Your life will change forever, your ego, personality, perceptions, experiences will all change. You will become fearless, free from any anxiety. You can do anything. You are God.
  19. You can embody it for a whole life time, it has no end point. The person can change or even transform after a full ego-death, full non-dual Consciousness. It will come back, but things will be very different. The person can even die after enough non-dual experiences, but then the mind must die with it. Very few has done this.
  20. @Rinne Self-inqury, self contempation, meditation. It took me years however before it clicked. But along with that, for me once I became conscious that ‘’I’’ don’t exist it all really happened bt itself from there. It was grace in my case, it was grace which eventually made me conscious of the God. I was guided by something the whole way.
  21. @Truth Addict Precisely! Yes, all cells are aware. The whole universe is aware and alive. It was on mushrooms, I saw that everything is alive, that everything is aware. Rocks, trees, the wall, etc.
  22. Long history, several awakenings, realization that I am an illusion. No self, no separate entity from reality, I am Reality, Reality is I. I am awarness. And immersed in full emptiness for at least a year. Then some 8 months ago I had a full experience of God, full non-dual consciousness. It never left after that, it only increased by the days. In my mind, heart, being and spirit. I understand now that what we call reality is actually God. God is all there is, only God alone exists. I’m not using God as a pointer, I’m talking about the real actual God. When you become conscious of God, you will know what God really means. It’s GOD. You will know that, understand it.
  23. What you want is to become conscious and aware of God. You don’t know it yet, but you will understand what I mean when it happens. You can be conscious of God and live life fully, experience duality fully. I do it all the time. Just how my reality is.
  24. Indeed. Bliss comes from the conscious knowing that I am God and immortal. Not the fish in the ocean, not a bird flying in the sky. The whole ocean, the whole sky. That is You. Or actually both.
  25. @Truth Addict Much love to you <3 I’m aware that you are none but God. When I say that, I’m meaning that I am AWARE that You are literally the actual GOD. You are aware right now, you are aware of these words. The same goes for me when it comes to the God. Don’t think I’m fueling my ego by saying all this, that is not the case. I’m just being honest and I want people to know that they can become conscious of God. You can’t tell that to a random stranger, he or she will think I’m crazy. But people here are already conscious, so it’s easier to tell it here in this forum. They can relate to it easier. I do however write directly, trying to make it interesting and exciting to read. Ultimately, the non dual One (which is the actual God) cannot be written in dual language. It’s beyond language, beyond the mind.