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Everything posted by Highest

  1. @now is forever Indeed. You speak the truth, especially your last sentence
  2. @Mikael89 My search is over, but I can become more conscious and understand God basically forever more, it never ends. About fucking girls, I took it only as ONE example of how one can live and experience creation. It will help improve the person a little bit, not much. Other aspects are in play, but I know how to improve it in my own way. It’s however not the final goal or truth at all. That is becoming directly conscious of one nature as God, fully. I have choosen to live in both the dual and NON-dual reality, because I can and with full awarness.
  3. Lol. No game from his side whatsoever, no intellect.
  4. Indeed, nothing wrong with that. Two individuals sharing a good experience. nisargadatta maharaj used to have sex snd smoke like a motherfuck.
  5. @now is forever I fucked a girl a week ago, I hadn’t done that for at least 8 months prior to that, I was immersed in consciousness work. So no, my interest is not in fucking girls, I only took it as an example. What I do is not what 99% of people do. I am conscious and all I want is to recreate a better, good and kind ego and personality after I became conscious that I am the One and that I don’t exist at all apart from the NON-dual One. I want to genuinely connect with people, not to exploit them in any way.
  6. @now is forever Be like how?@Mikael89 How do you define enlightemnent and being enlightened?
  7. @Mikael89 I don’t claim to be elightened, I’m simply conscious that I am the non-dual One (God). That doesn’t mean I have to become a guru or sage. I have consciously choosen to experience duality and existence fully, and transform the ego and person for the better. Once again, you don’t understand.
  8. Leo became directly conscious of that, very much so. Enough said.
  9. @SoonHei That is true my good friend. Most of your reality cannot be changed, like your visual field etc etc. Mostly it also is an unfolding by itself and you can be a witness to that. But after becoming conscious that you are God and that you don’t really exist, you can change stuff you don’t like about your ego or personality. Very much. You will become more aware and conscious, very less fearful and anxiety full. All I’m saying is that the ego and person can be transformed for the better, also the way you relate and connect with others. Better, even legendary. Depends on how far you want to take it. That has been my experience at least. I’m still working on it everyday and I have already meet some amazing beings and shared great experiences and connection with them.
  10. It’s just the Non-dual One, I’m conscious that only it IS, there is only It Alone. Thus it follows that it is Everything as well. Most obviously, it is I. God is looking trough my eyes right now, writting this, having this direct aware and conscious experience. Who else could it be, who else could have this experience. Me? Horse shit.
  11. @Inliytened1 You speak truth my friend But I already know I am God. ‘’My’’ direct experience is God. God is the individual and all the individual’s experiences. Right now and here this very moment, this very second.
  12. Be the observer, the witness of mind activity. Observe them come and go, don’t identify, don’t judge, give them no interest, just let them come and go, just be the observer. Another good and important thing is to contemplate and self-inquire. All three combined should work good.
  13. Yeah, you can go back to duality than to non-duality if you can, no problem. My non-dual state has become so ‘’strong’’ that I can shift to it in seconds after being immersed in duality, mostly when interacting with others. I’m fully there, immersed in it. Then I go back to the non-dual state in a blink of an eye. God can attain the best of both the world of duality and non-duality, with full awarness.
  14. Smoked some strong hashish 30 min back and I became conscious that God is the direct now aware experience. God is not some being or creature who is omnipotent and creates stuff. God has omnipotent power and do create stuff, but is not some one entity or spirit. God is Everything. God is your direct aware experience. God is You. Im conscious of it right now, existence is God. im aware of it, I am It. I am aware that it is everything. The mind cannot comprehend this. What can I say... God exists. Are you conscious that you are reading this right now? In the same way I am conscious of God. No intellect, just pure consciousness of the non-dual One (God). I am It. I am literally God, completely. The belief in a separate entity is complete illusion, horse shit. Everything is God, that is the nature of Reality=God. Not easy to explain in dual language how that is so, but everything becomes clear when one becomes conscious of God.
  15. @Aaron p Awesome bro ?✌️It’s amazing, magical. God is everything and everything is God. I took it to the next level: God is God Is. Only God is. Not God is everything, there is no everything. I became conscious that there is only GOD, literally. Only God alone is, all there is is God.
  16. @Mikael89 That’s however not how I know that I am God. I’m directly aware and conscious that I am God, this came about from several NON-dual experiences and awakenings, both sober and high. The God I’m conscious of is Everything: Infinity, finite, nothingness, everything. The God I’m conscious of is a metaphysical fact, I’m conscious that only It alone exists and is everything, whatever it is. You can doubt that I am God, that comes from you still living in illusion and not being conscious. I know what I am and nothing can change that.
  17. @Mikael89 I have a body, but I am not the body. Yes, we are finite but the finite is the Infinite, one and the same, no seperation. The Infinite (God) includes the finite (us, individuals). You see now?
  18. Haha I’m in subway right now and asked the girl working there which I know from before if she believes in God. A straigh-forward no. I asked ‘’Not at all’’, she said no. I knew which God she doesn’t believe in, she is not non-duality conscious. Living the dream, denying an imaginary God. Not conscious that herself is God. A nice girl due, very sweet. Easy to talk to.
  19. Become conscious that You are God and all this will happen. It will take time but in the end you are God of your reality. Ask Ramana’s great question ‘’Who am I?’’ And contemplate the fuck out of it until you have arrived at the ultimate true answer ‘’I am God’’. That’s a long way, creating your reality the way you want and need after becoming conscious that you are God is also a long way, which I’m at right now. But in the end, it will become perfect. I know it, I am aware of it.
  20. @Tistepiste Do that my friend I love you too because I have no reason to not love you ❤️
  21. @ajasatya Thanks I will, I have nothing else to do, there is nothing else to do.
  22. You have a body which appear to be inside an external world, but no you are not that. You are the NON-dual God, experiencing duality. But God is everything, the body, the mind, the individual and all it’s experiences and perceptions. So you too is everything and the body because you are literally and actually GOD, I say this with conplete convinction. Nothing can change my mind about this, literally impossible.
  23. Why have a life purpose? You are God and can do anything. You are the Creator of your individual reality and existence. There is no purpose, that’s imagination. Just do what God is here to do, experience duality and existence. Immerse in it fully, connect fully with anyone, have no fear. Fuck rejection, that’s nothing. You are perfect the way you are, just become conscious and your life will transform forever. Existence has only one purpose: to exist. Fully, without fear or anxiety. Live like you are God. Not God in a ego sense, you will understand when you awaken to the fact that you are God. God is all-good, all-loving, without judgment, loves and connects with anyone. That is what I’m embodying each day.