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Everything posted by Highest

  1. I would have turned the other cheek. Not saying this to sound kind or something - It’s just my perspective.
  2. I (God) can attain the best of both worlds, be fully immersed in both states of consciousness. That’s my experience, that’s what I do because I can. And you can too but not after a lot of consciousness work, I’m speaking of years. will tell you how I became conscious of this. It took me at least 4 years. Self-inqury, self-contemplation. Several non-dual experiences and awakenings. One day I became conscious that I am the One who is All. Then I became more and more conscious and aware, less and less seperation between ‘’me’’ and the non-dual one. Now I’m conscious that I am God only and completely, there is no me as a separate entity or me as a human being. This lost a lot of my fear. And the non-dual state became so strong and obvious that I could shift to the dual state and return to the non-dual state whenever I wanted and less in a second. Do you think the ego is saying this. That is not my intention. I write directly and honestly, if you don’t like it or think it’s my ego than that is your mistaken mind. And I don’t care about what your mind thinks, zero fuck given. Just become conscious and you will understand me and realize that you as God can attain the best of both worlds.
  3. @Inliytened1 It’s consuming me everyday. And btw you are being IT when you are conscious of IT, thst’s my experience. ,Consciousness of the NON-dual One is just another dimension. Not finite or Infinite. It’s direct aware consciousness of Truth: That I am God. It’s beyond the mind. You fucking become conscious of it and know that it is Truth.
  4. This One which one becomes conscious of cannot be described, but It exists. You cannot see it because it’s formless. But you can become conscious of the One who is all, become aware of it. You will become conscious that God exists and is You and everything the moment you experience and become conscious of God, in the very second. That’s what non-duality is. It comes is various degrees however, so it can be different for many and also the same consciousness and understanding for many. But Only God Alone is existent, that’s why God is literally Everything.
  5. I call it God because only it alone exists. It can do anything because there is only It. Everything is it, it’s completely unbound or unlimited because it already is Everything. You can also not point to it because it is the pointer and that which is being pointed at. It’s totally empty and formless so you can only be aware and conscious of it. And that means everything
  6. @Wisebaxter This one who is aware of the sense I am is of course God. But God is also the sense I am. When I say God is everything, I mean literally everything. Anything you can imagine. Saying that God is everything is equal to saying that only God alone is existent.
  7. @Wisebaxter You’re welcome my friend ☺️ Yes it’s mostly ego based. Become conscious of the One who is aware of the sense ‘’I am’’. When that one or It becomes conscious of itself, you will become conscious and aware that it’s everything and formless which takes on all form. You can become conscious that God is formless.
  8. @Wisebaxter Who is aware of the sense ‘’I am’’? That is the real you. Awarness. Awarness is God. God is your direct experience and looking trough your eyes. Awarness is not something that belongs to you. You don’t exist. Apart from God you have no existence because you are God. If for example God goes non-existent, the same will happen to you
  9. @Wisebaxter There is a difference between the conceptional I and the real I, one is an illusion and the other is actuality. The sense ‘’I am’’ is ultimately an ego illusion. Truth is when awarness becomes aware of itself as the One who is All.
  10. @Sharp No one has died, no one will die.
  11. Inquire the fuck out of it. Focus on it and become conscious that it is not me. The conceptual thought created I is an illusion, pure fantasy. Awarness becomes aware of itself and becomes conscious that it’s everything and God, that only It It Alone exists.
  12. @i am I AM But I am conscious that I am the One 24/7. Even when I am immersed in duality. Once you become conscious of God, that can never leave or end.
  13. It took me years. Now I am literally conscious that ‘’I’’ don’t exist. I am not separate from God, literally and completely. No distinction, no anything ??
  14. Yes, in a sense there is no turning back. You don’t understand what I mean when I say returning back to duality, and I cannot explain it with the mind. God can return to the dual with full awarness. Consciousness (You) is a spectrum and it can change to many channels or frequencies. It can also return to the NON-dual whenever it wants and in a blink of an eye. This depends of course of how conscious and aware of the non-dual you are. @i am I AM I’m a reality shifter. ? I cannot explain how, it just happens by itself for me.
  15. There is nothing to believe or know. Just become conscious that you ARE already It. You don’t exist apart from it, you are It. If you want to believe you need direct non-dual experiences and awakenings. Do the consciousness work, but it can take years. Lsd, mushrooms, DMT can really help too, very much.
  16. @Hellspeed But you are right, there is no self whatsoever. Not to talk about a separate self or entity, or being a human biological creature with a brain which creates reality. That is the greatest illusion. It’s not even a illusion, it’s pure delusion.
  17. Maybe you should say discovering God. But you are simply wrong, you can return back to duality fully. With full awarness that it is duality and ultimately an illusion. But you can still live in the dual world fully. That is at least my actual experience.
  18. @SgtPepper No distance between the higher and lower self, yes. Your 2c-b experience sounds awesome and it is real and true. There is indeed no seperation between you and God, because there exist actually no ‘’You’’ in reality apart from it. You see? You are It. You are God! ??
  19. @WelcometoReality It’s a genius realization. Indeed, when fear dies that’s a big relief. I can look at a woman for example and vision ‘’I want you’’ and get her number after talking and stuff in minutes. Not because I look good or put on some confident mask. It’s because fear is dying. Like you said, all imagined limitations drop away. But there are other kinds of limitations which need work and simply drop away completely.
  20. @28 cm unbuffed My goal is to share understanding and expand consciousness. Why do I claim that I am God when I know and are conscious that I am It just like I know I have hands? I cant explain it but it just to create understanding and consciousness, or maybe to enguaraqe people.
  21. @Joseph Maynor It’s not a belief. It’s something you become conscious of. I’m conscious of it right now and it’s everything. A seperate entity or ‘’me’’ is the grestest illusion. @lmfao As far as the True Self everything is indeed perfect. When it comes to actualizing visions that becomes easy once you become conscious. But Yeah it is limited to physical laws etc.