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Everything posted by Highest

  1. That’s non-duality, yes. I’m not just saying understand it, become conscious of it. A non-dual experience is what you want, I assure you of that.
  2. Become conscious that you don’t exist at all apart from God. To believe that you are some separate entity or ‘’Me’’ is pure illusion and delusion. Understand this first and then take mushrooms, something very profound should and will happen.
  3. @AstralProjection I agree that whatever actions towards others you do affect and create consequences for yourself, no doubt. But will it follow you after death As well? No, I disagree with that completely.
  4. I’m not attached to my actions because I know that God is the only doer and acter. Other than that I don’t think I believe in karma but it depends on what you mean by it and how you define it. Feel free to explain.
  5. Basically, the conceptual mind created ‘’I’’ is an illusion and delusion. There is no real self inside you or anything. You are God and can become conscious that it’s everything, omnipotent, formless. That’s what you are right now. All concepts of what you are is delusion. Don’t use the mind for this, become conscious of it.
  6. Fire=Passion. Air+breath, life.
  7. @Peo I have been in emptiness ar least a year. As God I’ve become conscious several times that I’m Omnipresent and everything. You are dealing with the non-dual, you are on the right track. Keep doing your thing ☺️?
  8. There is no morality. God doesn’t judge or give a fuck about what you do. God is already you and does everything you do. Good or bad, whatever it is.
  9. @Cortex once you awakens, you should not remain awake forever, you will remain awake forever. It can never leave. You can never go back. And non-existence is a concept and immpossible.
  10. This of course comes in various degrees and levels. The ultimate level is like Leo did and actually died in order to become God fully (Infinite).
  11. No, it has nothing to do with the mind. It’s direct awarness and consciousness of what the real You is, which to me can only be described as God. It’s direct actuality, direct Truth.
  12. Materialism is horse shit and on top of that it is working within the dream. Become conscious of this ?
  13. Btw mathematics is a human invention. Horse shit. It can never ‘’prove’’ that you are awarness or make you conscious of it.
  14. X - you don’t exist y - Awarness exist and is aware of itself Conclusion or = : Only awarness exists ta-da! Much simplier?
  15. It means that they are me, they are not apart from me. Direct experience, mind, body. We are One being. It’s just that our direct Experiences, Mind and Body are unique. Not different in any way whatsoever, just unique. That’s all it is.
  16. @Nahm Indeed. ‘’You are God with omnipotent power, and this, this is what you are, now’’ After reading this I got a quck insight and I kinda consciously understood it. I will Inquire more into it. You are really there ?
  17. @Nahm When I say I’m God I’m Like saying I’m conscius and aware that I am God, Not actually God with omnipotent power etc. I don’t exist at all apart from God. I know the ego-person body mind is an illusion and actually delusion. So with twoness. Also, humillity is nr 1 for me.
  18. @Nahm tnx, I love you too man. You are a conscious good man and I am actually conscious of that.
  19. @Nahm In other words, you deny the existence of a Soul.
  20. @Nahm What do you mean, please explain. Look for what?
  21. Yes. I completely disagree that becoming infinite aka God is a hallucination. And science is horse shit.
  22. Also, I love the spirit in you which I can consciously see trough you. I love that you are God who experiences duality, and I love how you do it. It’s flawless, perfect. Impossible to notice. I’m not better or ANYTHING than anyone. Rather, I am You, we are One. And I love that too. I love you. ❤️❤️
  23. @Truth Addict @JohnnyBravo Indeed ?❤️
  24. The conscious and aware experiencer cannot die. If it did Leo couldn’t have recalled that ‘’He’’ became Infinite.
  25. The Soul exists and is You, it’s probably That which leaves the body aftet death. But it is not apart or has any existence apart from the non-dual One (The only true and real God).