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Everything posted by Highest

  1. @Jed Vassallo basically how I see and understanding it is that anyone is my creation, meaning that they have no existence apart from me or my direct experience. Just like the world have no existence apart from me when I’m in deep sleep. But everyone is God too and I don’t exist apart from their direct experience. And Yes I have experienced being God fully and completely about 7 months back now.
  2. @Jed Vassallo Fuck it’s impossible to write with this iphone suddenly. I’m Going to the city soon and buy an iPad so I can write quckly and stuff. I was going to do it yesterday but other plans came. I will give you a good answer in the evening. Stay tuned ?
  3. @Jed Vassallo I will answer you in about 30-48 min, in bussy with something now.
  4. @Rujan Mehar Bajracha It simply means that there is only One undivided God who is everything including you. It means you don’t exist. A separate Me is an illusion. The person-ego-body mind which you take to be you unconsciously is an illusion. The quicker you realize and become conscious of this, the quicker you will realize and become conscious of who and what you are behind the illusory.
  5. @RichardY You sound like someone who likes reading philosophy, just like a guy I meet a couple hours ago. He didn’t believe in God due, but was sure that everything is energy. But Yes you are right about pantheism and theism (God being trancendent). The problem with Atheists is that they deny an imaginary God, an idea of God. They are not conscious of God and that He really exists, and thus they don’t know what God means and really is. Most importantly and obviously, they are completely blind to the fact that they are God.
  6. No, I’m talking about morality in general. All morality and immortality. God doesn’t judge or give a fuck because It is both and act out both. So were are you on all this? Nowhere, non-existent. About that list of duality between illusion and truth etc, it would be interesting writting some essays on it. @Shiva You are right, it’s Just in our human nature or something.
  7. @RichardY That’s interesting. I knew they were pantheist. I am not a pantheist, you can say that I’m Godtheist: There is only God, everything is God. It’s basically the same, so kinda in a sense you can say I’m a pantheist but I don’t identify myself with such stuff.
  8. @AstralProjection Cool. I've had some obe's like 2 years ago. It made me believe that we are more than just the material body. But now after 2 years I don't think matter exists at all, complete illusion and horse shit. What we call matter is the formless non-dual One (God), Form and matter is actually God and formless. I also believe there is existence after death because non-existence is impossible, just imagination.
  9. You may not believe me or that you are God, but I am actually conscious of it. Do you know what that means? Not easy to explain in dual language but I can say it’s stronger knowledge that I have eyes, it’s stronger evidence than me just writting ‘’God’’ right now. It’s so obvious and clear.
  10. @now is forever I understand. I love the ego, that’s what makes us unique. But I am also actually conscious that you are God and the ego is not apart from God because there is only God (non-duality). That is simply actuality.
  11. @now is forever I can connect and know people quckly actually. Total acceptance, no fear to fully connect and all that. Just the way I am, but it’s difficult with many immersed in the ego-mind and close-mind states. But tnx, I will take that as an compliment I think ? What do you mean when you say I know how to trigger your ego?
  12. @now is forever Yeah, noticed that ? What made you confused, what did I say which confused you? So I can clarify.
  13. @now is forever We probably meant and understood what we wrote differently You are interesting to read, but you should be more direct and simple. You write a little complicated, i dont know if you are conscious of it. Or maybe it’s just me and im being wrong.
  14. @now is forever Okay, you said I don’t want to be you. I said I wish. With that I meant I like you. When you said I don’t want to be you I understood it maybe wrong, but I understood it that you thought maybe I didn’t want to know you better or that I have no interest in you, which is not the case. You see?
  15. @now is forever I mean the whole of you. You are interesting to talk to, you are conscious. You have a good spirit and I’m conscious of that. Too bad you live too far away, we two could have shared great things, had a good time, become One. I would make it happen, I assure you ??
  16. @now is forever I wish I could ‘’be you’’ but maybe I just have to be your shadow in this forum ?
  17. @now is forever I would say God. But why are you asking me, you should yourself know who you are. Who do you consciously know who you are?
  18. What do you mean by being reborn and dying millions of times? Like literally (i dont think) or like spiritualy or physicaly etc?
  19. Forget about religion, it talks about a lot of shit. Have this been told by genuine sages, gurus, sadhgurus, basically perfect realized masters? If so, give me some examples.
  20. Death is concept, a human invention and imagination. The word has a bad reputation because most humans think they are the body and brain. This is an illusion, a lie and delusion. NON-existence is also imagination. You are eternal and thus immortal. Can you become aware or conscious from your direct experience that you have only always existed forever and is doing it right now? That you never were born or had any begginning to your existence whatsoever?
  21. Indeed, but with enough neti neti you will become conscious of that which you are and That which you cannot say is not that. Neti neti is just a practice to eventually make you conscious of that which you truly are: God.
  22. No my friend, emptiness shows you and makes you conscious that there is no self. That there is no seperate ‘’Me’’. No self and no ‘’Me’’. That’s at least my experience being immersed in emptiness for about 1 year. Your experience with it may be different due, we are all unuqiue and that’s cool. I like and respect that you want to transcend the ego-mind. That Is hard work but once illusion is seen trough, it dies. btw you are not just emptiness, you are GOD and emptiness is an aspect of God, or you can say it’s His true nature. Being totally empty and formless.
  23. Only God is, only God is the doer. Who is this ‘’me’’ that does wrong and right, good and bad? How can God judge you when it knows ‘’You’’ don’t exist, when it knows it is you and everything, and does every act?