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Everything posted by Highest

  1. I don't want to have anyone around me. Nay, I want to die alone. Solo. But indeed, enough with all this death and awakening... My love. Our love is untouched. No devil can touch it. Satan himself can try, he can try.. Nay, my love, I will have her until death tears me apart from her... This I know. This I know. My first true love, my one and only love, my very last love. Here it is. Here she is. Ay, not Satan himself can disturb this love. Ay, not Satan himself. For I would sacrifice my own life just to see her live hers. Ay, I would sacrifice my own life! My own life.
  2. And my father, how he saw his father in his dream. Happy. Just that dream...My father never cried again. My mothers father... How God stopped his heart in an instant. My grandmother, she only left to get him some water... Only to find her love gone... And soon, Oh soon it will be my turn... Finally, I shall see for myself... Finally... I shall awaken.
  3. My grandfather, his faith and persistent prayer in God was untouched. But then his day came. He knew it. Didn't eat for the whole day... Then he knew, now my time has come... So he went to his bed and gathered us around him... My family, including myself, in tears... Praying for him... How I watched all this magnificence right in front of my eyes... Death itself. What a brave soul... I could see litte to no resistence or fear in him. He accepted his death, he embraced it. Praying along, until his very last breath. I could see.. How his last breath was violently taken out of him... His eyes, still like the mind of Buddha. I saw, his very soul leave him... And I saw and knew... I knew when I saw it... Became directly conscious and aware of it.... He has awoken... He has awoken in his very death. Death awoke him. The Death.
  4. All glory be to God. All praise be to God. There is no God but God! There is no God but God! There is no God but God! The Creator of All. The One who breathed His Love and Life into my soul. Completely. Absolutely. The One who will effortlessly take it away. Completely. Absolutely. I say, awakening is within my very soul. I call it death... The One and Only Awakening. The Absolute Ultimate Awakening. This is God. This is His Love and Grace. This is His LOVE and GRACE. I remember, when my grandfather died. How I watched him say his last words, "There is no God but God." How I watched his body and ego resist, but something in him was calm. His last breath was taken... I could see in His eyes, his very spirit and life going... Then he was gone... The silence that followed... Oh, the silence that followed... There is no God but God. Testify fellow devils... There is no God but God!
  5. I feel God's Absolute Love. The very reason He gave me life... The very reason He will take it from me... To enjoy the fuck out of it as long as it lasts... And to surrender to death fully... Absolute Awakening... Awakened by the One and Only Awakener of man, the most Supreme Himself... What did you think death was? Haha, what did you think death was? Did you for a second think with your disgusting shameful mind that the Supreme who Created you didn't exists? Did you for a second think that His selfless Divine Love was anything like yours? Nay, God is Absolute, His existence is Absolute. Ay, God's Love is Absolute. All shall return to Him. I say, ALL SHALL RETURN TO HIM! This is God's Love and Grace. Sniff, plug it all your ass, smoke it all... I would rather just smoke some weed while being given a perfect blowjob by my love. Ay, I would rather be ME than becoming some fuckings dead guru. Or plug some 5-meo my asshole.. My God will awaken me when He wills. For now.... I just want to think about tomorrow... O, TOMMOROW.
  6. I asked God, "This world, myself, what to do with it?" God told me, "Enjoy it." I said, "But what about this awakening all these people are talking about? God, the most Supreme, said to my very heart... No drug can touch my Ultimate nature, my Absolute nature. Nay, no drug can touch the Natural Absolute Awakening that will come. Death itself. No fuckings drug... No fuckings guru... Nay, NOTHING... God gave me life to breathe and live... And God breathed death into me so I could take my last invetiable breath... God have already given me the Absolute One and Only Awakening... I shall happily surrender to it... Now, for now, I shall happily enjoy life... This is God's Grace and Absolute Love... And you have no say in this... You have no say in this devil.
  7. All glory and praise be to God. I testify, I testify for those who have no shame, for those who have no shame in claiming Godhood with you, for those who deny your existence... There is no God but You! When death comes... No man shall claim any Godhood with you... No man shall deny you.... If they only wish... If they could only try... And they do, in this dream of dreams... But I know, this dream is only to be enjoyed... I know, there is only One thing worth knowing and that is You... And I know, your Supreme grace is in death itself. No drug can touch it's ultimatum, it's absolute nature. Nay, this is the one and only Absolute Awakening. This is God's grace to all of His Creation... So I say, this dream is to be enjoyed. I say, my God's Love is Absolute. All shall awaken to Him. Sniff it all, plug it all your ass, smoke it all... I was created, designed to be what I am as I am! I was created, designed to die! I was created and designed to awaken! Not by some drug. Not by some fuckings guru. Nay, I was created to be awakened by God Himself!
  8. All glory be to God. All glory be to God. In the ultimate death, no man or ego shall exist. Nay, not when his ego is annihilated. No, not when his body is rotting in the ground. When his ego and mind is annihilated. When his body has taken it's last breath... Where is this man? Contemplate! This unimaginable extraordinary thing which is coming for all of us. Contemplate! What man can have the power to claim himself to be God when his time comes? Contemplate! Praise be to The God. There is no God but Him. I remember I said to my girlfriend, "I don't fear death." And my love said the same. But we both lied. No man. No woman... Shall go though death without fear and resistence. The death... The death that shall seperate me, annihilate me from all my loved ones... The death... That shall annihilate me... Nay, not..... The Death.
  9. The Ego shall respect his death. To not resist or fear it, that is to make death less than what it is... Ay, death is coming to all of you my fellow devils... No trace of you shall remain... No, no trace shall remain! Enjoy what God gave you as long as it lasts. For you are the Ego and this Ego shall be annihilated. Ay, the Absolute Ultimate awakening shall come. This is God's grace! And the Absolute Ultimate death of the Ego shall come. This is God's grace! Enjoy it, my fellow devils, as long as it lasts. For death is coming to you. Death is coming to you.
  10. The Ego can and will resist with all his power. I shall die... I shall die... I shall die never the less.... I shall die never the less. Praise be to God.
  11. All praise and glory be to the Only One worth of any praise and glory. I testify for those who have lost all shame... No man. O, I say, no man! No man is You! The Creator of the Supreme death. Leaving nobody. Awakening all to You. O Supreme, the Creator of the Supreme death. No man, no man shall be left. No matter what I do. No matter how much I resist. No matter how much I fear. No matter what I do. Your Supreme will, Your Supreme Power shall annihilate me, leaving no trace. Annihilate all of me, annihilate everything I knew. This is Your Supreme will. And I'm just happy knowing fully well... No matter what I do... Even if I resist with my very soul and heart. Even if I fear like I couldn’t fear any stronger. Your Supreme Will is what will happen never the less.... And over that, I have no power whatsoever... And knowing that makes me.... Happy.
  12. All praise be to God, the most Supreme, the most High. God forbid that I associate anything in creation to Him. God forbid that I claim to be God Himself. All praise be to the Only One worth of any praise. My God, take me away from those who claim to be You, take me away from those who have no shame. My God, this is how you created me. Take me away from those who say I ought to change. Take me away from those who say I'm less than Absolute Perfection, Absolute Miracle, Absolute Imposibility made possible. O God, when shall I die? When I do, don't be shy of your Divine power, your Divine love. Annihilate me, annihilate any resistence in me, any fear in me. O God, don't be shy... ANNIHILATE ME!
  13. Praise be to God, the most Supreme. There is no God but God. I was not created by none but Him. You were not Created by none but the most High. You can deny that to your very last breath. Ay, you can deny that to your very death. When I and You shall die. When I and you, no matter what we do, shall submit ourselves to our God. This is God's Supreme grace. Touching you with His divine Love. No matter what you do... Ay, no matter what you do! Ay, I say, no matter what you fuckings do! Even if you are worse than Hitler himself, even if you are Satan himself. No matter what you do! You shall submit to your God! You shall submit to your very God! You shall submit, surrender and die to your God and Supreme Creator!
  14. I, the Devil, the Supreme Creation of the most Supreme, created this world in my image. With women, with money, with drugs, with video games, with all that which you see in it... Women so I don't have to have sex with myself. Money so I could buy drugs. Drugs so I could feel happy and excotic. Video games so I could own you in it. Nay, I don't need your confirmation. Your judgment means nothing to me. Ay, my God created me in His image. Ay, this is what I am. This is what God wanted. This is what God willed. Ay, I am the most Supreme and Perfect Creation of all Creation. None but God created me. With all His fuckings Love and Goodness. Ay, created my body so I could touch another body with my magnificent fingers. Ay, created my mind so I could dream to infinity. Ay, created 8 billion other humans beings so we could be TWO. So we could love and kiss. Ay, breathed His Divine Love into me so I could love and exist at all. Ay, I am the Devil and the most High created me to be ME. Nay, not to run away from myself. Run from what God gave me. Not to annihilate my precious mind. Not to leave my precious body in some Mahasamadhi. Not to kill my precious unique ego and personality. Not to kill my loved ones by disappearing into some void. Nay, I say I'm the devil and this is how God created me! This is how God created me!
  15. My love had it right. I told her about this forum. She said, never talk about it again. I quess that makes both of us devils. I guess that makes both of us devils. But I'm with the devils. We run this world, we are what God created us to be. And then you have the spiritual saints. Like Buddhists and Atheists, they are doomed to be in the minority. They say, "We are devils in suffering." I say, we are devils and enjoing our suffering. Now, go to some cave or sit under some tree. Go into your void or emptiness. Or better yet, take some psycadelics. Disappear from the world, disappear from your loved ones. I say, I'm with the devils. I say, this world is ours and always will be. We will always be what we are, as God created and wanted it to be. Ay, I'm with the Devils! Now and for eternity. ?
  16. A devil is God's Creation. I won't deny parts of God's Creation. No, I rather embrace all of it. I remember a friend of mine who took lsd. He came to us and said, "I AM GOD! I AM GOD!" He went into the forest and never came back. True story, no kidding. I would rather go into the forest and come back with something delicious to eat. I am what I am! Buddha can deny himself as much as he wants and leave behind the only things he really had. Go into some emptiness because his ego wasn't happy and satisified with what God already gave him. I would rather drink Red Bull, feel it go down my system rather than dissapear in some void. Feel it all. Sadhguru can act like this Santa Guru or Saint as much as he wants. I would rather be me. I would rather decline his shaktipat and rather accept some weed and a blowjob while I smoke. And drink some Red Bull after just to chill my warm body. ?
  17. This is my world. I created it in my image... A world within worlds, so I could move in it. Weed, weed everywhere. So I could smoke everyday, everyday. Dream to infinity, imagine from scratch. Dream, dream to infinity. Imagine, imagine from scratch. Women, women everywhere. So I could have sex rather than having sex with myself. I don't like the idea of looking at an ant and thinking I created it. Nor do I like the idea of looking at myself and thinking I'm God. I quess that makes me into a lesser devil. I guess that makes me into a lesser devil. But I still love sex, money, stimulus. I love my body. How else could I drink Red Bull? I love my mind. How else could I dream to infinity? Ay, all I see is real. EVERYTHING. I don't like the idea of looking in my mothers eyes and thinking she is imaginary. Nay, I don't like the idea of looking at this world and thinking it's an illusion. I quess that makes me into a lesser devil. I quess that makes me into a lesser devil... But I am still a devil. And I say, I enjoy it very much. I enjoy it very fuckings much. ??
  18. Amen. -------- Humanity over spirituality. Devil over Saint and Guru. Now, I just want to think, feel. Use my real mind, touch my real body. Love my real girlfriend. Yes, another human being. Real, distinct, unique, special. She is not imagined, not an illusion, not my own self. Just like this Red Bull in my real hands. Full circle.
  19. They say I'm a devil. I say, I enjoy it very much. This devil doesn't want salvation. This devil doesn't care if Jesus or Buddha died for my sins. They can die again and yet again, they sacrifice won't bring this devil salvation. No, this devil is as God created him. This devils eyes are as God created them. Seeing... Sex, money, stimulus. Seeing.... The world as real. Other people as real. The mind, the body, feelings, love, evil - everything as REAL. No, oh no, this devil cannot be saved. This devil enjoys being a devil. This devil doesn't like the idea of becoming a Buddha, leaving everything behind and going to a tree, meditate myself to emptiness. Or die for others sins like Jesus. Or look like some super human Santa with a gigantic beard like Sadhguru. No, this devil would rather smoke weed while being given a blowjob. Drinking some Red Bull after. This devil would rather be a devil. Yes, this devil enjoys being a devil. ?
  20. It's all good, we all exist. We all exist bro. I'm really happy for it. I'm happy to be a devil. I'm happy I still believe in this supposed illusion. Indeed, I couldn’t imagine it being otherwise. Die for Truth and look at everything as imagined. We diagnose that as insanity. I can become insane when I die.
  21. @VeganAwake I know about one thing being outside of This, actually... My Red Bull. I'm happy for it. How else could I drink it? ? Yea, I'm a supposed devil. A devil and enjoing it. I almost cheated today. My ego-mind almost couldn't resist it... But I annihilated the thought of cheating... I quess that makes me less of a devil...
  22. The same God who created the hotel room I will be in tommorow. The same God who created my girlfriend and I so we could be togheter in this room, fully ? I don't see evil. Just.... Absolute Goodness, Absolute Intelligence. Absolute AbsoluteHood.
  23. My direct conscious realization of God is Absolute. But leaving that aside for now... I realized something today. I want to spend the rest of my life taking mushrooms. Literally. I dont want to just live a normal life. I don't just want to realize God's existence and say that's it. No, I want to experience it all. To grow, to experience magic right in front of my eyes, see the impossible manifest right in front of me. Darkness, Death and Life, Goodness, Love, Truth, God itself. I want to experience all this and beyond. I want to see Truth in it's eye and live by it. I want to look my death in the eye and fuckings die, surrender fully to it. No matter the cost. Indeed, today is my very last day on this forum. Thus, thanks for everything and good bye. Magic is waiting for me now... Magic. Merry Christmas ?
  24. @Consilience Meditation is child's play. ?
  25. It's just magic truffles. You have to take as much psilocybin out of them. Anything less than 100g is child's play, in my sincere opinion.