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Everything posted by Highest

  1. Remains me of an experience I had under my awakening. I saw for a moment that reality was like a movie playing itself out, then about 3 sec later it was the same reality before that moment happened. How can I describe this experience in words?? God, I don't have time nor do I think I can do it with words.
  2. Or you can simply say It aka the real you which is the absence of the self. Awareness, emptiness and God are concepts. All there is is It and it cannot possibly be described. It comes prior to all concepts. It's totally formless and empty. Thus, one can only be conscious or aware of It. It's nothing, non-existent because of the above, but it IS and is Everything because one is conscious and aware of it.
  3. According to Leo the Apsolute hallucinates reality into existence, (something like that). I believe him. His direct aware experiences and conscious states of the Apsolute cannot be compared to mine. But there is only One Apsolute and I am conscious of the same one. It can do anything. It is Everything and thus nothing can stop It from doing anything. It's it's reality and it can do whatever it wants with it.
  4. How to convince others of that? Hahaha
  5. You are a hallucination and an illusion ?
  6. @FredFred Forget about that girl from Tyrkia. After our date today I know she was mine and vice versa. Next date it will happen
  7. But nothingness or even apsolute nothingness is not apart from Everything. Nothingness is not actual Nothing. It exists and IS. There is no such thing as non-existence. It's all part of That or It which is Everything. Leo likes to call it God or consciousness and the sages and gurus likes to call it the Self or Brahman (God). But once you become conscious and aware of It, it doesn't matter what you call it. You are just putting labels, meaning and concept to It. And It is prior to all of that.
  8. It cannot be pointed to because it is the finger and everything the finger points at. It cannot be seen by the eye because it is formless. It cannot be located, It simply just IS. One can only be conscious or aware of It. I agree with Joseph Maynor now that God is a concept and comes with many mind created meaning. "It" is a better usage. And I, you and everything is It. One can only be conscious or aware of that too.
  9. @SoonHei Yes, true. All is well and perfect right this very second and have always been and will always be. @now is forever Cool video
  10. @How to be wise ?? Described? By the mind or language? Impossible.
  11. @andyjohnsonman Because 5-meo dmt is powerful stuff and it literally became his direct aware experience. And he became fully conscious and aware of it too.
  12. Something is wrong with my phone or with the forum, can't take away what is above. But I want to say that everything is Everything and there is only One everything. This "It" is what is Everything. And one can only be conscious and aware of it because it is totally formless and empty. It=Everything. Everything=It. Everything doesn't mean just everything due, it's actually some "It" which is Everything. It can only be made conscious of or aware of. The mind can't grasp it or describe it. Language is totally futile. Infinity is One and fully existent and conscious. Infinity is an "It". So there is an It which is Everything and which everything is It. In other words, there is literally only It. Call it whatever. That becomes futile once you become conscious and aware of it.
  13. It cannot be described either with language. Impossible.