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Everything posted by Highest

  1. Personally this is how I see it. I have a choice to post this or not, but it is not me choosing it. It is It which does it, that which is the absence of the illusory Self or Ego. Call it God, consciousness, whatever. Doesn't matter once you become conscious of It and that only It exists.
  2. That's what I'm not trying to do the whole way bro.
  3. It's the absence of me. But when you go full circle you become conscious that it is me too 100% because It is Everything and includes everything. Ultimately there is no me, that was always an illusion. It was only ever It.
  4. Nothing says anything. It's direct awarness of It. It is the absence of "Me".
  5. It doesn't say anything itself, it just IS. I wouldn't say it sections out from Being.
  6. yes all beliefs and teachings are false. They are not direct experience or awareness.
  7. @SgtPepper yes true?It is just conscious being conscious of itself as everything.
  8. How can you have free will when you don't exist? You only exist as That which is Everything or what the mind would call God. Only That is the doer and has free will to do anything as it is Everything and thus nothing can prevent it from doing anything aka It is Omnipotent.
  9. Taking ownership of It is the ego. Becoming conscious that you are It means you are It 100% and that only It exists. It thus follows that "You" don't exist, you exist only as It. You see the difference?
  10. You can call It whatever. But once you become conscious of That which is the absence of the illusory Self, there is no need to. There is direct contact and awareness of It. You are conscious of It. So That or It is the best usage.
  11. Who told you that illusions are not part of That which is Everything? There is only It, all illusions are included in It. There is therefore no valid reasons why Leo can't or should not make videos. It's all the play of the One.
  12. Awesome quote ❤️ Indeed, no-self is the true self. That which is the absence of the Self is all there is.
  13. One can only be conscious or aware of It because It is totally formless and empty. It cannot be described by the mind or language because it is prior to them. Put no labels, concepts or meaning to it. It is prior to all of that. And you are none but It. Everything is none but It. There is only One Infinity or Everything. It includes everything. There is only It. Become conscious of this and be free.
  14. ?? That which looks through that eye is totally formless and empty. One can thus only be conscious and aware of It. Everything is made of It-self. Everything is made of It as there is only It.
  15. From and as itself as experience is That which alone IS and That is only itself. And everything is That, thus the substance of everything is That and itself. Actually, there is no substance because That is totally empty, total nothing.
  16. You need to become Alone and embrace it. Aloneness is not loneliness, it's completeness. It's not isolation. You still interact with other beings and the world. But you yourself stays Alone as there is only You. You exist and are That which is Everything. At the same time "You" don't exist. There is only That.