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Everything posted by Highest

  1. God cannot be pointed to as it is Everything. God cannot be described by the mind or language because God is formless and prior to both the mind and language. God cannot be located. God is non-local and simply just IS. God is Omnipotent and Love. One can only become conscious or aware of God. I don't know where people are at their spiritual life but ask yourself "What am I?". Keep your focus on that question alone. Keep your awareness, direct experience and being on that question. You are not the mind. Find out who is aware of the mind and it's activities. You are not the body, find out who moves and controls it. You are not an "I". Find out the source of "I". What is it? Where does it come from? Does it actually exist or is real? Find out That which is the absence of "I". That You Are.
  2. The world does not matter. Whatever happens in it or to whom it happens to it doesn't matter. It's only God's playground where He experiences Himself. Did I cry when my grandmother died? No. She has it better now. Nothing goes into non-existence, there is no such thing. Do I feel sorrow for all the pain and suffering in the world. Yes and no. Yes, because I have feelings. No, because I know it's all God and thus I feel peace and relief in the end. Don't take the world or yourself so seriously. It isn't what it appears to be.
  3. Yeah, he was totally conscious and aware of God and himself as God. He was fully non-dual. I just love reading his stuff, it just resonates with me. So does Sufism. "I am the Truth." - Mansur Al-Hallaj. He got executed for saying this. Great sufi master. "When you know yourself, your 'I'ness vanishes and you know that you and Allah (God) are one and the same." Ibn Arabi. Another great Sufi master
  4. "God alone exists as Existence Eternal and all else is illusion – a creation of Maya. And what is Maya? Maya is the principle of ignorance. Maya makes you feel what, in fact, does not exist. In Reality, neither man nor woman, neither the so-called animate beings nor the inanimate things exist. It is Maya which causes the unreal to appear as real and existing.” - Meher Baba At least someone helped me. Again, the world isn't what it appears to be. There is only God. Suffering and pain is God. The sufferer is God. Only the power of illusion keeps you from seeing this. And this illusion is God's will. Only way to break through it is to become conscious and aware.
  5. You didn't get the message. You are not conscious of what the "world" and "human beings" really is. I assume from your post.
  6. Words are not right, but it's the usual way to communicate and understand each other. Truth can only be made conscious of. And the Truth is that only God IS. ta-da all of your problems solved.
  7. No, not because of that. Suffering doesn't matter ultimately if you are conscious of what suffering and the sufferer is.
  8. I hope so. A new revolution has to happen in the world: Spirituality and non-duality. To answer the question of what the brain is: It's That which is Everything and includes Everything. God is inside your head. Surprised? ?
  9. Materialism you know ? Find out what the brain itself is. You can become conscious of it.
  10. It's a mad world but love everyone because everyone is just playing out their roles and lifes as God. Nothing can do anything about the will of God and none are to blame for anything because there are none existent but God in the first place.
  11. I just remembered hearing this song. Can't remember when, it's years back. Awesome song ❤️
  12. Oh, now I remember. The source itself is I. What else could it be?
  13. It's all God and from that point of view nothing is rejected or seen as bad or wrong. It's just God's dream and doing. The dream matters nothing for God aka You. It matters only for the ego.
  14. @Truth Addict Very nice. But ultimately one must go full circle on the Self-inqury path and become conscious that "yourself" cannot be located. You are non-local and everything.
  15. It is totally empty and formless thus you can only be aware or conscious of It. It cannot be located, It simply IS It cannot be described by the mind or language. It is prior to all concepts, meaning and labels. It cannot be located because it is Everything. I'm not preaching, I'm writing from my personal direct experience and conscious state of It. And you are It.
  16. The Ego is a complicated matter. But yes, better to chase liberation. Liberation for me is to become conscious that God is all there is. Even if just once. My goal is to become 100% conscious of that before "I" leave the body.
  17. Yes, it is. It/God is the absence of the illusory Self/Ego. But you can never kill it, you can only transcend it. Only a few perfect enlightened masters have totally annihilated their ego and they didn't do it alone but with God's grace. They normally leave their body through Mahasamadhi and get liberated from re-incarnation.
  18. Ah, I didn't think of it that way. Very nice?
  19. Yup, no such thing as non-existence. I have not become conscious of Infinity. I have become conscious that God is everything due. I have also become conscious of eternity.
  20. The truth is that only God is the real Existence and the real doer. Doership and the ego are merely an illusion like snake in the robe. Purposeless is the real state of existence aka God.