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Everything posted by Highest

  1. Self-inqure. I can't do it for you bro. You will find out that the source of "I" is nothing, it doesn't really exist. I'm just conscious of the non-dual One aka God and that It is Everything. I have passed through being identitying with awarness.
  2. I wish to the best bro aka God-realization. I'm happy for you and your awakening. Isn't reality just awesome? ?
  3. I don't think death of experience itself is possible, but the "I" and all it's identification can vanish from it.
  4. did you actually see this 3d ball in your experience or did you become conscious or aware of it?
  5. Yeah, for sure. What kind glimpse of Truth did you have if you can describe it?
  6. You can always go deeper. Please eloborate more on giving up the self-experiencing? I think I know what you mean, but I'm not completely sure.
  7. That's good bro ? Me? About 12-14 months now. It took me years to be on the edge of the world.
  8. You can call It that.? I'm just conscious and aware of It. It's beyond the mind, concepts and words. It simply just IS and I'm conscious and aware that It (God) is all there is
  9. Indeed ?It's just conscious being conscious of itself as itself. What is it conscious of as itself? The One which Alone IS.
  10. Nobody suffers in vain. Man unknowingly suffers for God (Self realization), and God knowingly suffers for man (betterment of humanity). - Meher baba Suffering is vital to Self-realization aka God-realization. I can confirm that from my own personal experience.
  11. @tedens Find the source of "I". Where is it and what is it?
  12. I have been exactly there. The world didn't interest me etc. You must go full circle from emptiness to pure being conscious of itself as the Totality of everything aka God. Then life becomes a joy.
  13. Nothing happens to anyone, it's all God's dream. Become conscious of what suffering and the sufferer is. Reality is to good to be true exactly because it's all God! Everything that happens is His will and intention, and only God knows best.
  14. Only you can show it to yourself. It's not even a belief of mine, I'm conscious that you have it backwards and I don't have time to explain in dual language how that is so.
  15. There is only God. Is God a hallucination? Does It hallucinate itself into existence? No. Thus, since there is only God and God is the only real, there is only the Real. No such thing as hallucination. If hallucinations exists, they are God and thus real. There are no distinction between anything because literally nothing exists but God. This is because God is infinite, so Everything is included as God.
  16. No. Wrong. Logic nonsense. It doesn't work that way.
  17. Knowing not knowing, but ultimately one most go full circle and know and become conscious that I am the absence of " I". That non-dual one is God. That is the final realization. Only God=reality=your true nature and essence remains.
  18. That's dumb bro. You have inteliggence, but if you haven't become conscious or aware that you are God. That is why you wrote the above. But it was all God, don't worry. Do some Self-inqury etc etc