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Everything posted by Highest

  1. There is only one no-thing which exists. That one is the mover, the creator, the controller, the doer. That one is Everything and you can only become conscious or aware of it.
  2. What God is 1. God is non-local. You cannot point to it as it is Everything you point at and the finger which is pointing. 2. God cannot be described by the mind or language. It is prior and beyond both. God can only be felt, made conscious of or aware of. 3. God is Omnipotent and Love 4. God is Infinite, meaning every millimeter of all of reality and existence is God. There is Only God. I have been conscious of all of this and still are. How to become conscious of this? See through the illusory ''I'' like a snake in a robe. How to do that? Self-inquire. The ''I'' is a complete illusion and imagination. Find That which is the absence of ''I''. That One is God. But you must also go full circle and become conscious that the ''I'' was God all along, playing hide and seek. There has always only been God and will always only be God. God Alone IS.
  3. No, I fell into actual emptiness for about a year. The "I" became weaker and thinner, until it dissolved and I became fully conscious that "I" is an illusion and doesn't really exist. Now I'm just conscious being conscious of itself. All that remains of me is presence-love.
  4. Welcome to Reality aka God. Now become conscious that it's all You. You created all this from selfless love and designed it and yourself with infinite intelligence. You are God. Now look at your creation and embrace all of it. Embrace yourself. You choose to become finite, but you can't remember it. But it was inevitable. Embrace everything, it is all you!
  5. Become conscious that He has in this life time, not until you die. But if you want to wait till you die you can do that too.
  6. But God has more common sense than you and is infinitely more intelligent than you. God created suffering for a good reason and everything has been calculated perfectly. You are projecting your own delusion on God, but none knows better than God. You are not conscious of this.
  7. "Then god is just sicker than 10 trillion Hitlers. I am deeply sickened and ashamed to have been created by such a monster" No, God is all-good and love. Suffering is for the Good. One day hopefully you will get it.
  8. You have it all backwards and I'm conscious of it. Do you think your mind matters? Your perspectives matter? Not to God's intelligence. Everything is exactly how it ought to be, everything. But your illusory Ego can't see that.
  9. Suffering exists, thus it follows that God doesn't exist. Best argument ever ?
  10. @mandyjw Me and tedens are curious ? Also, have you been conscious or aware that the Now is eternal?
  11. We all know it's only Now. But what is the nature of Now? What is conscious of Now? Investigate.
  12. "Because there is no 'me'. So there can't be God, if I am God. Also, who created God? " @Leo Gura ? I simply give up ?
  13. What makes you think that?
  14. I wish you good luck although there is no such thing as luck I wish you the best bro?
  15. Yes, the Self was simply an illusion all along. The truth is that you are God who played hide and seek with itself, you found that game out but haven't found God who is hiding right in front of your eyes. What is the absence of Self? Give me your genuine answer.
  16. In my experience, you cannot surrender to the true nature of your Self. The true nature of the Self must surrender "You" to itself. I was simply just a medium. But it might be different for you and it probably is.
  17. @Paul92 There is no "me" you say which is true. Now, what are 'You" actually. That's the next step. Do some serious Self-inqury.