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Everything posted by Highest

  1. Identification with the ego-mind.
  2. The latter. Thoughts come and go, there is only witnessing of them but no identification. Nice to meet myself ❤️ You are me. You are God.
  3. I have done Self-inqury and awareness work at least 6 years. It happens naturally to me everywhere everyday.
  4. "I am the One and Only. There is only I. I am God. " "I" didn't write that. Those who knows, knows.
  5. @AlwaysBeNice No, it didn't just appear. I created everything with just pure will. That is the miracle.
  6. @Nahm Enjoy ? @tedens This is beyond the mind. You are literally the creator and origin of existence. You can only become aware or conscious of this. You yourself choose to forget and become finite.
  7. I don't know if I want to claim that. But if there is a source of evil it must ultimately be yourself as you are the origin and source of everything.
  8. Do you deny the possibility that dark entities exist, being part of the Infinite which contains all possibilities?
  9. "Basic question is, was this my mind making this all up in fear or did I actually have some contact with dark entities?" The latter. I have had contact with dark entities and they are very real. But it is all you (God) ultimately. But these dark entities are just manifestations of God, just like Everything. The Godhead is nothing, empty, formless. It's all-good and love.
  10. I am admiring Myself as God. I am stunned by my masterpiece illusions. I am Omnipotent for having created this universe. The creator, the character, the All, the dream, the play, the love, the doer, the controller. And it's all I. How could all this be me you may ask? How could it not be I is my question.
  11. All experience which comes and goes is ultimately not the Real, the Apsolute. Become conscious of That which doesn't come and go. Become conscious of the One who is looking through your eyes right now eternally. That formless One is I and Everything. All experience is It but It is not bound by them.
  12. I have experienced nothing and everything. All that remained was I. All that will remain is I. There is only I. There is nothing else. Now, figure out or become conscious of what this I is.
  13. So have we all. Now come back home. Suffering ends with Self-realisation. I recommend reading Ramana Maharshi's book "Who am I". That's a good starting point. Regarding your social anxiety, this comes from the ego sense of separation and fear. Find it's source. For practical advice, just start talking to at least one random girl a day about nothing and everything. Just do it.
  14. Everyone and everything is God, not just you. It's not difficult to grasp if you realize it or become conscious of it. To put differently: There is just One which is All. But you can only become conscious of It and that it is You. Regarding the ego, that's just an illusion. The ego is none but God but first you must see through it as the illusion it is. After that you will realize that the ego was God all along playing hide and seek for a good reason.
  15. The Devil aka the Ego is God when you go full circle. God is all there is. I'm writing this to myself. No one reads this but me. There is only me. Find out who that me is.
  16. From my experience, it all happens by it's own. But I was only a medium on all this, and all I did was surrendering to the Real. The Real did most of the work. And now I know there was no medium either, the medium itself was God.
  17. @Aakash "but it drags me in for a while, until i get back to the witness consciousness". That's good, it means you have entered the witness state. Stay with that. You will be dragged back, it has happened to everyone. But stay with the witness and surrender to it. Witness that which drags you back and let it go like an image on a screen. If you really are in contact with witness consciousness then everything will turn out fine in the end. The witness consciousness should help you by grace and keep you immersed in it. But you must surrender, let go of yourself.
  18. "but its just the process and me coming into contact with my true self" I believe that. ?? Btw, have you become conscious or aware that the "I" is an illusion and is actually God playing hide and seek? That's all you need to realize. That's Self-realization.
  19. The witness is the Self but it can go deeper than that. "but to me if you let go of the character its like you said you are not involved anymore! doesnt this part feel like a disconnection" The disconnection happened long time ago. But something else took over: pure presence love. Pure being identity-less. It came naturally to me because it's my true nature.
  20. There is no "me" watching "myself" taking a shower. So showering just happens. I'm aware of being God. It's different. It's just pure being conscious of itself. I have passed through the witness state. God witnesses everything, but "I" am not involved in it anymore.
  21. No, I am Life. I feel very connected to it, but differently.