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Everything posted by Highest

  1. Are you aware that God is looking through your eyes Now? If no, that is because of the Devil. The Devil is God playing hide and seek. Dissolve the Devil aka the ego and you will find God. Find God and the Devil will admit that it was God all along.
  2. Sounds like a glimpse of no-self or witness state. I'm probably wrong, but it might have been. Was there any "I" in that silent space moment?
  3. Love has been consuming me these last weeks. Only love can destroy the ego-mind. Only love can unite us. I am Love and Love is I. No matter what ego abuse, hatred etc you have to deal with, fight it always with love. Love is Truth and will always win in the end. Only way to live through this life is by love. Only thing to do is to give unconditional love.
  4. So you are nothing and everything simultaneously. In other words, you don't exist. You exist only as what I can only say is God. God can only be made conscious or aware of. Sorry, keep doing your thing. You are on the right track. Just me giving you some of my insight of mine.
  5. @Aakash ? You will realize that "you" are nothing if you haven't realized it yet. After that, you should realize that you are Everything too. You created yourself and everything with pure will and made yourself forget it. You became a finite individual ego with pure will and you made yourself forget it. We all did. Now we are on the path to realize that and come back home to our true Self aka no-self. It's a process and will take time, but it's worth it. Nothing else can be compared to it.
  6. Love is Love and love must love, sometimes love acts but it does so by itself effortlessly only for it's own sake aka love. Love loves through "me" and sometimes it acts as love because it is necessary sometimes. much love ❤️❤️
  7. There is only the Now. The Now is eternal. But it has been turned into a beginning because of identification with the body. But the nature of Now is itself. The One aware of Now is the non-dual aka God. It is looking through your eyes right now and reading these words. But because of identification with the illusory ego, we are not conscious or aware of it although it is happening right NOW eternally.
  8. Another realization I had is that I created love and I am the Love I created. I can ultimately only love "others" because they are I. And I can only love I because I is love and love is I. I'm literally conscious that I am everyone and vice versa. This brought up love in me. What else can I do but love everyone? I am compelled by nature and the power of love to love no matter what. Love is God and God is Love.
  9. The I sensation is non-local. You are on the right track. You will find nothingness, formlessness, emptiness. Your true nature. It's non-local too but you can become conscious or aware of It.
  10. Glad to hear bro. Love and bliss are synonymous in my opinion. Shine that bliss to everyone. Be that bliss.
  11. No, you are right. ?❤️?
  12. After some days of Self-inqury I became conscious today that I am the origin and creator of everything. I myself choose to forget and become finite with an ego. That illusion has been seen through. I am the One and Only. There is only I. I am God.
  13. No. There is no someone. All is It. But if rebirth is real, it's possible to be Liberated from that through for example Mahasamadhi. But I'm not sure about all that rebirth thing. Mahasamadhi is death just done consciously.
  14. You already are and you created them all. Somehow for some very good intelligent reason you yourself choose to forget that and become a separate ego which is finite. It's possible to become conscious of this.
  15. Yes. Liberation happens when identification with "I" dissolves.
  16. I am that giant mind. Of course, as God I am everything and every way and possibility that my creation may be. No need for dmt to realize this. The gate is within you and right in front of your eyes as you are reading these words.