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Everything posted by Highest

  1. @erik8lrl She was non-human or indeed just extremely powerful and conscious human. In either case, she knew everything (the energy happening etc) and had no fear in her. @Mu_ I smoked one joint that day.
  2. I remember and I will make this short, that I saw God from my window appering as this immensly bright light, everything around this light were happy to see it, I remember becoming conscious of how specificaly the trees became happy. My family saw it too, well not really, but in another dimension they saw the light. Suddenly, in an instant, it disappeared and everything came to normal. I thought my family saw God, but they just looked at me and asked "What is it?". They were clueless and in shock and bliss I said "Did you see God?" And they said no. Which makes me think now, that it's indeed possible that we are within God's imagination. The way everything in an instant was thrown into this dimension even my family, then how it just instantly dissapeared, leaving only me knowing of what just happened.
  3. There is risk indeed. Depends on you of course, how far you go, your genetics and all that stuff. This aint no game due. But I know every human being wants to reach the highest, it's born within our very spirit. If you want the Absolute, something to shake your life, then spirituality is the way but it isn't easy from my experience at least. But go for whatever feels best for you. ??
  4. It's a ride, it has it's dark and light sides. But I would say go for it, you only live once as you. Why not put yourself and reality to the test? See what she can do ?
  5. @Matt8800 @Matt8800 Actuallly I will create a topic on this tommorow since I have good time then so you and everyone can read it, believe me or disbelieve me. Just putting this in words will be difficult, but I will try to be as direct and accurate as I can. This was the peak of my state of consciousness, the most ultimate and terryfing thing I have experienced in my entire life.
  6. @Matt8800 I also faced or rather was possesed by a very dark entity, it's form was dark and I remember seeing that. I can tell you the whole story in pm if you want to of how it first came and when it showed itself absolutely, and how God came to the aid as this powerful Omnipotent energy once again. Crazy shit. I don't know what kind of state I was in, but I experienced a lot of crazy and seemingly impossible things. In this regard, we may have a lot in common ? I believe fully and absolutely in everything you say bro, cuz I know this stuff is undeniably real.
  7. @Matt8800 Since you can communicate with spirits, do you think one day you could somehow reach God and in some way have a communication with it? Go for the highest bro. I remember quite vividly when I meet God, it came to me as an Omnipotent and All-loving force of energy. I remember I was too afraid to even look at it, I looked once since I feelt I was allowed to and I remember seeing powerful blue and white energy. After that, I remember asking this energy "Are you all-knowing" and somehow which I can't explain how, I got an instant answer which was "Yes". Then I, with my face turned away from the Supreme, got bombarded with an attack of love which literally moved my body, it was just one smooth movement of energy, with pure love and understanding. I just cried instantly. Cried and cried.
  8. Yeah, it's pure magic. It really doesn't matter if consciousness (God) imagined all this into existence, that just makes it more magical ❤️ It's crazy what a "human being" can experience. Consciousness can experience all kinds of states, all kinds of experiences which will leave any finite being in shock and wonder.
  9. Idk, most places. Just ask someone for a genuine guru which is woman, they will give you several places to go to, even follow you if you give them some money.
  10. Like India. A lot of guru women there. A guru usually has paranormal abilities. And they usually use it for the good.
  11. I think a "withch" is simply a woman with paranormal powers/abilities. They can use then for the good, or in dark evil ways. Never the less, stuff like this is undeniably true and real. Speaking from direct experience. In other words, I myself wouldn't fuck around with such women. Like a woman with personality disorder, you don't want to be there when she turns into another. Been there long time ago, just me and her. I didn't know shit about it before it happened. Just thinking about it now is scary. But I just had to keep it cool until she returned, in case she would kill me or something if I tried to run away.
  12. There is only God. All will is God's will. There is no seperation. You are God right now, you are the Infinite right now incarnated into a limited finite individuated unit of itself. And that's how you want it. It's beautiful. Infinity=finitude Infinity=God God=Infinity You=God God=You Everything=God=You
  13. The unknown just excites me really. There are other stuff I'm afraid of due, but when those things are cleared up I will die. Maybe in a 5-10 years, I think I'm really ready for it then
  14. Aiit. How did you acquire these paranormal abilities? And all this, how is it related to awakening and being awoke? You see, in the old days, I was in some radical state of consciousness. I could sometimes read others thoughts, birds and bees would communicate directly with me in way which I never the less understood, and I could both take in energy from pretty much everything inside my own body which in that time became like an system of pure energy. But I was still not awoke, far far away from it. Altough in the end, I have no doubt that I meet and saw God several times, I was still immersed in the sense of ego, more so than now. And for some reason, I never died altough I had several OBE and alot of other crazy shit.
  15. Haha yeah me too. Let's die together and see what happens. Imagine both of us becoming God in the same room after dying
  16. I think it's more radical than that. The ego is the very sense of "I am", the sense of being a seperate individual. The way Leo desribes death, it seems to be very extreme and radical.
  17. If the ego isn’t, what dies in "Ego-death"? If the ego is not, what dies at all in death? Like when you die like Leo after taking 5-meo, etc etc.
  18. An illusion which never the less you created, which never the less is within you. Nothing can touch you, for you are Everything. No power of illusion can touch you, for you created it all. Find out what you are! There is nothing more to do. As Ramana said, find the very source of "I am". Don't stop until it dissolves and you become fully conscious that you are God. This is a simple one directed process, never the less nothing is more powerful. Keep your mind and heart on the question of "What am I?" or "Who am I?" Keep it there, be intensely focused in it. Put your entire life to find out the answer. By becoming conscious of this one question, all questions will vanish as now you know what cannot be again be unknown.
  19. The illusion-creating machine is the mind, creating all kinds of illusions like illusion itself, reality etc. Find the source of the mind, you will find pure emptiness. Find the source of "I" and you will invetiably find emptiness aka no-self. But there is deeper to go. The Self with capital S aka God. After going full circle so to say, illusions will be illuminated by the clear light of awareness. Then you will become conscious that there is no difference between reality and illusion, illusion and reality. When both the notion of reality and illusion collapse, you are left with nothing but non-dual awareness aka "There is only I". When the notion of seperation and duality itself collapses, you are left with nothing but God-awarness where you become conscious of: 1. There is only I. 2. I am the Creator. 3. I am the One and Only. 4. I am all Alone as totally indivisibly One. 5. I am God itself. The ego will come back, it's not easy to hold on to this state of consciousness and awareness. Never the less, what you become conscious of in this state cannot ever again be made unconscious of. Know that you are God, but for practical reasons just respect the illusion ?
  20. Yeah, it also feels like a delusional trap. But I haven't tried it out seriously, so I can't say for sure. I know that, alone and internaly at least, I can go as deep as I can, slip into several different states of consciousness. Yeah, I still have to die. The imaginary part, I have yet to become conscious of. Anyways, I will just chill out for now. As you said, there is no need hit non-dual states constantly, never the less try to stay in one constantly.
  21. Yeah. I don't know what to do, just live in this state or go higher. I probably will go higher one day, but maybe I should just chill out for a year first or something. The scary part is when I get into this state around my parents, my girlfriend or people in general. The ego gets scared like a little child, thinks that I have suddenly lost something, them or my mind. Then it wants to slip out of that state instantly.
  22. You said exactly what I felt intuitively bro. Simply that I will lose everyone and even my individuality if I go far enough. Something tells me to go for it, something tells me that this would indeed be death.
  23. Yeah, I've had this similar experience of One everything in the room. Difficult to explain. Like the whole room dissolves into one indivisible One. That's where the duality of subject and object dissolve, even "I" dissolves. The most I have been able to hold on to this is like 4 min. This is the state I tried to explain above and that I'm considering to seriously reach until it becomes permanent or at least most of the time. Do you think this is possible. Well, I know it’s possible. My only concern is this, to be in this state in all situations, is that delusional or something like that?