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Everything posted by Highest

  1. It's not merely a concept, it's literally creation itself. The One visual field of awareness which we all share is undeniable, but we are at still not the same. Oneness is not sameness. I am you as God and vice versa. But as a human being, I'm not you and I'm seperate from you, not only in space between objects and our bodies, but also in a literal way. To say I am me and you are you is a powerful thing. I don't know what it is that makes me and you seperate, but it's powerful and real. If you see it differently from your direct experience, then trust your direct experience. Not what you hear or read. I'm just saying it as I see it. ?
  2. He kinda already has. This is a matter of perspective. You won't reach shit by watching youtube video on how you are everyone etc. When coming back from the path of Self-disovery, it's important that you put your perspectives rightly. You can see it from countless perspectives, but this is how I see it. I am God. I created and designed everything to it's very detail. I am The Only One aka I am Everything. However, I also made this reality so I could enjoy it, love it. I made myself a little God and billions of others the same, I created seperation and duality - so I and you could have this interaction. It doesn't get more real than this. You can be in a state of consciousness where you literally see everyone as One thing. You can be in a state where you are literally conscious of the opposite. And goes like this to infinity. None is more true than the other. I am in a state of consciousness where I am conscious of both of these, beyond that lies Awarness. Pure direct raw aware experience and reality. That's where I will see you. ?
  3. Say that to someone who tries to kill you. ? Indeed, as God we are One. This is however a matter of consciousness. You can become conscious of the Abolute, but this Absolute has literally designed itself in such power that to deny it is delusion. Seperation is real, within consciousnesses. Duality is real within consciousness. Don't try to somehow escape or transcend it, rather embrace and enjoy the shit out of it. You can't escape this. All is Consciousness, be and embrace being the little unit of consciousness that you are.
  4. 8 I see what you are saying. I think this is indeed a matter of consciousness. You can get to a level of consciousness where you become so conscious, you literally become God. You literally become conscious that all is imagined by you as God etc. When you come back to lesser level of consciousness so to say, you now say it's an illusion etc. Ultimately All is One indeed, all IS GOD. But I know that I am all levels and states of consciousness, I am consciousness itself. And within this consciousness, I like to enjoy one thing: my direct aware experience. What happens in this experience is neither real or unreal, it simply IS. Enjoy being God and human at the same time ?
  5. Sorry Dlavjr, couldn't get it away. I just know this. Last night was real. The about 8 times we did it was real. The weed was real. The love was real. When I suddenly after smoking and looking at a picture slipped into a state where I became conscious in some few seconds that I literally designed that shit, that was also real. This is now a story, a memory. It still really happened. Both the story and memory is real. I refuse to accept this advaita hindu buddha notion of illusion. The only illusion there is, is to believe that illusion itself is unreal.
  6. @LfcCharlie4 @LfcCharlie4 One should know when to be God, when to be human, when to be space, when to be self or no-self - and when it's time to return back. I'm not saying don't go all for it, awaken to the highest. But know that a kingdom is waiting for you. It's THIS. When you become conscious you are God, that's it. But when you also become conscious that you are human at the same time, that's liberation. Now you are literally free. Which is why I'm so happy and making all these funny comments, I can't comprehend how my fellow beings still suffer. Why they make this shit so difficult, when God (YOU) is looking at this screen right now and typing this. But time to go, being God and human at the same time is a full job. I don't want this night to be imaginary, spaciousness, or no-self. I want this night to be the night of two real living individual human beings. I don't want to look into my loves eyes and see myself, I want to see her unique self. I want to feel seperate so I can love her more, not force myself to be one with her, whatever that means.
  7. No-self and Self are the same, it's simply the experience of being nothing and everything at the same time. It goes way deeper indeed bro. But I have to go soon and get some weed, smoke some of it. 5 pm I'm meeting my girlfriend and we are going to a hotel. I don't want to be spaciousness then, I want to become the body. Feeling her body and all that very real stuff, make her never forget mine....
  8. @Leo Gura Going full circle, of course I=God. I invented hot girls so I didn't have to have sex with myself. God likes girls. Infinite intelligence at play. Infinite goodness.
  9. @Leo Gura Yeah, I see. That's how God works, that's the mechanism of creation. At the same time, even due it's all nothing at all, it's also everything there is, pure imagination but none the less Reality. Just my view on this. I don't like the idea of having sex with myself. I like girls.
  10. All these aspects of infinite this and that are themselves second-order to the very being of God. When you become conscious of Godhood, you realize God=God. You are not at this point. No seperation exists here. But by going full circle, God ought to become conscious that He is fully human at the same time. And not deny Himself, but embrace Himself. Today I'm smoking weed, after that it's full party with my girlfriend in a hotel room. After that, repeat.
  11. Well science and math are useless, they will never find God. Only YOU can. Science is chasing it's on tail, going deeper and deeper into it's own self-created delusions, stories, methods, whatever they do and however they do it. It's a game it never will win. It's a game it already has lost Math is no better, just a human invention. Not universal in any possible way.
  12. It all depends on the individual. For me, seeing everything dissolve in front of my eyes - well, it has kinda left me with a blank screen. Now it's time to paint. I will be me, no need to deny oneself. But I will paint, I will paint like a drunk
  13. The spiritually gifted see it quicker, in their direct experience right now, that I am none other than God. No need for anything. Then some become conscious that it's time to get back home, literally. Others will go this path their entire life, having nothing better to do, thinking they can reach the highest whatever, when in fact when you become conscious that you are God right now, there no more work to do. It's all YOU. YOU did it all. Created all of this. You ARE ALL OF THIS. That's it. Done. Over. Now, who wants to play some chess?
  14. Yeah, so you became God and fully conscious that you imagine stuff up. The point is how you take it is your choice, a matter of perspective. Even if I became fully conscious of how I imagine a rock, to say that it's therefore less real doesn't fit well with me. I would simply understand that imagination=reality, reality=imagination, no difference. Don't take stuff too serious and literal. Sure, I don't deny that you have reached very profound states of consciousness, but there is an end to it, a returning to your self and the world. If you still have a sense of what these words mean...
  15. Total true insanity=Enlightenment. Sanity is just conditioned insanity like 1. I was born 2. I am seperate 3. I am not God Etc etc, the list is infinite. Your normal guy in the street basically.
  16. This spiritual shit will take your life if you go far enough. But you will know when to return. Then you will see how much more there truly is. To this world, to yourself. Don't stay in the spiritual booble for too long, bring yourself back and embrace all of it. Become all of it. There is an end to the spiritual path, the end is simply the return, the beginning.
  17. So what is the content? Since you speak about it, surely it must exist in your direct experience somehow?
  18. That's all I wanted to hear. What's actual and not is another topic, I'm interested in what's real and existent.
  19. Okay, I guess a rock is imagined then. How does that make it less REAL?
  20. What's the difference between imagination and reality? Sure I imagine "real", but does that make a thing less real? If love itself is imagined, does that make love any less real?
  21. So content is unreal then? No, content itself is part of reality. Concepts, thoughts taking place in your mind, is real. Point to me in your direct experience something that's literally non-existent. If you do, I will accept it as unreal.
  22. Awareness doesn't appear. It's eternal changeless now. Thoughts do, emotions, stuff like that changes but that doesn't mean they are unreal - just real stuff changing, coming and going. Point to me one unreal non-existent thing in your direct experience. Or just ask me.