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Everything posted by Aimblack

  1. @NoSelfSelf I never claimed that I did. I'm sorry if I made it look like I was talking down on you. I have the exact same problem that I conceptualize a thing and make up problems that I think are connected to the conceptualization. More often than not I realize that the problems only arose because I either didn't know enough or was just plain wrong.
  2. I would say worry when you get there. Looking at this post I would suggest that the problem you are expressing isn't one you have right now in your own direct experience. So the way you are imagining it to be is probably not the way no self is experienced.
  3. Trying to do psychedelics and listen to Leo is like trying to listen to two teachers teaching the same thing in different languages at the same time.
  4. I disagree speaking from experience majority report with their style was what dragged me out of my conservatism-lite and libertarian position. They assert that they are right and proceed to explain why they are. Their mocking tone correctly shows that that their position isn't equally as viable as their opponents. And when their opponents respond with: "how rude you are" it exposes them for not being able to argue on a factual level which is quite compelling for a person who is in deep orange.Especially because the motto:" facts don't care about your feelings" could be the phrase that encapsulates orange perfectly. TL;DR Seeing orange people get beat into a position that they are so vocally against is what makes majority report good. Maybe you would enjoy David Pakman more ?
  5. If you like self inquiry you can check out kriya yoga vichara it combines kriya yoga with self inquiry.
  6. Like seriously he never gets mentioned on here. If there is a practice that would best fit the style I would argue that it is the integral life practice created by Ken. I wouldn't be surprised that when Leo devises his own framework in like 30 years it would mainly extend ILP by accounting for psychedelics.
  7. @Barna It seems you have just proven your point, I haven't seen that video before I haven't seen him talk about psychedelic at all until now, thanks man!
  8. Yea the last spiral dynamics video also took Ken's framework as a foundation. The thing I deeply admire him for is the effortless ability to switch from poetic spiritual language to very nuanced and clear scientific language or something in between. I'm not one to believe in that kind of stuff but recently stuff like that has also been happening more and more in my life it's actually pretty creepy. I'm not too familiar with his philosophy because I was mostly focusing on his integral view on spirituality and such but I think I should change that. What ideas? All of them? I don't think that is interesting at all because the answer is obvious..He would probably say something along the lines of:" It's a big step to take on ILP but you are just at the starting line with decades of work left to do."
  9. @Salvijus Every objection you made has been directly answered in here in detail by many other people so I think I'll join the others and leave it at that. Whatever final conclusion you reach I hope you get to happy, have a nice day
  10. @Salvijus Being impatient with yourself means getting frustrated at yourself for some reason, it means being a perfectionist, it means having ridiculous standards for yourself. I'm not only talking about listening to their perspective. I mean feeling what they might be feeling and seeing what they might be seeing and realizing that whatever they are feeling or seeing is in some way legitimate. The way that works for me is seeing that same dynamic on some level in myself and accepting it in myself. So when I see it in others it isn't an issue because I get why and how their reactions work. Just like I can try to take your perspective right now and try to contrast it with the way I felt before.
  11. @Salvijus You are mixing up what you think I am saying with what I'm actually saying. Self love doesn't necessarily mean improving your self image. It means understanding that you are worthy of love despite all your failings. Loving yourself doesn't have to be egoistical. It's simply the realization that everybody is deserving of your love including yourself.
  12. I'm not really yellow but I think it's kinda the realizations that perspectives create reality. Taking your example of the earth that would mean if you took the 2-Dimensional perspective the earth would be flat but if you take the 3-Dimensional perspective then it's round if you take a 4-Dimensional perspective you get a different shape and if you move away from Dimensional perspective and move to the experiential perspective then it's flat again. If you look out of the window the earth looks and behaves like a flat object. So saying that the earth is flat is true in some sense but it's still partial just like saying that it's round. Holding conflicting views then means that you are holding 2 perspectives that don't seem intersect.
  13. Well that is where you are wrong self love is simply extending the same kind of understanding, openness and kindness that you would extend to anybody who is in need like an orphan to yourself. Instead of thinking about it as raising yourself above others try thinking about it as on the same level as the people who are the most in need. I used to be (and still am to some extend) very impatient with other people. I tried to take their perspective which works sometimes but my connection with people got WAY better when I realized that I was being impatient with other people because I was impatient with myself and as I started being more patient and loving with myself I automagically became way more patient and loving with other people.
  14. @Salvijus self love is the most altruistic thing you can do. All the perceived mistakes in others and wrong doings of others and the less than skillful response we give comes from a lack of loving ourselves. You can only love others when you fully love yourself so much that you need to share it there is no other way it spills over and engulfs everything.
  15. I'm literally crying right now the irony of that sentence overlaid above a steven crowder "change my mind" sign is just perfect.
  16. Personalities in of themselves aren't authentic. Asking what personality is really authentic to me is like asking what style of clothes is authentic for me.
  17. Am i understanding correctly that you feel like the positive experience you have had with the law of attraction is preventing you from doing things that take consistency and effort? If yes you might want to make that an object of your law of attraction practice. You can see yourself working hard but without strain or effort. You can also try doing mindfulness meditation and realize that any resistance can only come up as something you see,hear or feel. And then be completely equanimous with each of those components. So in summary re-frame your problem as the resistance that prevents you from putting in the work and use all the tools you have available to solve it.
  18. most religions have a contemplative/mystic branch people who are ready to transcend religion will naturally seek out those branches. For christians that would be the christian mystics like meister eckhardt or saint theresa of avila. For muslims that would be the sufi like rumi.
  19. Leo is trying his hardest not to let people turn into a religion let alone a cult. Nowadays half of the videos directly address the issue of turning into an ideology at the end.
  20. 1. Not necessarily just because it CAN happen does not mean it DOES happen so even at best it only creates the possibility of life after death. 2, The stronger point is that reality is under no obligation to follow your string of thoughts even if you were to find a sound logical argument that would prove that there is life after death,logic cannot justify itself so it is just an assumption that logic can capture the entirety of reality and it is also an assumption that everything that logic proves to be true/false is actually so.
  21. @MM1988 I really don't like to get into gossip...but link please?
  22. Now that you mention it I can't find the options for deleting an account either. What you can do is: 1. go to 2.change your email to a temporary email. 3. generate a random string (google random number generator) 4. change your password to that random number. 5. Delete that temporary email address on temp-mail
  23. I don't see anything wrong with this video.. this seemed like a very nuanced and open minded take on psychedelic trips just without the spiritual jargon. And researching about things is different from experiencing them so for only having done 7 trips I don't see anything wrong with what Michael said.
  24. @Emerald Yes I realized that from your last post but it was good for me to actually flesh it out and try to articulate my stance. Thanks