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Everything posted by Vipassana

  1. @RedLine I don't know any sources that talks about the technique however i've never looked so you might find some if you search for 'Vipassana Meditation as taught by SN Goenka'. I've been to 4 silent retreats and learned this technique from Goenka & his assistant teachers.
  2. @Dand both man, I am getting used to sitting without a back rest. The pain is reoccurring so I've learned to deal with it. I get pain on my groin area and its really uncomfortable which makes me move. There has been one session where i didn't move for 3 hours but around the 2 hour mark, I tend to move. Also psychological discomfort arises, sometimes I just feel like a tsunami of resistance. @Pacific Sage Thank You for the kind words brother
  3. @Joel3102 practice bro.. tons of daily practice. I dont necessarily feel extremely present after because at the 2 hour 30 min mark, im burnt out. The end part of the sit consists of a lot of resistance & sitting still with the pain. But it does has a subtle effect on the rest of my days.
  4. Dont feel like getting on the computer & uploading so ill upload 2 tomorrow :3
  5. If you guys havent watched the full London Real interview, I would highly recommend.
  6. @herghly i do Sadhgurus sambhavi mahamudra & thought witnessing meditation. My main focus has been vipassana though because I see that developing mindfulness is crucial. Also have been using psychedelics but not as much as I need to.
  7. @March no sir I am a 20 year old full time student living with my mum
  8. @herghly well I am in lockdown so there isn't much to do. I used to meditate 2 hours a day daily, morning and evening but now I just combined those two and added an extra hour during the day. Not much has changed other than my morning activities and evening activities are very different. Morning is all about personal development work and evenings are life purpose work.
  9. @Leo Gura <- seems to dismiss and ridicule everything that contradicts the mainstream paradigm. I would strongly encourage to apply the principle of being open minded when it comes to this. Be careful to not conclude too quickly, No one is telling you to believe that 'corona doesn't exist' but only telling you to step into a different perspective & wear a tin foil hat. I would love to know everyones opinion on the upcoming vaccine which is most likely going to be mandatory.
  10. @March yes brother after 1 hour I start getting sharp pains on my inner thighs & by the 2 hour mark, I tend to move. The pain is very temporary and goes away very quickly after I make some movement. After the sit, there is no pain at all... even during the sit.. if you sit still during the pain then its very likely that it subsides but the sometimes it can be tough. Ive done one 3 hour sit without moving so far, just sitting an experiencing the pain.
  11. It is very convenient to have a 10 lbs steak wrapped in plastic waiting for you to pick it up but its a whole different story to kill that mf, skin it and eat it. I think most vegans just cannot see themselves killing an animal thus criticizing those who can... on the other hand... people who have all sorts of beliefs and justifications about their diet which incorporates meat, are completely disconnected with the process of animal agriculture. I personally can't imagine myself chopping a chickens head off in order to eat it.
  12. @herghly I have been following a strict schedule, meditation, exercise & reading in the mornings, meditation during the afternoon and skill building during the evening. I definitely understand what you mean although I have been pushing through it! does take alot of will power. @dvdas Yes most definitely. Quality over Quantity! This is just a temporary challenge. I usually do two 1 hour sits per day. I am solely doing this to break through some barriers i set up for myself by being habituated to doing 1 hour sits & exercise my determination muscle.