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Everything posted by Vipassana

  1. DAY 1: 28 oz Carrot Juice 16 oz Beet Juice 56 oz Celery, Kale, Apple Juice 28 oz Orange Juice -July 6th, 2020-
  2. As some of you may know a guy who went by the name "boonk gang" from a few years ago where he went around stealing stuff on camera and went viral and became super famous until he got arrested a few years back & his time in jail raised his consciousness radically. I would say a radical leap from unhealthy red to healthy blue? Maybe even shades of green and sprinkles of teir 2? Really inspiring. I would love to know your guys thoughts
  3. @Serotoninluv I apologize, I admit that I got blind sided by my own projections & its obvious that I'm not well informed. My aim wasn't to defend Trump. I've been trying to talk with people who glorify Obama blindly & knit pick instances to criticize Trump as the sole devil so I unconsciously lashed out in this forum and before I realized, I had an ideology to defend.
  4. @Serotoninluv @Opo do a freakin google search man. He didnt have a built in policy to cage children but nevertheless he built the cages which childrens were caged with many instances of children being separated from their parents during his presidency. I am quite aware of the zero tolerance policy & yes its ugly but its not something that is just now happening. I would assume that there were hundreds of instances of children being seperated from their parents during Obamas presidency which flew unnoticed because that wasnt the big elephant in the room. Atleast Trump is semi-transparent with his devilry & people with discernment will vote against him but to give a nobel peace prize to whom in my opinion is a war criminal is super deceptive. I guess I just dont like Obama
  5. @Serotoninluv @Opo I wasnt justifying putting kids in cages, I was just addressing the fact that Trump isn't the sole evil doer & maybe you are as responsible as Trump for separating kids from their parents and putting them in cages. And yes Obama seperated kids from their parents.
  6. @Opo kids have been put in cages since the dawn of time. Most pics flying around on the internet of kids in cages are from Obamas presidency. Nothing new.
  7. i dont understand i don't understand
  8. The name is Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai V. A. Shiva, the inventor of email and recipient of the first US Copyright for "EMAIL", holds four degrees from M.I.T and is a scientist-technologist, entrepreneur and educator, a Fulbright Scholar, Lemelson-MIT Awards Finalist and Westinghouse Science Talent Honors Award recipient. Greatest resource I've come across on my journey aside from Leo. He is the archetype of the 'American Dream'. Migrated from India at a very young age and invented Email at the age of 14 in New Jersey. He's one of the greatest systems thinker I've ever came across & one of his major accomplishments aside from inventing Email is integrating Eastern and Western Medicine (Book: Your Body your System). Many of his other developments are: Cytosolve - a software which simulates the Molecular pathways of the Human Body making Animal testing a redundant activity, Certified C.L.E.A.N & R.A.W Labeling , Eco Mail, Many books, an active Campaign for Senate Position and many more. His speaks on his experience with the systemic corruption / racism that exists in the whole game of Academia and is concurrently running as a Senator in the State of Massachusetts. Campaign Name: Truth / Freedom & Health. It is no question that he's a visionary and is serving a great purpose as a systems thinker. His discourses on COVID is controversial but his nutritional advice is something I have yet to see from anybody else. I would strongly suggest everybody look into his work.
  9. many classic 'ice cream' vendors deployed in the suburban neibhorhoods selling fresh juice in the summer & warm tea's in the winter '
  10. @John Doe dope man. Yeah it takes a bit of searching to find the Truth about him. Let me know your thoughts if you decided to watch the video!
  11. Thoughts on the pics below? Clearly they are not standing 6 feet apart. Constantly taking their masks on & off. Many instances of them touching each other & also touching the same podium & speaking into a shared mic. Considering the fact that they're preaching masks and distancing as one of the best solutions, I feel like their actions don't align. In other words, they're setting a terrible example, especially for the skeptics who love knit picking. Maybe they're not worried because they get tested but considering the fact the rest doesnt have 100% efficacy and can show false negatives, should they be risking it? Who will help us if these people get infected? I on the other hand got shamed yesterday for not having a mask on in the middle of the woods. Whats the saying? The eyes are useless when the mind is blind?
  12. @John Doe I wouldnt make such claims without actually investing 20+ hours listening to him & his journey through character assasination. He has acutely explained his contribution & also addressed Raymond & his invention of the @ sign. Wikipedia wouldn't be the most credible to study him, listen to the horses mouth & discern for yourself.
  13. is it just me or is consuming some high quality medical edibles completely mind fucks you. I've had samadhi experiences and some non dual glimpses. I dont take them lot because the chocolate / fat aspect completely ruins the experience however i've had some made with hemp milk. I've faced scary shit when i was on edibles specially when my body wasn't in a good state. any body else?
  14. Will you guys be willingly taking the COVID vaccination if it turns out to be mandatory? I'm tryna see sum
  15. @Leo Gura maybe you're right, or maybe you're not. God knows. I did my part of following my desire to understand and went down some uncharted territories. I am thankful and I love myself for doing so. I acknowledge the feeling present within me that you mentioned in the open mindedness video about becoming ideological and feeling dirty about it. Seeing the response, I am obviously hurting others with my apparent lack of compassion so I take a vow of silence from this forum until I have something substantial to offer. I am humbled.
  16. @Leo Gura I don't know whats really true & I am open to the fact that i'm deluded. I also haven't loss compassion man, my heart melts everyday for the suffering of my own and others. I just see things differently. CO-VID is real and people are dying but the numbers presented are bullshit. It doesn't add up.
  17. @Leo Gura and you are obtaining this information from... youtube? Do you have a direct experience of people dying from Covid-19? Last time I checked, hundreds of thousands of people die from flu symptoms every year. Maybe you are under estimating devilry.
  18. A very different perspective centered on the expansion of love & understanding. Its quite interesting.
  19. So I recently completed 21 days of 3 Hour Vipassana Meditaton & here's a video talking about my experience. Here is the thread with all of the time lapses! Thank you for all the support!
  20. @Jacobsrw im jus dicking around and distracting myself brother. This is a playground for my monkey mind.
  21. @Jacobsrw lol bro you have literally been clinging to these discussion for days. In my opinion this forum is purely for mental masturbation and to dick around so you get the sense that you're helping other people. Aside from the Enlightenment, Psychedelics, Meditation etc. Sub forum, everything else is diluted hogwash appearing as 'Truth' & lets not even mention how Leos Self Biases rightfully taint the forum from ever going into uncharted territories. Maybe its just my perception and biases but I dont see any serious concerns being brought up or any tangible discussions being had in the political and environmental subforms. If this was a democracy and I could vote, I would keep this strictly for enlightenment work, especially because that where our authoritarian leader Leos expertise lies.
  22. @DrewNows I think we have beaten the horse to death my friend. People on here (including you and me) seem to be more interested on breaking down narratives & rearrange them to concoct a narrative of our own & appear woker than we really are. The goodest of all good is that the Truth prevails & all forms pass. I feel like the intensity to articulate ourselves is being lost frying the small tofu when we can be frying the big tofu in our own creative way that will reach to a better audience. I am grateful for you, turqoise, divinesoda & others for being persistent even though this forum is rigged against our best interest which seems to be by design read the guidelines
  23. @Applegarden wow thank you for sharing. To be fully honest, i havent really experienced anything profound in 2 years of rigorous practice. Its honestly day after day of me sitting with some form of suffering & enduring through it. Outside the practice itself, I can see that i have gone through enormous purification but as far as mystical experiences during the sit, I have a lot more to purify. I am aiming for a 30-45 day sit in the next few years so I can really crystallize mindfulness. Soon enough, I am going to be starting dogzchen practice (vajrayana) bc i have connects with a remarkable master & see where that takes me. Keep practicing brother. Only thing we can do is show up on the cushion and sit daily. Ive been doing bi-weekly 3 day sits where im meditating 10 hours a day everyday & i have been getting some intense work done. Lots of pain & suffering along with lots and lots of awareness and equanimity. Has anyone attempted doing short retreats at home? I initially thought it would be very difficult bc theres so many distractions around but its not as bad as I thought.