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Everything posted by Vipassana

  1. @White idk i have hard time with sugar quoting also. He cant be more direct than direct but I understand not all will comprehend the arrogance but again he says it how he sees it
  2. @White says it how he sees it, it would be bullying if didn't tell people to wake up. With wisdom like that, he can easily be some mastermind in some dungeon manipulating and controlling mankind but he prefers to be the fire alarm.
  3. @astrokeen go deeper
  4. Vipassana is great for no mind. I've mixed Osho's Active Meditation like Kundalini Meditation and Dynamic Meditation with a daily Vipassana sits. 3 hours of daily work for 90 days - Dynamic after waking up, Kundalini in the evening and Vipassana inbetween. 1 hour each. Your growth will radically supercharge and during the 90 days you can continue your path with vipassana or explore other techniques. The active meditations are like seasonal techniques, if done all the time it would make ur body weak (unless you got your diet on point then youre the master of your body) however they're the most powerful techniques i've pursued so far and it is very intuitive to understand whats going on and you'll access levels of joy, authenticity and surrendering than most of the conventional techniques.
  5. i love you guys so much I shat into unconditional love
  6. Surrender, surrender, surrender, surrender SHAKE, DANCE, MEDITATE, SLEEP This method will cause chaos and that is exactly what we all need! PURE CHAOS! Step 1 stripped me away from the illusion of control and gave me understanding on my personal energetic pattern of this body. (Blockages) Step 2 gave me glimpse of unconditional love and complete surrender to God and a overwhelming feeling of joy for being Authentically Authentic Step 3 gave me glimpses of timelessness and insights over breath. Step 4 = Pure nothingness = I died All these experiences were not consistent, I had a whole spectrum of phenomena arise during my practice including monkey mind, physical discomfort, emotional suffering and even boredom however I persevered through the "bad" days. I understood deeply that there aren't any fruits waiting to be received after the 21 days and every ounce of growth you gain is when you're surrendering to the practice, however this very insight is the fruit because it will transform all my other attempts with any technique. I practiced No Fap which was a significant catalyst to this technique. As of Now i've felt some kundalni symptoms and some "psychic" episodes and a heightened awareness. My main reason for doing this technique was just to get used to emotional labor for an hour everyday so I can begin to practice Osho's Dynamic meditation. From May i will begin to do Dynamic Meditation in the Morning and Kundalini at night, May 31 i will end the practice and take DMT and then the very same day enter my second 10 day vipassana. These techniques are great for the west because it literally breaks the conditioning and you have the choice to surrender. if you want to know more just hmu!
  7. look into Kratom
  8. if you live by the ocean, go to the beach and do some breathing exercises or simply meditate every evening, You will accumulate a lot of chi since the wind carries salt from the ocean.
  9. @Taha mouline in Goenka's discourses, he tells you the significance and importance of committing to only vipassana for 10 days. You can do more harm than good by mixing those techniques.
  10. @phoenix666 i was mind blown by how humble I was to be honest lmaooo just sitting there with a huge grin
  11. Lolol Krishna has a legitimate human biography and he succeeded in a "positive" way in the bloodiest war. Check out what this guy did. He was incarnation of God and what im saying cannot make sense to you until you go research this dude. Not everything in religion is black and white, our highly dogmatic mind dismisses any grey areas because we're lazy.
  12. @Leo Gura they made me their bitch one happy bitch
  13. mushrooms humbled the fuck out of me
  14. Krishna from the hindu religion. He was a part of the bloodiest war in human history.
  15. "Ram Dass, Going home" = 100% would recommend its on netflix
  16. its absolutely infinite man. Understand its full ramification. Nothing is excluded.
  17. cold showers improve your circulation
  18. my technique is marijuana
  19. Your welcome guys
  20. If there is two there has to be one holding both
  21. give her a link to this exact page and ask her how she feels