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Everything posted by Gavalanche

  1. Thanks for the great insights! I have managed to incorporate a few positive habits into my life recently, but maybe they were using up most of my will-power. Perhaps I need to be a bit more patient and take things one at a time. One thing that Leo mentioned in a video that I watched recently (which he got from Eben Pagan, I believe) was to use what limited will power you do have each day, to try and make changes in your environment for the better, to set you up for future success. (Or something along those lines). So I have been trying to do this a little bit too. I'll definitely go back and watch the recommended videos and really like the idea of using these mundane tasks as an opportunity to practice mindfulness! Thanks a lot!
  2. I would also love to hear Leo's take on the subject of psychedelics. I blame Sam Harris for getting me interested in taking mushrooms!
  3. Also an INTP. Had a sneaking suspicion Leo was one too! I always kind of wondered why it never seemed to come up in any of the videos, as I found reading about my type to be quite eye-opening and almost reminded me of things that I enjoy, which I had never really given much thought to. I suppose the danger with it is that you can end up pigeon-holing yourself, which runs kind of counter-productively to many personal development principles, for example believing you are the highly introverted and not making any attempt to be more social or outgoing.