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Everything posted by bigzbigi
what Jim Carey was talking about (Medulla, Jesus etc), it is not about fluid. It feels like fluid and it is about tensioning fascia (increased fascia hydration may help in fluid like feeling). Fascia is partly responsible for prioperception (which is kind of internal sense of self) so when it starts working ok, then imaginary sense of self (ego) goes down. And people got spiritual because of adjustment on neural network level (every other sense has to be coordinated like vision, smell etc as well as body functioning as domino effect - more adjustments on neural network level) and a lot of neuroplascity connected with belief that something magical is happening. Meditation, praying etc trigger awakening as the attention is taken from ego and external perceptions into internal perceptions (that's why meditation is better with closed eyes or in the dark). It can hurt a lot too (Jesus) and it is about hydration a lot (vinegar can help just like in Jesus story). The reason why most people with Kundalini do not experience that is that Kundalini is very wide spectrum of symptoms. And usually it takes a lot of time and commitment after K happens to practice meditation, yoga etc. Unfortunately after K awakening most people became spiritually bullshited (i was good example by the way) Jesus Passion is mnemonic technique - using story to remember some process. Process in meditating whole night in olive garden and having different K symptoms. Next blockages open - head, neck, rib cage, stomach and it hurts a lot (different parts of the story as well as Peter cuts ear (i had exactly this symptom - it feels like something is cutting the ear). Vinagar is really good tool for better hydration and as you may know Kundalini and fascia are about hydration a lot. Jesus in the story is given vinegar on the cross (which is sacrum bone of course - one of crucial blocages- sacrum chakra/fascia)
The question is if lamb of god in bible is about atlas bone. The lamb of God takes away sins of the world. "to take away" in some languages is " to polish". Atlas is supporting the globe (the world, Greek mythogy) and polishing the skull in a sense. In the skull there is brain that produces sins:) 33 years of jesus are 33 vertebraes of the spine, Golgota means skull in hebrew, sacral bone we know that is, 30 teeths (silvercoins - betraying body with words may give you health problems), 12 ribs pairs (apostels). Jesus pains - a lot of pains that may happens to people doing meditation stuff. Fascia is the fascial web - Jesus is fisherman. There is circulation of fluids discovered last year (Jesus walks the water). During breathing exercises we trigger this circulation to flow and we have sometimes sensations like tingling or something flows in feet (Jesus washes feet)
bigzbigi replied to Leo Gura's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
squats, deadlifts, pushups, pullups.. Enlightment without caring about body is just bullshiting yourself -
bigzbigi replied to winterknight's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
so many of those enligtened masters like Ramana Maharshi or Karmapas or whatever do not care about their bodies, then die of cancer and the only justification of that is that "body is not importnant". This is total bullshit, because Self materializes itself as what is perceived, without that Self is just useless half of the bank note. And their students believe that because it is so beautifull concept of enlightement. -
bigzbigi replied to Barna's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
for me armodafinil does not work while modafinil works really nice. Once i tried microdosing LSD (25 units) and it worked really nice too. I combined it with piracetam and Omega 3 which boost its performance. -
Betraying Jesus means betraying the embodiment of God which is your body. And it is betrayed by thinking too much. - 30 silver coins are teeth - Golgota means skull in Hebrew, pains are about Crown of thorns story and it is connective tissue squeezing (normally its functions do not work correctly as nervous system power which should steer it is overtaken by thinking) - also pains in body depicted in Jesus Passion. Actually there are a lot of diseases with unknown origin that could fit into Jesus story (like SJS syndrome - google pics of it) - as well as Peter cutting ear of guard - when connective tissue squeezes there it feels to me like cutting ear, maybe that's why Van Gohg got weirdo - Jesus washing feet of apostles is about burning leg syndrome which from my observation is about activation of recently discovered circulation in connective tissues - 33 years of Jesus are of course 33 vertebrates below Golgota (skull) - crucial in recently discovered not working well in humans circulation - 12 apostles are about 12 pair of ribs - imo those areas of connective tissue are important in distribution of Carbon Dioxide from lungs. Co2 is also crucial for thinking. It is vessels dilutator in brain as well in enables uptake of oxygen. Also important in pH management - Aureole is about connective tissue around head (crown chakra) fills with CO2 (holy spirit) and fluids - some people feel it including me - Cross is about sacral bone (sacral chakra) which by the way in Polish also means cross (krzyż) - Bread is about... Well bread translation in Latin is "panis", so yes I bet soon it will be discovered that some fluids from testicles and prostate (and Penis area in general - they did not know anatomy concepts back then) flow in connective tissue too. And my bet is that it is a lot about pH management in body (crucial for thinking also) - so it seems to me that when Christians pray for bread, they actually pray for sperm going up to the Golgota... - in general betraying body caused that many functions in body do not work correctly and it also impact thinking and cognitive functions causing us to be exiled from Eden (Adam's apple is about falling Adam apple (throat chakra) because of connective tissue malfunction, snake is of course Kundalini snake (connective tissue in abdomen area activation). 7 Days are of course about creating language reflecting world not the world itself - Christ in early times of Christians was about baptism with oil. It probably came from the fact that where mentioned mechanics works it feels sometimes like some oily substances going via body
bigzbigi replied to lmfao's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
because they are real. -
"The Lord gave Moses and Aaron the following regulations for the people of Israel. You may eat any land animal 3 that has divided hoofs and that also chews the cud, but you must not eat camels, rock badgers, or rabbits. These must be considered unclean; they chew the cud, but do not have divided hoofs. Do not eat pigs. They must be considered unclean; they have divided hoofs, but do not chew the cud. Do not eat these animals or even touch their dead bodies; they are unclean." And the reason for that are lectins that causes tissues to stick (tissues mineralization). Chewing helps to eliminate that (softer food is easier to digest - thats why we use baking soda to soak many lectins veggies for example) and hoofs division means that the process of lectins elimination is better in this animal (less stiffness in body). God is intuition of course
Fascia seems to be very important in K related processes. I think that how important fascia is may be observed with bats.. * They fly with no feathers which is possible due to very precise fascia stretch * But there is gravity that causes objects to fall down. Just like fascia (or Adam's apple) which becomes wrinkled and destreatch due to gravity * so what bats do is that they "correct" gravity with hanging upside down * and reversed types of activities is what we can learn from bats to improve our functioning. That's why I practice handstands on daily basis * of course recently they were discovery of fluid circulation in fascia. And how important fluids circulation is for thinking we may imagine by thinking what would happen if you have reduced blood flow to brain.. Body is one big mechanism of pressures management *sometimes I just think that intuition try to communicate with thinking mind by creating culture and histories like batman, spiderman (fascia's net) or... bible
bigzbigi replied to WildeChilde's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
7 days - creating ego from intuition with use of concepts about world (7 chakras blocks which can be unlocked - 7 seals in end of the world story) Serpent - Kundalini (called snake also) Tree of good and evil - logic with words fruit of tree - thinking with words What happends when you think - you lose your Kundalini which helps with intuitive thinking instead of logical (which is recently discovered system by the way). You create rules and concepts that you should obey, not God anymore, just stupid human -
bigzbigi replied to bigzbigi's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
it's all connected. Blood, lymph and this. This is slowest and it get stuck easily. It slow down whole system, and body does not work well. Nevermind. It is tip of iceberg. People did not notice it for hundreds of years because of "lol" attitude. -
bigzbigi replied to bigzbigi's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
it is not working well circulation system. When it works (usually it start suddenly) you start to think much faster and neural network is adjusted. -
@Nahm Yep, Im in nutrition for 20 years so I test a lot. ANd I think that back then they did have processed food which can help clean some toxins from pork. So they just used intuition, wrote some texts about in form of stories and then people just took it too serious...
bigzbigi replied to Oktillo's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Kundalini - opening circulation of non newtonian fluids in body that leads to chain of events related also to psyche (connective tissue is calcified and full of cloths). Jesus and Moses were about it. Two water related guys. Fisherman - it is about fascia net. Jesus walks on water - yes you can walk on nonnewtonian fluid. Cross - sacral bone (charka). 33 years - vertabraes. Body sensations - Jesus's Passion - opening skull, ribs and so on - circulation. Vinegar in story - yes it is great in decalcifing- check with egg. Holy grail - well, that can be controversial But is seems to be penis...:) Anyways we are living also in medical matrix boys and girls -
It definitely improve root chakra circulation. For me it is good but i prefer to take it in the morning. But some people prefer at night. Everybody has to find what is good for him. N=1
Yes, lithium works good as far, definitely works with Kundalini (which everybody has). I recommend trying
I recommend trying lithium orotate. This form of not popular is very safe and effective for calming monkey mind. Lithium is rare mineral. In food you can not find in in large quantities. Mustard seeds are one of highest sources. "By accident" of course mustard seed is one of the main plants in Bible and Talmud. It is mentioned also by Buddah. Jesus was talking about advantages of mustard seeds over herbs because it compounds over time (of course he was using metaphors and this is interpretation I have)
Zinc plus magnesium (zma) and ashawaganda
if it is one thing it is modafinil.
I bought. Kurt Cobain had good intuition
It is not. Many "spiritual" people like Benhino Massaro or Eckart Tolle eat meat. Everything is one. The issue is suffering during lifetime for me. And suffering is related for animals to conditions of living not to the death itself which last just a moment. My view is now that etical reasons for veganism are just a rationalization. Real reason is to consume more lectins which will make body less elastic (due to deminerazitation). Everything is relative depending on where we are.
@Monkey-man Im not sure of nothing. Im just like to solve puzzles. But yes, everything is relative eg substances that can harm one person, can help other one
So the chain of events seems to be like this: Wim Hof Method (cold exposure and breathing techniques)-> -> focusing on internal perceptions (instead of thoughts or external perceptions)-> -> demineralization process of overmineralized tissues-> ->increase in fascia elascity-> -> can cause sudden movement of connective tissue in body (from experience/known as Kundalini for example) -> -> changes sense of internal self as body's coordinates-> -> adjustment of other senses (like vision)-> -> increased neuroplasticity (faster pace of learning)-> ->some people become spiritual because they believe it happens to them because of spiritual practices they do (so they learn to think like this faster)-> -> but in general more natural coordinates of body make you fell better. Internal sense of being increase, so ego can decrease So why Win eat pasta?To avoid excess mineralisation of tissues. Why Warren drinks Coke and eats empty calories? To avoid excess mineralisation of tissues.
@Monkey-man that's fine. we are all one And of course, lectins and mineralizations are reasons for which Muslims have Ramadan (fasting), their praying styles etc. Of course yoga is for this, mudras, ctohing styles (tight/loose, hats, scarfs and so on), tattoos, and even smoking (breathing+nicotine(neuroplascity)+smoke(turning attention into body- danger))