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Everything posted by Nadosa

  1. Because panic and anxiety are things that I left long time ago, I was busy dealing with my self and building a life as a person again, then something like that came out of the blue. I have already had a partial awakening. But today I was just panicky about being aware, awareness and perception of reality itself, that I made it a huge trouble.
  2. But why did it arise? Yes I resisted it because it is something that shouldnt happen anymore. Lol. Thanks.
  3. ...without practise. I sometimes feel like my self is miles away and only awareness stays here. Switching back and forth, feeling like there are several personalities, feeling like there is no sense in life because "I" do not exist, thinking and experiences beyond intellectualization, thinking that me as a form shouldnt be here anymore, looking at the date feeling strange since my awakening began. Overall I dont know who I am, looking for a self in my mind, getting an overall view of my life doesnt work, because creating a sense of self is just triggering and leads to a deadlock. Well, the ego believes to be separate from the self, a separate entity. That is a trap, crippling. The last days have been horrible, way more than before. I hope it vanishes. Please.
  4. I think I might have stepped out of the normal dimension, seriously I feel like there is no self but I still operate from the place of ego, so this feels quite uncomfortably insane.
  5. Yes. Sadly. This all is so crippling because I can't find a self anymore, like someone who experiences this isn't "there" anymore, so I always question who is here then.
  6. So you are basically trapped if you want to kill yourself but know you can't kill yourself. Yep that is how I feel.
  7. Oh sorry, can a mod move this thread to the spiritual section? @Nahm
  8. Hi, as some of you know, I struggle with self, personality, overall fundamental things with my identity. For me, I see there is no self or that it isnt me in the first place, but several selves occuring whenever they are needed or triggered, experiencing this makes me feel like I am literally split in several personalities. So, how do I find a comfortable place without getting totally triggered whenever I am in a social interaction?
  9. Hey, so I've been going to school lately but since we are supposed to learn for exams, I get these thoughts of "do I really need this?" and especially feeling weird for "who" I learn. It feels like it is for "me", we all know there is no "I" as we thought there is. Other thoughts are "am I able to remember this stuff? WHO learns and remembers?" This all is a bit triggering though because I havent found a comfortable place in my mind yet. So in the end, I can't learn because those are thoughts that trouble my sense of identity whereas I should be focusing on learning.
  10. Sure chicks love it when you imitate porn moves and acts?‍♂️ Alright. Fortunately that's bullshit.
  11. My therapist often tries finding ways through finding the right job or a girlfriend etc.. I dont know if it is distorted. It just is as it is. Maybe it is just a worthwile break from suffering? I actually try to face the pain whenever I have the time. As soon as I take suffering and pain personally, it is quite overwhelming . As soon as I take it impersonally, it vanishes.
  12. Last days, I have been experiencing, especially in social interactions, this "I dont care" mindset, meaning my conversations were just flowing like water, no thoughts, just being, people noticed (thought I was drunk or high), because actually Ive been very depressed and known to be an introvert, but awakening causes me to depersonalize from struggle and just be. It is like I can transform from one moment to another into a self-confident person and it attracts LOTS of people, especially girls. Sometimes I feel so strange, because I realized this very strong impermanence of my form. Thinking and judging about it makes me kind of depressed. On the other hand, struggles are still real, I dont really know how to integrate awakening into my life as "form", relationships as "I" dont make sense when I think about it and there are times where I suddenly feel very hopeless. Especially when I leave out a meditation session and triggers go off unconsciously.
  13. Hm, I dont really feel numb though. Oftentimes it is really kind of letting go of the suffering for a moment, but you have the underlying feeling that it isn't resolved. So what to do? I dont really see any help in therapy which is based on desires etc. So I use spirituality. I dont feel numb, but enjoy the presence.
  14. Yeah, I was just troubled by the term "losing" your mind. You can't lose your mind
  15. Lose my mind? How can I lose my mind? Thanks for your words :-)
  16. Ive just had another moment of awareness, putting things into perspective. It feels like in daily life I am caught up in an pseudo-awakened alter ego and totally clouded, totally filled with concepts and beliefs, so clouded that it makes me depressed. An ego with stories around awakening, feelings and experiences that are clearly mind filtered. That is the default state of my mind. I begin doubting, feeling like I just pretend things happened a certain way when they actually were just mind-distorted so I could put them into words. I look at this self and it is so far away from reality. It makes me absurdly sad, very very sad looking how deep I fell. And yet I am still unconsciously always caught up in it. Pls take me out of it, this realization is very heartbreaking somehow. I have already had such realization where I cried because I realized how unconsciously deep I fell without even noticing it driving me to the point of thinking about suicide. This poor soul just didnt know it better because it got dragged away in the mind's stream of stories. That is probably the reason I have no clear sense of self - it is so clouded and manipulated by the mind.
  17. I want to feel Love and trust for my body again. I feel like I cant trust anything (probably due to first awakening experiences). Focusing in the body and on the breath makes the mind active as soon as I start. Now that I know how little control I have, I have to know how regain a sense of control over my body back. It feels like I am not even this body at times. It is an estranger I pretend to be connected to, no connection, awful body mind flow. The cause is the story which has plagued me forever now and disrupted the trust and connection to my body, whenever I focus on the body, questions and assumptions come up how it is still here (again maybe due to awakening, people confirm having felt the same), that it is nothing to trust, and I just cant somehow let those mind stories go and refocus - it feels uncomortable to have this questions in the first place. No one should have them and those thoughts clearly show that there is energy stuck imo. I just dont have this secure anchor which makes it very difficult at times.
  18. Well, not just mind loops, but an false-story based identity made up by the mind aka the Ego.
  19. So today I started the fight (meaning surrendering) against my full-ass-grown Ego. It was so damn difficult to even jog 1km as my Ego started being irritated. Soon after I experienced a fear of losing specific depressing/suicidal identity patterns. Once I identified with occuring patterns, I didnt want to continue, but deep inside I think I do. But how do I overcome this? I just cant have a clear sense of "yes I want to get better", it is either that I dont have a perspective that I can grow out of these patterns or just a feeling that I dont want to get better or it is impossible to let these stories behind.
  20. I am pretty sure 11 months ago my mind's default mode changed. When I dont suffer, I decribe feelings and states of an awakened being. It is strange because I was not interested in awakening it all - it just happened and I clearly know that there is no way back. After my awakening, I was kinda clueless what to do about the suffering associated with it - the Ego fought back with creating an identity around the subject "life was pointless". Taking things personal does not make sense to me anymore. That is probably the reason that everything I tried in order to control the process, like exercising, meditation felt useless. It made no sense to "get better". Anyways, for 11 months now, I have been feeling like I hit the lowest points of mental suffering a human being can ever experience. Everytime I got up and felt better, I felt like I was reborn. What suffers because of those "death and rebirths" is my person(a). My mind comes up with questions why I am still here, why this body is here and didn't die, who is talking at the moment, I just can't make sense out of how I am still here - that's especially the case when it is about my past, like talking in a job interview, doc, therapist - I struggle to have a healthy persona. I post this because...I is self-soothing. Is this due to lack of mindful practise?
  21. Thanks. It is gonna be a hard journey. This all is even a proof that I am not my brain. I am just presence. So it seems like a part is awakened another part is still in denial.
  22. Of course, the ego is still there! You just somehow know it is not you. So I disagree...
  23. I know I have huge potential, I am good looking, not stupid, but I feel like I am stuck in a state between living and dying, except that I feel like I have already died.