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Everything posted by Forestluv

  1. This video shows how the phrase “All Lives Matter” can be used as a shield for racism. Quite often when I speak of inclusion and equality I am told “All Lives Matter” by white people. This is a common response of Blue to Green.
  2. What about supporting a movement through other means, such as creating educational videos?
  3. After years of peaceful suffragist protests, elements of violence emerged. Multiple suffrage societies formed across the country during the Victorian era, all fighting in different ways to convince the government that women deserved the right to vote. In 1903 a new society emerged in the UK: the WSPU, or Women’s Social and Political Movement, headed by the enigmatic Pankhurst family. In 1913 Christabel Pankhurst wrote: “If men use explosives and bombs for their own purpose they call it war, and the throwing of a bomb that destroys other people is then described as a glorious and heroic deed. Why should a woman not make use of the same weapons as men. It is not only war we have declared. We are fighting for a revolution!’ The WSPU women put the current violent protestors to shame. The WSPU used bombs and arson to destroy buildings. Yet they also had a Green twist: The Pankhursts were staunch advocates for human and animal rights. Christabel said that if there was a cat or canary in the house, leave it be.
  4. There is a protest every night at the courthouse. A small percentage of the protestors are “agitators”. They pound the fence, through fireworks into the courtyard and start small fires in the courtyard. This provokes the feds / ppd to come out and deploy tear gas and impact munitions against the protestors. These agitators are not part of some organization called “antifa”. If you watch livestreams, you can see the events live and learn from protestors there. The reporters often describe the events as they occur. During the early evening protests, BLM speakers tell the protestors not to cause destruction or mayhem, yet a small percentage of protestors lose their discipline and start agitating the feds. Personally, I would like to see other protestors there reprimand the agitators and tell them to calm down. I agree with you that it would be more productive if the agitators chilled out and the feds stayed inside the bldg. Yet there is a lot of frustration and anger.
  5. An inside look from a protestor live stream. It’s getting intense. The paramilitary just threatened they will come out and start arresting.
  6. In terms of higher SD levels, I would suggest expanding beyond simply catching and imprisoning sex offenders. That is certainly an important component, yet if we want to actually reduce the numbers of sex offenses in society we would also need to consider an address other components that contribute to high rates of sex offenses.
  7. Exploratory discussions of racism are fine. Yet trying to push blue level propaganda like “racism is a myth” isn’t gonna fly. Yet its fine to put it as an example of blue ideology in SD blue mega thread.
  8. I’m so impressed by new creative modes of expression and protest. If you don’t grok the energetics and power of this, you haven’t fully embodied green. It’s not just an intellectual thing.
  9. To me, this looks like healthy blue with a green clincher.
  10. Be respectful of others on the forum.
  11. @LaucherJunge My comments were to a forum member that I consider to be open-minded. I don’t consider you to be open-minded.
  12. @Bodigger Tonight hundreds of United States veterans came to Portland to peacefully protest. One of those men was Mike Hastie. He was born in 1945 and served our country in the Vietnam War. He introduced himself to the federal militia as a veteran and spoke of his experience in Vietnam. A federal militia man pepper sprayed Mike from six inches directly into his eyes and left him to suffer. Mike was in agony for an hour before someone in the community was able to help him with cleansing spray. An unarmed 75 year old Vietnam veteran. This is not right. It’s gut-wrenching.
  13. Fence coming down in one section! Snipers shooting gas grenades from the rooftop.
  14. Also insulation to block the feds lines of sight and prevent them from shooting projectiles at head height. The protestors adapt and get better each night. multi cam :
  15. ? ? Commentators said someone is cutting the fence. They may be cutting a hole so they can go in and out. Lots of leaf blowers tonight. So far they are easily blowing back the gas. Yet last night the feds released enough gas to fill a three block radius. The Portland Police are now claiming shields are “an indicator that someone plans to fight”. . . . Umbrellas and boards of wood? That’s some weak sauce.
  16. They feds don’t want to come out when the crowd is big. They come out when the crowd starts shaking the fence. After about 10min. they crowd seats pounding the fence and shaking it. It’s kinda crazy how a fence is the centerpiece of the battle. The feds looked dejected at times last night. It’s a miserable job for them.
  17. It would escalate things to a whole nother level. I think the protestors know they are now winning with the fence up and are content tormenting the feds in the courtyard. The feds have boxed themselves in there.
  18. I heard 30% bigger, yet it has thinned out and is now entered the next stage. The soft protestors have left after the first few rounds of gas. The hardcore protestors are remain. They fence almost came down last night. When the feds go back in the courthouse, the protestors will eventually start shaking the fence to agitate the feds. Then the feds come out to protect the fence. They feds want to stay inside. After a while, the protestors want them to come out and shake the fence. It’s an interesting battle. I think the protestors are winning and empowered with the fence up. I think it will stay up tonight since they are winning with it up. They are throwing trash, water bottles and mild fireworks inside. Plus a some lazers. Last night the shot the feds with silly string glue. They could easily take down the fence if they wanted to. But I don’t think they will since they are now winning.
  19. When the crowd is large, they are winning the battle. I think they want to make the feds lives so miserable that they leave. Yea, they create these phalanx formations to fight gas and protect themselves from impact projectiles.
  20. As I watch, I don’t think the protestors will take it down tonight because they are now winning the battle with the fence up. When they are winning, it’s to their advantage to leave it up. It looks like ppd might be in the courtyard with the feds, which would be a new development. Or the feds have some new blue gear
  21. The feds put the fence up. It’s counter-intuitive
  22. There are many leaf blowers. They need one leaf blower about every 10 ft for maximum effectiveness The feds have also brought leaf blowers, yet they are outnumbered. The protestors have gotten very skilled. It’s impressive
  23. Today is day 58 of teargassing. The protestors have gotten sooo good at redirecting gas. They work together with leaf blowers, umbrellas and sheets of wood. The gas grenades don’t ignite on fire for about five seconds and the protestors have gotten very bold with picking them up and throwing them back in the courtyard.