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Everything posted by Forestluv

  1. That is a small subset of green. Green also includes many highly motivated people in politics, law, social work, psychologists, environmental work, artists etc.
  2. Another factor is that Dem candidates generally don’t offer anything of interest to young people. Obama got a good youth turnout in 2008, yet lost them because he didn’t deliver his first term. Bernie had a lot of youth support because he supported all their important issues. Biden doesn’t. And my impression is that young people don’t want incremental change, they want what they want now. Green New Deal. M4A. Free college tuition. Etc. This is the perspective of the majority of young people. They don’t see anything of value to vote for.
  3. They aren’t running a candidate in 2020. They are organizing for the 2022 and 2024 elections. However, much of their vibe seems against both Trump and Biden so I can this swaying a small percentage of lefties to voting Green or writing in a candidate. Young people don’t vote in a high percentage, yet young people really don’t like Biden and there could be a very low turnout for young people this election. Biden’s camp doesn’t seem concerned about the youth vote. They seem much more interested in the Lincoln Project type republican voter. I think Biden is may be over-marginalizing progressive voices and policies. The DNC is allowing republican John Kasich to speak, yet denying progressive hero AOC. They also denied TYT press passes to the convention. And I think Biden is on the wrong side of M4A, given the economic and health care crisis with the covid.
  4. It’s not really about the dick. It’s about the the levels of testosterone produced by testicles. And testosterone isn’t a male hormone. Cis women also produce testosterone, yet at much lower levels than males. Increased levels of testosterone would be unfair in women’s sports regardless of whether the increase was gained through PEDs or testicles. I agree that there can be unfair advantages. I also think the context of competition is important. I don’t think its a big deal to allow a trans woman to register as woman for a local 10k run in which the winning prize is a towel. Yet professional sports, olympics, UFC fighting etc. are very different contexts.
  5. It’s not merely “identifying as a women”. Most organized sports, such as the NCAA in the US, would require an individual to transition over a period as long as years. This includes testosterone blockers which reduces muscle strength to the female equivalency. Bone density can take longer to equilibrate. One thing that doesn’t equilibrate is bone structure. This could give an advantage in some sports. It’s debatable whether trans women are more powerful in terms of muscle strength. A fully transitioned female on testosterone blockers has roughly the same muscle strength as a cis woman. Yet it principle, it’s about fairness, rather than entertainment value. Imagine being a cis woman who has trained 10 years for the olympics and then you have to compete against some that has an unfair advantage such as a male body structure.
  6. Who is the “everyone working together” and to what is being worked for? In a roomful of health insurance CEOs, ‘everyone working together’ means designing ways to make billions of dollars in profit with plans that will evict millions of people into homelessness during a pandemic. With differing self interests, who is the ‘everyone’?
  7. Yep. It can stop at the mind’s limit to deconstruct and construct. The end would be Nothing / Everything. Yet that isn’t useful or practical from the perspective of a person.
  8. Extreme capitalism and corporate plutocracy
  9. @Charlotte Yep, one can go meta of a meta view.
  10. Very creative rationalizing!!
  11. In one direction it is a restriction, in another direction it is an expansion. What you propose dissolves a restriction in one context and creates a restriction in another context. Groundless Grounding
  12. @HP Lovecraft AA is definitely about abstinence, not moderation. If you are more interested in moderation, you may want to look into SMART, Lifering, SOS, moderation management and/or CBT. . . AA has by far the most extensive network of face to face meetings and there all a lot of good, healthy people in AA, as well as a lot of unhealthy people. Meetings can have very different vibes to them as well. In my area, there are meetings that have strong religious undertones as well as meetings that have deleted out all god references to make it more secular. You may be able to find a liberal meeting that isn’t so hardcore about abstinence, yet the foundation of AA is abstinence and it would be hard to fit in while trying to drink moderately.
  13. @GeorgeLawson Very nice ? ?
  14. Orange can see Red from above. One needn’t be at Yellow.
  15. Didn’t he say that mail-in ballot and absentee ballots are different? (Mail-in is bad, absentee is good).
  16. Interesting analysis. In particular his system would have predicted a Trump victory in April. It was the events since April that will doom him.
  17. @Jennjenn Thanks to you and your district for electing AOC! She is a strong player on the Green team!
  18. Trump recently pulled TV advertising money out of Michigan which may indicate his team is giving up on the state.
  19. My impression is that you don’t see me as offering anything of value to you.
  20. Imo, this is important and has value, yet falls short. White poverty is a problem that should be addressed. In the bigger picture, wealth inequality and corporate plutocracy is a major problem. I think it’s very important to redistribute wealth into poor communities and lift up poor white, black and brown people. This would alleviate a lot of racial tensions and help move toward equality. Yet there will still the problem of systemic racism, nationalism, cultural wars etc to be addressed. Also, the people that benefit most from systemic racism and perpetuate need to wake up for change. There are a lot of middle to upper class people that would prefer to be “colorblind”, turn a blind eye and allow the status quo to continue. And there are the wealthy and people in power that want the system to continue.
  21. @Parththakkar12 That’s not my question. You stated “The next step though is to wake them up.”. I’m asking specifically about this step. I agree, one’s own self awareness and communication dynamics are important. Yet, I’m asking about the specific actions to wake them up. Imagine we have a systemic racism denier. What specific actions would you take to wake them up to the actuality of systemic racism? And what would the ‘needs’ of a systemic racism denier be?. . . Appeasement to systemic racism deniers perpetuates systemic racism.
  22. @acy_321 This is what I call the “sub ego death zone” and it can be an uncomfortable space. I’ve felt anxiety about entering that space again. I’ve found it helpful to do low dose trips in a peaceful environment. This can help the mind-body surrender, let go and dissolve attachment to the ego. Or I may take a break from tripping and do other practices like meditation, yoga, time in nature. This can help get insight into the nature of the attachment and fear.