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Everything posted by Forestluv

  1. Part of the problem is market-driven economies. I think we are at the point in which we need to criticize and question economic systems. We are on an unsustainable path. Even if economies were opened, their are serious systemic problems we need to face and it may be time to face the music and seriously consider re-imagining economic systems - such as Resource Based Economies People are so focused on short-term thinking about their self survival over the next weeks or months. I get that, yet there are also serious systemic problems that threaten the survival of humans.
  2. Underlying the bizarre tweet storm is a return to campaign mode to win an election. Over the last few months, Trump team has not been campaigning to win over voters - they have been de-legitimizing the election and positioning themselves to hold on to power even in defeat. His latest tweet barrage, Trump gives a list of reasons why people should vote for him and encourages them to vote. This is a shift in tone and suggests the election is real enough to participate in. A different tone than his "ballot fraud!" and "stand back, stand by" rhetoric.
  3. He isn't making the distinction between conspiracy theories and a regular theory or concept. For example, hundreds of years ago, people thought that a fully formed tiny human was in a sperm and the egg just provided nutrients. With the invention of microscopes, this was proven false. Yet this wouldn't be a "conspiracy theory" I'd say complex conspiracy theories are relatively new and the printing press had an enormous impact. Yet simpler conspiracies have existed much longer. In ancient villages, there were likely people speculating about how the neighboring clansman are conspiring to do xyz. Or a king may speculate of a conspiracy against him.
  4. And that would be absurd. Sure, they could have given him the steroid as a preventative. The same doctor prescribed Trump Hydroxy as a preventative and Trump trusted a doctor into Demon sperm, so it wouldn't surprise me. Yet something still smells fishy to me. . . .
  5. I understand your point. Imagine you cut your finger and the doctor says "Let's amputate your hand as a prevention against you getting a bad infection that kills you". Amputating a hand is a drastic measure only done if the hand is seriously damaged and could harm the rest of the body. If someone has a simple cut, amputating the hand for prevention is waaay too excessive. As well, the steroid they claimed to give Trump is not a preventative. It is used to reduce severe inflammation that has already occurred.
  6. Biden's ground game is one of his weaknesses. There isn't an energy for Biden. Who is going to volunteer their day canvassing for Biden? Most Biden voters wouldn't walk across the street to vote for him, yet they would walk across broken glass to vote against Trump. Biden's strengths are 1) intense anti-Trump energy, 2) A shit ton of money to spend on ads, 3) he comes across as a decent guy, 4) a good network of lawyers (from what I've heard - hope it's right).
  7. That's the whole point. Was he on the edge of death and need potent steroids to keep him alive? Then it makes sense. Yet if it was just a bad cold, then you don't give someone medication so strong it can damage the body. Trump's team said he did well and he left the hospital today in good spirits? Imagine someone had a small benign tumor that could easily be removed with a micro-scalpel. Would you put that person through chemotherapy? Of course not - that is waaay too excessive. Chemo is only used in severe cancer patients to save their life. That's why I'm saying something fishy is going on. I never said "I believe it". I said "I don't know". There is HUGE difference. -- It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it. -- Aristotle
  8. It's not as simple as "CRT is accurate" or "CRT is bogus". I'm only familiar with the basics of CRT, yet I'm familiar with academic theories. These theories get very nuanced and complex. If we invited 100 academics to a conference on CRT, there would be all sorts of debates, discussions and explorations of the theory. It would likely get heated at times. I've seen things turn into bloodbaths. I could see an hour long discussion over a term like "marginalized" or "disadvantaged". In the world I live, things are not 'true' or 'false'. If I dug deep in CRT, I'd likely find parts that were insightful and helped explain societal phenomena. I'd also find parts I didn't understand well and would need to discuss with someone in the humanities. And I'd likely find parts that were overly simplistic, incomplete or inaccurate. I don't know Peter and James, yet my hunch is that they may have valid criticisms of CRT, yet fall victim to dismissive categorization. Those oriented as "anti-intellectuals" can provide value in that they can criticize and be skeptical of academic theories. Intellectuals can become dogmatic, paradigm locked and closed-minded. However, the anti-intellectuals can also be very problematic. Complex problems need complex thinking. Dismissive categorization that CRT is bogus is overly simplistic and lazy. It's an anchor to progress in certain areas. Rather than dismissing the theory, why not improve the theory? Yet getting into nuances and complexity takes a lot of work and effort. . . This of course assumes that the theory has enough truth and value to warrant time and effort. Generally, theories that make it to the highest levels of academic circles have a lot of substance. I wouldn't buy the claim that academics are broadly full of B.S. They may over-estimate their understanding and themselves be dismissive, yet they are at a higher level than anti-intellectuals. They provide insight into certain realms. For example, Richard Dawkins may be contracted within science and sound like a fool when speaking of mysticism due to his pre-trans fallacy - Yet Dawkins is a brilliant geneticist and evolutionary biologist. He has contributed an enormous amount of insight into this area. Of course he is paradigm-locked, yet he is brilliant within the paradigm he is locked within. The problem comes when he tries to venture outside of that. Like a Sumo wrestler trying to dance ballet.
  9. Dexamethasone has toxic side effects on the immune system. It is used in patients with low oxygen levels and pulmonary inflammation (on ventilators). Why give Trump this potent steroid that has harmful effects if he didn't need it? Something is odd. These videos would support the theory that he faked his diagnosis to prove that Covid is nothing to worry about. He has looked good in each of his videos saying "it's not that bad" and how he is getting through it. I'm not saying he is faking, yet this is exactly what it would look like if he was faking and wanted to change the narrative. I don't know what it is, yet something fishy is going on. . .
  10. People can be raised in a Green environment and become a 'hollow' green when they are teenagers and young adults. They are hollow for orange and often seek to fill that hole. There are many different expressions of Green. In general, Green does not like top-down government and authority. One expression of green is limited government. I lived in a Green anarchist commune for a couple months - they were against hierarchical government. Yet this is distinct from libertarian. An orange libertarian would want limited government with strong personal identification, personal responsibility, personal property, property rights etc. A Green anarchist commune dweller doesn't want authoritarian government, yet they have a shared sense of responsibility and shared possessions. In the commune I lived, everyone's doors were open and they shared stuff. There was a very weak sense of personal possessions. As well, I couldn't tell who the parents of children were. There was a community sense of responsibility. If someone is for small government (or no government), one way to distinguish between orange and green is to ask them how they view personal responsibility and personal property. If they are Gung-Ho for personal responsibility and property - you've got yourself an Orange Libertarian.
  11. Update: Trump is now taking the steroid Dexamethasone. This is a common steroid - yet not commonly used in high doses for covid. It is a potent anti-inflammatory used in severe cases of covid disease in which there is pulmonary inflammation and supplemental oxygen. Dexamethasone is generally not used in mild cases because it suppresses the immune system. The medication suggests that Trump has inflammation severe enough to warrant Dexamethasone - unless the doctors are using it in a non-conventional way. Trump looked in pretty good shape in the video released yesterday. Yet he has now been placed on new medication normally used in more severe cases and he hasn't been tweeting, suggesting that his condition may be worsening. Double yet. . . His doctor Conley said that Trump is doing well and may be released from the hospital tomorrow. Triple yet. . . Normal doctors are saying a patient about to be released from the hospital would not be placed on Dexamethasone. So Trump's doctors are either using the steroid in a non-conventional way or are not being upfront about the severity of Trump's condition. Trump's doctor's have acted in non-conventional ways (putting Trump on Hydroxy), so I could see either scenario being true.
  12. Smaller states have rights at the state level. They have a state governor, state senate, courts and legislature. They are able to make a lot of decisions at the state level - such as state laws and enforcement. The federal level is a different ballgame. The federal level is supposed to govern the entire country (while respecting states rights). At the federal level, is it fair that a tomato farmer in Wyoming gets 4 votes and a tomato farmer in California only gets 1 vote? If we decide to give a minority extra voting power, why limit it to people who live in small states? Why not give racial minorities extra voting power. Should white people decide everything based on majority? And why stop with race? There are lots of minorities: people with disabilities, atheists, jewish, midgets, LBGTQ etc. Should they also have extra voting power? Due to disproportionate voting power given to a minority, the minority has the most power at the federal government and over-ruling the majority. Is it fair if 1 million people in Wyoming decide federal policies for 50 million people in California?
  13. Trumpers went all in on 'Law and Order' and deflecting from covid. The only issues Trump is anywhere near even with Biden is on police and economy. Trump is waaay below Biden on handling covid. It's Trump's albatross. The last thing Trump's team wants is to have the discussion be about covid. They want to deflect and distract people from covid to antifa terrorists and fear. The entire news cycles have now been about covid. Nothing about policing. And Trump's team is trying to minimize the damage of covid spreading throughout the WH. This is a terrible look for them. Covid is their worst issue. If they are so careless and irresponsible about covid mitigation, socially distancing, masks to the point covid is rampant throughout the WH family - including the president himself - how can they protect regular American families. I could see Trump getting some sympathy due to his illness, yet I can't see him gaslighting Americans to believe that he is the hero protecting them from covid. That he know wants everyone to "work together" to get through covid - especially when Trumpists / Republicans still aren't following mitigation procedures. Do you really think that Trump can gaslight the story so he is the responsible hero helping America get through the pandemic? I think the 30% of Trumpers will fall for it, yet I have a hard time seeing an average person getting gaslighted to this extent. Trump's con game can only go so far. My prediction is that Trump's team will try to frame it as a "bad flu" that he overcame (as a strong hero) - and that we should reduce covid mitigations for the economy. Yet that is a hard sell to most Americans after Trump and much of his staff are hospitalized with covid. It also makes it harder for Trump to re-frame news cycles back to scary antifa terrorists that are violently destroying America.
  14. That's a dilemma for double suckness. Some prefer to vote for the suckness they know. It has more certainty. Others prefer to give new suckness a try - it may not suck as bad. In 2016 double suckness voters broke hard for Trump - willing to give uncertain Trump suckness a try over Hilary suckness they knew. In 2020, polls are showing double suckness voters are breaking for Biden. Biden suckness is familiar as he has been in Congress longer than dirt. The new suckness would be his early cognitive decline. Yet he won't make it more that 4 years, so they is a limited suckness exposure.
  15. Wild indeed.
  16. If this was actually filmed in Walter Reed Hospital today, Trumps looks to be in good shape. He certainly isn’t bedridden fighting for his life.
  17. I’ve also felt desire for Trump to get a good taste of what it’s like. Yet I’ve also had a variety of other thoughts and feelings about it. Not everyone has a consistent experience. In a way, pretending to be a super nice person while hoping he has a rough experience would be a form of virtue signaling. There have been some leaks from advisors that Trump is in seriously bad shape and it could go either way. It’s hard to verify such sources, yet I tend to give more weight to anonymous sources of legit reporters than official WH statements.
  18. It’s an assumption that everyone will be honest due to integrity. For example, a professor may hand out and exam to students - then to leave. This would leave the students alone. The professor might say “No cheating. We are working on the honor system”. And then the professor takes the students’ word that they didn’t cheat. In this case, Trumps’ team arrived late to the debate and wouldn’t get tested. The honor system means the debate officials trusted the Trump teams’ word that they all had been tested earlier and were negative.
  19. That’s what I’ve been praying for. I’ve seen some reports that he entered a place of fear and panic. I’m hoping that he goes close enough to actual death that he surrenders and has an ego death, then returns with new awareness of himself - his own trauma, insecurities as well as his impact on others. Yet even with a legit ego death, the ego often returns - so it’s a long-shot.
  20. Contact tracing has identified 25 people infected. 11 Cleveland debate staffers have tested positive so far. It looks like it spread from the Rose Garden to the Debate. The debate was a day prior to Trump so he didn’t know he had it at the time. Yet I imagine someone at the Rose Garden had tested positive by Tuesday since that is 3 days and the average incubation For a positive is 2 days. The 11 positives indicate that Trump’’s team brought in the virus it was spreading at the debate. Trumpers also arrived late and refused to get tested by debate officials and they went on the “honor system”. It’s good that Biden takes the precautions he does, yet he isn’t out of the woods yet. There can be 7 day incubations for a positive. At this point, Biden is in a position to say no in-person debate. The debates will be virtual and only the person using their speaking time can be heard.
  21. That reminds me of a responsible, loving parent when their child goes off track and starts harming others. The parent still loves their child, yet there is a balance between compassionate love and tough love. Compassionate love alone can enable a toxic child and they could get worse. Yet how do we express ‘tough love’ in a way that is loving, rather than in a way that is demonizing and vindictive? We could try to help the person, yet what if the person is intent upon causing harm and we are unable to isolate that person from society? It seems like a tricky situation. My most recent fantasy is that Trump has an ego death awakening during an NDE in the hospital room. I’d much rather have Trump to awaken and return and enlightened being that leads the world into a new stage of human evolution than dying and leaving behind toxic Trumpism.
  22. The Rose Garden event last Saturday for Barrett may have been the super spreader. So far, 8 people at that event have tested positive this week. The below image shows 6 of the 8.
  23. Has this been established in timeline? The dates that tests were revealed to the public is not the true timeline. Trump’s team can reveal test results in a particular order to create a narrative. Doctors revealed today that Trump was diagnosed on Wednesday. That means he was most likely infected last Monday. Hicks has been to be very upset to be blamed for infecting Trump. For all we know, Trump infected Hicks. People keep assuming information released by Trump’s team is accurate. Keep in mind that the much of the information released by Trump’s team is misinformation. They value personal gain more than accuracy. They will release both accurate and false information, whatever benefits them most.
  24. We could keep adding in complexities into the construct. For example, we could imagine that if Trump survives 2,000 plant/animal species and 200,000 more people would die. Yet would this be solely due to Trump? Then we could add in the nuance that Trump is not an isolated being alone and that it’s actually a collective Trumpist group that caused the death of 2,000 plant/animal species and 200,000 people. We could also add in a nuance of how many plant/species and people would die if Trump died and Biden became president? Perhaps Biden does a few half-ass environmental protections that are offset to loosening up some other corporate regulations and 500 plant/animal species and 100,000 people die over the next four years. Then we could get into some serious calculus about probability models and inputs of causation. . .