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Forestluv replied to Cosmin_Visan's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
No No -
Forestluv replied to Ivan Dimi's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@Ivan Dimi I don’t disagree with you that consciousness work has value, This is obvious to you because you’ve already realized this. From my observations, some environments are more conducive for certain explorations. A lot of explorations are perceived as impractical and a waste of time. Environment and context has an effect on that. If I am working with a group of refugees that are filled with anxiety, discussing the value of quantum theory relative to personal transcendence is not practical and won’t go over very well. Helping them learn English, how to get around town, how to shop for food, where to buy the cheapest diapers etc. will resonate more strongly with them. And I’m talking about likelihoods. A person immersed in ISIS can have realizations, yet they are generally relative to their baseline conscious level. As well, the likelihood of big realizations would be lower. Your the odds of transmitting yellow-level realizations to an ISIS member is lower than than someone in a yoga group. Yet it’s also relative. I would consider a red-to-blue awakening as significant as an orange-to-green awakening. I see Maslow’s theory as an integrated whole, rather than distinct categories. No one is in one category 100% of the time. Yet life conditions do impact access. Last semester, a student’s father got gravely ill with kidney failure. The students family was in another country. The student was extremely worried about her father. It was the week before finals and the student wanted to take her finals before flying home. Her family got outraged and said as a woman she shouldn’t even be in college, she should be a homemaker. They told her she didn’t really love her father and not to come home. The student had a nervous breakdown and came to my office in tears, contemplating suicide. . . This is not a good environment to whip out some Rupert Spira videos on transpersonal nonduality. This was an environment to address situations at the personal level and problem solve. -
Forestluv replied to Ivan Dimi's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
Various things. For example, I tried to teach SD to freshman and the majority of students are not interested. I’ve also done 5-10 minute meditations at the start of class to get grounded in the moment and improve focus / attention. Most students hate it and give negative evaluations. They think it is a waste of time and can’t see how consciousness work is beneficial. Only about 10% of students are into it. Poor reviews prevent faculty from getting merit bonuses and promotion. Students will start to avoid taking the course and administration will push back that the course isnt selling well and isn't helping retention and recruiting. And it sucks to teach material you are passionate about to students that dont want to be there, lack interest in the material and complain. As well, transpersonal material is very different than how most minds are conditioned to think. There are all sorts of mental blocks. Overall, there are a variety of pressures to give what the public wants. And pressures against pulling the public up a conscious level. -
Trump claims that on election night every big political leader called to congratulate his victory ? Those claims have been thrown out of court by conservative judges. There was likely scattered instances of fraud as with any U.S. election, yet there hasn’t been evidence of mass fraud. The alternative theory would be that the U.S. court system is conspiring in the election fraud to elect Biden. Yet that seems like a big stretch to me. Why would conservative judges appointed by republicans join in a conspiracy with Democrats that have a different ideology? It takes a lot of mental gymnastics to hold that view.
Batshit crazy conservatives are trying to persuade somewhat reasonable conservatives. They are adapting their optics and rhetoric to appear more reasonable. They went from having a press conference in a parking lot next to a dildo shop to a press conference claiming an algorithm from the ghost of Hugo Chavez stole the election to this conference. In terms of optics, they are trying to make it look like a congressional hearing / court case. They announce “witnesses” that “testify”. I watched one witness who was an observer at a vote counting station. His testimony was that boxes of ballots would be brought into the room from another room. He didn’t know where the boxes full of ballots came from and it looked very suspicious to him. As he testifies, the people in suits around him take notes as if this is important - raising it’s appearance of credibility. This type of testimony has already been thrown out of courts. Judges have warned Trump lawyers not to bring baseless, frivolous claims to the court. This press conference does have better optics, yet it is only being broadcast by right wing outlets like OANN. I don’t think FOX is airing it live. I think the best the batshit crazy conservatives can hope for is that somewhat reasonable conservatives will think “yea, the election was rigged with fraud - yet the libs got us this time and it’s time to move on”. It seems like reasonable conservatives (the Lincoln Project) and batshit crazy conservatives (Rudy, MAGA, OANN) are fighting to persuade the somewhat reasonable conservatives (such as the FoxNews desk). I don’t think Rudy is the guy for this. In the last few months, it’s been a clown show from him. Getting caught with his hand down his pants, the dildo shop, dripping hair gel, The Kraken etc. I think he has been type casted as a clown lawyer and can no longer play the role of a real lawyer. It would be like Benny Hill trying to play a James Bond character. In terms of being relevant, I think the bat shit crazy republicans would be better off dumping Rudy and going with someone more like Tom Cotton, who at least appears somewhat reasonable.
Forestluv replied to Ivan Dimi's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
Back in the 1950s, part of survival strategy, culture and sociology-economic context was that women were homemakers. Education for women was “home economics”. These education programs taught women how to cook meals, rear children, clean their homes, sewing etc. At this primarily blue stage, there was very little demand for women to learn and train for other careers such as law, chemistry, engineering etc. That has changed with the transition to Orange - women are now about half the students in STEM. Yet there is currently relatively little demand for green and yellow education. It is often seen as irrelevant and impractical to one’s own personal desires and achievement. Exploring green and yellow is a luxury that most people don’t have. Most people are living paycheck to paycheck trying to meet the survival needs of themselves and family. Many people lack healthcare and live in unsafe environments. In these environments, it’s extra challenging to learn about things that aren’t directly relevant to one’s immediate desires and survival needs. -
Forestluv replied to WorldlySavage's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
I see it as a combination of individual and social incentive. It’s u healthy if I exploit others for my individual gain. Yet the other extreme is also unhealthy. For example, forcing an individual to be a nurse because it’s good for society to have more nurses in the covid crisis. I think the best combination is having both. For example, let’s say someone’s passion is developing technology - rather than developing violent video games for personal profit, the person decides to develop AI to create renewable energy systems. The person is freely expressing their individual passion and contributing to society. -
Forestluv replied to WorldlySavage's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
In the U.S., pharmaceutical CEOs manipulated doctors to increase sales of opioids to patients. The pharmaceutical CEOs were caught on record scheming about the best ways to lie to doctors / patients to get as many people addicted to opioids as possible to increase their profits. Millions of people became addicted to opioids and suffered terribly. It severely hurt the Midwest economy and health care system, yet the pharmaceutical CEOs made billions in profits. The pharamaceutical companies have asymmetric power over government, so they were able to admit this in court and get away with a small fine - they got to keep 99% of their profits. This is an example of toxic capitalism, yet there can be positive aspects as well. For example, the development of a covid vaccine has been rapid due to a mixture of socialist/capitalist forces. -
Forestluv replied to Ivan Dimi's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
Because this is not what the vast majority of society desires and demands. I’ve tried to do it at the college level and there is strong pushback from students and administration. It’s not what most people want at this time. -
Forestluv replied to WorldlySavage's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@The Don You are only acknowledging the positive aspects of capitalism and disregarding the negative aspects. For example, there is no variable for sustainability in traditional capitalism - and capitalism as fundamental problems of wealth concentration that leads to toxic asymmetric power and exploitation. For example, the housing and opioid crises in the U.S. as well as unsustainable destruction of earth. That’s not to say capitalism is 100% bad, there are also some good features in moderation - such as healthy competition and incentive to be motivated, productive and reach one’s potential. Yet you seem to only consider positive aspects and are filtering out negative aspects. -
Forestluv replied to Gesundheit's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
When ‘everything’ is realized, God is no longer turned into a deity. -
Forestluv replied to Denys's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
I’ve noticed the mind often assumes an objective, external realness that is universally true. Of course this is true in the absolute sense of ISness. Yet without a good look at the Ox, there is no awareness of the beginning which is also the end. The mind becomes absorbed in an ocean of relativity, grasping at handles. What is this ‘something’ that is assumed to exist? Is it an actual thing? If so, it must be distinct from another thing. And therein lies the rub. For any description of a thing that is given, another description can be give since the thing is prior to description. When I describe the chair I’m looking at, it’s super easy for the mind to conflate relative and absolute. The mind extrapolates. When I describe the chair, there is an underling assumption that it externally, objectively exists and is extrapolated to be a chair from any other perspective. We now enter an area of relative imagination and interpretation. Here, there are multiple ways to interpret the “chair”, yet the mind assumes it has the one accurate interpretation that is absolutely true in a relative context. In this game, we can have a billion people observe the chair and there will be a billion different “somethings” described. All are true and all are false. We can bring in a billion different species, each with there own interpretation of the “chair”. We can bring in physicists, to objectively measure the physical attributes of the chair, yet would give vastly different descriptions depending on the level of analysis - a macro description would be quite different than a quantum description. In the imaginative world of relative creation, there is no external, objective “thing”. There are an infinite number of interpretations of this “chair”. Yet observation creates a “point”. Observation creates a “thing”. It’s gotta be something when observed. In the context of quantum mechanics, this is “superposition”. The “thing” is simultaneously everything and nothing, everywhere and nowhere, past/present/future, material and material. With observation, the infinite thing reveals itself as also being a finite thing - which of course it can be since it is all possibilities. In a quantum context, a physical particle in space and time may be observed. A position of finite form is a position of finite form and it is also an infinite formlessness. The mind is immersed in perceiving separation and opposites it has a very difficult time reconciling. “If that is a chair, how can it also not be a chair?”. . . At a personal level, realizing assumptions of external, objective, normative realness can be an experienced as unstable and ungrounded. Most minds avoid it to maintain personal identification. These observations are not practical in the sense of personal desires and survival. A personal lens will interpret these observations as woo woo, word salad nonsense. And within that relative lens, that is true - just as the chair is true. -
Omigosh! I never noticed that. Nice catch! It fits the the song really well ?
I don't know if the DoD has ever come out with a formal statement acknowledging a president-elect and their alignment with the president-elect. This seems significant to me. Today seems like the day it really did end for Trump. I think Biden's team has played it well. It will be interesting to see how Green criticism of Biden is tolerated from Orange.
Another Trump bootlicker caves. The damn is collapsing. . . There is a lot of MAGA backlash in the comments section. There is potential for the GOP to fracture - especially if Trump tries to maintain his base and demonizes GOP establishment going forward.
I'm not sure if Trump wrote these tweets, yet allowing the transition and telling his team to cooperate is a Yuge shift. It may be the closest to concession as Trump is capable. "I really won the election, yet I will allow the transition in the best interest of the country". Perhaps he is concerned about market branding and wants to be seen like Al Gore - who disagreed with the scotus decision, yet conceeded for the good of the country. One of my concerns was that Trump had the potential to take things into violence to strenghten his negotiation power for a peaceful transfer. Trump's team may still sabotage Biden, yet I see this as a good shift.
Trump loyalist Emily Murphy caves. The dam is breaking. . .
Major corporations are re-aligning to a Biden presidency. So far, Trump's power is slowly bleeding away.
Michigan election board just voted 3-0 to certify the election results for Biden. There were two republican members. One voted to certify and one abstained from voting. Many elected republicans have tried to remain on the sidelines saying "The president has the right to pursue all legal avenues to challenge election results". That position is now much harder to take since Michigan just certified a Biden win and there will be no recount. There is now a wide lane open between Lincoln Project centrists and right-wing Trumpers. Liz Cheney is trying to claim leadership of this lane as she recently announced that she had hoped Trump would win, he used his legal resources and now it's time to recognize president-elect Biden. She did not back down like weaker Rs did (such as Joni Earnest). Liz Cheney is now the leader of this "Fox News, somewhat reasonable conservative" lane. She is not a perceived "RINO" like Romney, Collins and Murkowski. I expect Cheney to try and elevate herself in the house minority and perhaps position herself for 2024. Now is a good time for Rs to establish their lane. I expect a few more republicans to change position and say Trump rightfully used his legal options. After PA certifies, many more will. If they stick with Trump too long, it could be a stain that hurts them in a year or two.
I agree that social media has become extremely influential and rivals MSM - they seem to be in a symbiotic relationship that can both cooperative and conflicting. Anyone can create news and put it on YT, including scam artists and psychopaths - yet they won't have a large platform. If I created a YT video of misinformation and it gets 23 views - that is irrelevant noise that fades into the background. The bigger platforms have much more influence and those with money and power have an advantage over regular people. I don't think it's fair to say "The MSM itself is corrupted by money and power and is no longer accurate". This is a binary construct that makes it easy to dismiss 100% of MSM as inaccurate, Fake News. Yet this isn't the case. I think it's more fair to say that MSM is corrupted by money / power and has conflicts of interest - which causes some inaccurate information. The flip side of that is MSM is serving what the public demands. Fox News is not feeding their viewers with the conspiracy theories they demand - so they are going to OANN and Newmax. Richard Murdoch cannot fully change this dynamic. Another example I see of this is with the covid vaccine. Pharmaceutical industries have aspects of corruption and toxic capitalism as seen with unethical data manipulation on Tamiflu and the opioid crisis. Yet this doesn't mean the pharmaceutical industry is 100% corrupted and liars. Turning a blind eye to pharmacy corruption is problematic, yet a binary construct in which biotech is 100% corrupted is also problematic. I'm seeing a lot of anti-vaccers saying they don't trust corrupted pharmaceutical companies. This is overly simplistic. Pharmaceutical companies do some bad corrupted work for profits AND do some good work beneficial to society. Yet this is a nuanced view that takes time and effort. One would need to pause and say "Wait a minute, I'm hesistant about the vaccine due to pharmaceuticals acting poorly in the past. Therefore, I'm going to research the clinical vaccine trials and the opinions of various experts critiquing the results". In this context, it seems like the biotech companies are being transparent about their results - and this issue is so big that if they got caught lying about results, there would be hell to pay. It's not like withholding some data on an anti-psychotic that only a 100k people would take.
Thank you! Yes that gets into the mental game playing. I'm amazed how absurd I can go and still string along MAGAs believing it. From the perspective of trying to disseminate misinformation and bogus theories - "freedom of speech" and "censorship" become limiting factors. Creators of misinformation and bogus theories need a social media environment that lacks regulation and moderation. An "anything goes, freedom of speech" environment. Sorta like a giant social forum without regulation, rules, moderators or consequences. The next priority would be to demonize critical thinking and education. There is also an art to it. For example, I couldn't say "Brian Kemp refused to certify the GA election results" since it is obviously not true. Yet we could use Brian Kemp certifying the results as a nugget of truth to create a bogus theory. We could say "Brian Kemp certified the GA result because he is cooperating wtih the CIA and communists in Venezuela to profit off of election insurance". One might think "Wait a second, that's also obviously not true - noone would believe that crazy idea". Yet that is Sydney Powell's latest creation and millions of MAGAs believe it. In America, decades of conditioning has created a populace of tens of millions of people that not only believe absurd theories, they demand it. It's how they can maintain their identity at the individual and collective levels.
In an effort to explore this insanity, I've been interacting with some MAGAs on twitter. I'm shocked by how far I can create insane theories without losing MAGAs. A few things I've learned is to remove all logic, reason and sense of authority. About 10% of truth is needed as a foundation to build ludicrous theories. And it's best to use seeds they've already been conditioned with. For example, creating insane stories using a combination of pre-seeded components such as: Hilary's emails, Hunter's laptop, Venezuela communism, Hugo Chaves' algorithm, George Soros, Deep State, Bill Gates, unreleased Kraken evidence, censorship, cancel etc. Slip in trusted sources as Sydney Powell / Qanon and call anyone who disagrees "Fake News" communists. Lastly, throw in a bit about God and how we are the true patriots. For example, I created a story that Sydney's Kraken has eight limbs of unreleased evidence of mass fraud that stole the election. Hugo Chavez's is just one of eight limbs. Sydney has much more evidence she will be releasing in the next two weeks. Trump distanced himself from Sydney so she could dive deeper into investigating the Deep State plan. She has access to Hunter's laptop and evidence that he met with communists in Chavez's regime. Development of the algorithm was funded by George Soros and technological support was given by Bill Gates' Microsoft team. We are God's soldiers against the ghost of Chavez stealing the election with a sneaky algorithm. We've got Sydney Kracken headin' the charge!!! Trump's team is intentionally losing court cases so they can quickly appeal to scotus and reveal all this information. Why would we release this information to lower courts filled with Obama libtards? The Fake News will just create a smokescreen to censor the evidence and cancel us. In two weeks, we will be releasing the #KrakenOnSteroids to scotus. Timing is everything and we still have time. Keep the faith MAGA. America will soon wake up. The above story is complete BS I made up with pre-seeded MAGA keywords. I was shocked by how much MAGA support I get. I deleted most of the nonsense because it was getting so many MAGA likes and retweets. I didn't want the B.S. amplified. Below are some typical MAGA responses to the B.S. story I made up. "I have faith in Sidney, Trump, Rudy, Jenna... it’s the criminal piece that we won’t see DOJ on- just like Durham & 30 special counsels before...all investigations of smoke & mirrors. We have to start from ground up and reduce government". God bless Patriots". "Fake News is literally a communist “war tactic” ... The psychological, mental warfare tactics are huge piece of war, training & discipline- you can breeze by the memes - but there sickening" "Take heart. Folks like you & I know what’s going on. We will not allow getting closer than we are now to Socialism-We are at cusp—It May get horrific, painful- beyond our comprehension but we will never be socialist Country too many Patriots" As long as I use MAGA keywords, I'm perceived as on their side and frame the other side as extremist socialists / communists, none of their responses question any claims I make. If I'm perceived as a MAGA patriot against the evil communists, nearly any ludicrous claims I make are accepted - as long as it doesn't come across as obviously condescending or mocking to them. One thing I've noticed, is it is MUCH harder to persuade and pull someone out of their conspiracy theory rabbit hole, than it is to pull someone deeper into a rabbit hole of nonsense. For example, I've tried to speak to MAGAs about how it's unreasonable to believe a Chavez algorithm stole the election and it was discovered because so many people voted for Trump it broke the algorithm. I would be immediately dismissed as a communist that is brainwashed with Fake News. Yet if I make up a story about how Hugo Chavez secretly met with Soros and Bill Gates in 2009 to create an algorithm to defeat Trump in 2020 - yet Fake News wants to censor this because they are communists that hate freedom - MAGA is open and believe it.
Forestluv replied to 7thLetter's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
This is an old anti-vaxxer claim bedunked years ago. I read that 90mg/kg of polisorbate is needed to increase permeability of the BBB. Vaccines often use the 0.1mg/kg. Nowhere near the amount needed to have an effect. -
Forestluv replied to RedLine's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Sure, contemplate without the idea of "glass" Not if you define it as a glass and contemplate your defined glass. -
@RyanP Good luck trying to beat highly sophisticated algorithms that prey off of day traders. I met a British guy in Peru who spent years designing his own algorithm and was successful. He made a few million dollars and now works about an hour a day to maintain his savings and live a modest life. Yet he was a brilliant quant and lucky. For every one of him, there are likely 1,000 that lost. I tried it for a couple years and it didn't go so well.