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Everything posted by Forestluv

  1. One thing to add about the academics. The construct of tenure is super important for the type of academic freedom and pursuit of truth Leo describes. It is a like a protective shield that allows many academics to explore truth. Most capitalist administrators and Board of Trustee members don’t like it. They see it as guaranteeing a “lifetime job” and it shifts power from administration to faculty. Capitalistic forces are not just businesses outside of academia. Academic Institutions have internal capitalistic business aspects. Sometimes administration converts a faculty member into an administrator. Sometimes this can be a good liaison, yet quite often faculty sees it as as one of their own joining “the dark side”.
  2. There is still an assumption of something. It can get deconstructed further, yet a key handle for grounding would be lost.
  3. I find it interesting that some corporate Dems are supporting student debt cancellation. I’m assuming that they got permission from their corporate donors to take this position, which begs the question: why? Perhaps focusing on student debt would distract from focusing on other corporate issues such as the fossil fuel industry and climate change. Or perhaps they are betting that the Republicans maintain the senate majority and McConnell would block it. If it does pass, it would be a big win for the left and education. From a capitalist / libertarian perspective, it would be seen as subsidizing the education system and likely trigger a negative reaction. Plus, they won’t like that they paid off their student loans and current student get “free stuff” that they don’t get. A right wing perspective sees higher education as liberal indoctrination, so they would be outraged. I do see capitalist exploitation within academic institutions. Many low income and minority students are recruited to increase diversity and image - and they are persuaded to take out 100k+ in student loans. Some students are underprepared for college and struggle to make it through. Last semester, a student of mine needed to drop out. He was a first generation student and would return to his father’s landscaping business - yet now with 70k+ in debt. From my POV, faculty care more about the welfare of students - administration cares more about the bottom line and the cost of not retaining students. I understand from a business point of view they need to keep the institution financially viable to survive, yet administrator salaries can be inflated and loan agencies can be brutal.
  4. True. And there is also a need to interpret things. There is also a need to teach people. There are also those to save, to be made more conscious. And there is also not those things.
  5. Whenever I use the term “is” I am making a relative claim. If I say “That *is* a deer”, I’m creating a thing called a “deer” from One holistic Everything / Nothing. In a sense, it is a silly thing to do - yet humans live in a relative world in which they like to communicate ideas to each other. It doesn’t mean that there is an external, objective, normative “deer”. Similarly, when I say “Connor *is* conflating relative and absolute” that is a relative notion. One could say that Connor is not conflating or partially conflating. One could say there is no objective measure of conflation. One could say I am the one conflating. One could say that relative = absolute. I’m cool with all of these statements, since they are all true and false. A first step of deconstructing this relativity would be to say: “Connor *is* Conner” and “an idea of conflation *is* an idea of conflation”.
  6. @Scholar It’s common for someone to get glimpses of God consciousness and then conflate relative and absolute notions of god. That is, getting a glimpse of I AM God and conflating I AM God with i am god. . . Especially with psychedelics because they can rocket a mind up several conscious levels and reveal insights that would have taken 10 years worth of work without psychedelics.
  7. Ime, high doses can blast through mind structures, yet can be really hard to integrate. It’s so far out there to a mind lacking psychedelic experience. There is value in that, yet it’s easy for the ego to regain control of the narrative and contextualize the experience within it’s narrative. That’s my impression of Sam Harris. It seems he has done a few high dose trips that has expanded his mind, yet to me he is contextualizing the trips within the Sam Harris mental narrative. I’ve also found it helpful to do trips in the moderate dose range in which there is a extended deconstruction and reconstruction. Yet this can be very taxing on the mind and body. When experienced as the “pre-ego death” zone, there can be a lot of discomfort, anxiety and insanity. My sense is that some minds, like Sam Harris, wants to explore consciousness - yet avoid insanity zones in which he cannot return.
  8. I have no doubt Connor posted the “letter to” to the forum.
  9. With true glimpses of realization, there is often an energetic shift toward being that more often - yet that desire and seeking can get messy. I spent many years seeking through theory, then after a few psychedelic trips that form of energy dissolved. I had no interest about reading spiritual or philosophical theory. It became more about the direct experience of being that truth - and the only access I had at the time was psychedelics - and I did them as much as I could. This lead to about a year of unstable mind states that got messy at times - yet I had years of mediation and personal development work that helped me stay somewhat grounded. When someone sacrifices a 1 in a million body physique to do a 40 day fast, it suggests there is an energetic shift. When someone sacrifices half his YT followers to talk about crazy ideas of enlightenment, it suggests there is an energetic shit. Those were two foundational components of the self identity and they aren’t let go of easily. Yet things can still be messy as glimpses of realization gets mixed with confusion, zen devilry, personality, egoic fragments etc. For example, it’s no surprise at all that he is getting into tantric sex. This is the perfect mixture of his prior conditioning as a pickup master with unlimited sex mixed with spiritual energetics from other realms. One thing I’m curious about is how he will use his charisma and attraction skills. Imo, he has natural abilities here that could be used to become a spiritual prankster or zen devil. Yet charisma can also be used in a mature spiritual way like Russell Brand.
  10. When a person gets transpersonal glimpses of reality, that gets mixed and integrated with prior conditioning and personality on the human level. I was conditioned as a traditional Richard Dawkin’s type scientist. As meta awareness was revealed, I didn’t suddenly become a Bollywood dancer speaking Hindi. I became more like Deepak Chopra with a mind that integrates science within a larger context. Similarly, Connor, Rogan, Harris etc. will contextualize glimpses of metacognition within prior conditioning and personality. A whacky YT prankster will integrate psychedelic experiences within prior conditioning and be a whacky YT prankster with glimpses meta to a whacky YT prankster. The likelihood of Connor suddenly being transformed into Eckart Tolle is no better than Connor suddenly being transformed into a kangaroo.
  11. Experiential bias and one’s construct of “enlightenment”. I think a cleaner example would be Ram Dass. He genuinely devoted years of his life to use psychedelics for spiritual awakening. I think he tripped over 100 times during several years. He then quit substances and pursued awakening sober. He went to some really deep levels of spirituality, imo. Ram considered psychedelics to be a distraction in which the mind enters a illusory realm of peace, love, harmony and joy. The illusory experience is transient, so the mind and body keeps returning to psychedelics - which prevents them from taking an authentic path. There is some truth to this, yet it is contracted within Ram’s experiential bias and the construct he created based upon his memories. Within his experience and construct, he is 100% correct. Yet it is a contraction. There is a lot about psychedelics he didn’t experience. If he had, he would have spoken very differently. I know this to be true, because I’ve experienced what Ram missed. Yet this isn’t to say he is “wrong” or more limited than “me”. When I play a finite being, as I’m doing now, I’m limited within constraints of that finite nature. Thus, Ram experienced and was aware of facets that I am missing, because I’m finite. At a transhuman level, Peter, Ram and I are all One within infinity. Yet as separate human beings we each have insights others are missing.
  12. It depends. More was revealed to me during my first trip than my previous 20+ years of meditation in Buddhist sanghas. I was never able to reconstruct my previous view of reality after that one trip. Yet for others, it’s different. Perhaps he does need to go to a jungle and flop around in a jungle on Iboga. I did something similar in Peru and Ayahuasca. Before the trip, my mind was made up - there was something in the mountains of Peru for me to discover and no one could convince me otherwise. The experiences had a lot of drama and impact on me. There was value in that. Yet I’ve had equally profound experiences in my bedroom or local park. Yet that will not be appealing to a mind convinced it must live with a tribe in the jungle and do psychedelic ceremonies. And in the context of that mindset, it is true. When I truly believed I must live with a tribe in Peru to reach deeper levels, that was what I needed at the time. That was the key. All other avenues were blocked off.
  13. Conner also reminds me of Jim Carrey. For a year or so, Jim was very unstable with his realizations and people thought him crazy. I’m curious about how the Connor story will unfold. My impression is that it’s a mix between glimpses of the Ox, mental instability, genuine seeking, zen devilry and prankster behavior. Humans can be complex mixtures. And then again, maybe not.
  14. Conner was not banned. Each user is only allowed one account. One of his two accounts was closed. He now has one open, active account. You are mixing up two different users and three different user accounts. This is one reason each user is only allowed one account - so this type of confusion doesn’t arise.
  15. This seems to view the expeperiecnes as separate and independent. Another way to look at is is they are inter-related. You don’t know what your relationship with Leo’s videos would have been without the psychedelics. For all you know, they may have been boring. The psychedelics may have opened doors such that Leo’s videos were now very intriguing and enlightening to you. It also seems like you desire a dramatic experience as being part of “enlightenment”. Something like flopping around like a fish in a jungle while on Iboga. That can be quite an adventure, yet it doesn’t need to be so dramatic. Entry into other dimensions and profound insights can occur while tripping in one’s bedroom.
  16. “Does intelligence affect enlightenment ?” It depends on how you define “intelligence”, “affect” and “enlightenment” My impression is that you tend to assume an external, objective, normative reality. Yet intelligence is IQ within a contracted mindset that defines intelligence as IQ. Offerring an opposing view puts the other mind in a defense posture of two opposite positions: either intelligence is IQ or intelligence is not IQ. I’m not sure if this is the best framing. Another framing would be that “IQ is within a more expansive intelligence”. Yet this framing is also commonly rejected by rationalists because they lack awareness and curiosity of the bigger picture.
  17. There are dozens of themes I could write about here - each deserving a week of contemplation and a notebook full essays. In the realm of Yellow, it’s difficult to choose one component of an integrated whole and act as if that one component stands alone. In the realm of Orange, the mind will analyze that component and argue the flaws of that component as if it was a stand alone entity. Within the assumption the piece is the whole, the analysis is correct. Yet from a yellow perspective, the viewpoint is is not that the piece is the whole. Yet Orange is unaware and uninterested in greater context and immature Yellow often falls into Orange’s debate trap. Orange demands that Yellow prove the piece is not the piece while only using evidence from within the piece. It would be like Orange only being able to see a map of Paris and defing Europe as Paris. Yellow is aware of a bigger picture map and says things like “Europe is beyond Paris”. Orange demands proof of something beyond Paris, yet only information within the Paris map counts as “evidence”. Anything outside the Paris map is dismissed as a “hallucination” or “imaginary”. The trap for immature Yellow is falling into a debate on Orange assumptions. It is true that based on the Paris map that Paris is Paris. And if we allow Europe to be defined as Paris, it is also true that Paris is Europe. Yet that that framework keeps Orange in a contracted mindset and it becomes extremely difficult to communicate that we are not saying that Paris doesn’t exist, we are saying that Paris is within Europe. Yet the Orange mind will not look at a Europe map because the mind is attached and identified to the Paris map. This may seem absurd, why would a mind be contracted to a small map when it can become aware of the small map AND large map. Why would a mind lock itself zoomed in when it can zoom in and out? To me, the biggest block is self identity of the zoomed in map. To a mind locked zoomed in, it is under the impression that zooming out means a rejection of the small map as wrong and acceptance of the large map as right. This would be a form of death because the I AM is the small map. Yet this isn’t the case at all. Becoming aware of the Europe map does NOT mean we reject the existence of Paris or that Paris is “wrong”. In another context, we could create a small map that “intelligence” is logic and measured through one’s IQ, ability to do math, write logical philosophy etc. The trap for Orange that it’s “intelligence” map is akin to the Paris map. Orange will demand “Prove to me intelligence is not logic!” and it will only accept logic as proof. Anything it perceives as outside logic is dismissed as “hallucination”, “imaginary” and “delusional”. And within the contracted intelligence map, this is 100% true. Debating that intelligence is logic vs intelligence is not logic will keep a mind trapped within a contracted dualistic construct. A much better framing is that logic is intelligence WITHIN a higher order intelligence. Yet Orange will resist this because it perceives exploring this as surrendering it’s contracted map to which it is identified. This becomes totally obvious with how they perceive psychedelics. These substances expand the map and will be strongly resisted by those attached to small maps. Small mappers will focus on people that see machine elves during trips and say “Ha! That is a hallucination! He is a delusional fool!”. Small mappers will say “If psychedelics reveal infinite intelligence, why can’t a tripper solve calculus problems!”. Orange can win this game against blue and Orange, because it is within the small map. Orange can compete in this game with green since green has only had glimpses of the larger map and is ungrounded. Yet Orange cannot win this debate with a mature Yellow since Yellow has seen and understands both the small map and large map. Yellow can speak both languages and high Orange can sense this. Orange will get frustrated and accuse Yellow of evading the question when Yellow keeps saying “I acknowledge that your Paris exists and is true within Paris, yet you are missing awareness of the bigger map of Europe”. Yet unlike blue and Orange, yellow can ‘speak’ both Paris and Europe. Yet to Orange, the ‘language’ of Europe will be ‘unintelligent’ since ‘intelligent’ is based on the map of Paris. A mind that wants to defend it’s small map has taken the first step in that it is subconsciously aware there is a bigger map. The problem is that, energetically, the mind will experience this as a threat to it’s small map - to which it is identified and attached. From what I’ve observed, such a mind will try to engage with someone who has only had glimpses of the larger map and lacks details and grounding. The next step would be to engage with someone who is grounded within both small map and large map. Imo, the key here is that Orange needs to have some open-mindedness, curiosity and desire to expand - or the Yellow person will see it as a waste of time. If an Orange keeps demanding “Prove to me Europe on the Paris map!” and refuses to look at a Europe map or explore outside Paris, Yellow will get fed up and move on. . . The next stage is that Orange has an awakening that it is missing something. A moment like “Whoa, I may be missing something about intelligence”. The next step is to have curiosity. From what I’ve observed, some minds seem naturally more curious and exploratory than others. Curiosity is a opens doors and can be a major source of motivation. In one form, curisoty may be “I may be missing something about intelligence. I am going to spend 1 hour a day meditating and self inquiring ‘what is intelligence”. For me, I was immersed in a career in science and ad a traditional view of intelligence as logic, problem solving, math, analysis etc. My big breakthrough was realizing that I was contracted in a small map and missing something. Rather than defend my small map as I had done for 25 hrs, I got super curious. What if there was intelligence beyond science? What if logical intelligence is within a greater intelligence? The intense curiosity allowed me to venture outside my whirlpool. I got curious of intelligence outside science. So I moved to the mountains of Peru and lived with a tribe there for a summer. My first night there, a shaman was speaking to a group of us in a temple. He started speaking about “consciousness”. My first reaction was this guy is in woo woo land. As a neuroscience professor, I’m programmed to teach. And I was about to start teaching this shaman about intelligence, and there was a pause. That deep inner voice that motivated me to move to the mountains of Peru said “You are missing something and can discover something here. This is why we traveled across the world to be here, remember?”. This allowed me to let go of my previous whirlpool and entire a very different whirlpool and expand”. And a view meta to this is aware that neither whirlpool must be accepted as true or rejected as false.
  18. I’m not into theoretical models of enlightenment. I’m not even into enlightenment. I’m much more interested in consciousness exploration and expansion. Most ideas of enlightenment are a turn off for me, because they are all limiting. Any definition or concept of enlightenment may have some interest, yet I wouldn’t want to be it because that would prevent me from being not that - and I’m more attracted to the freedom of everything. If someone told me enlightenment was a state of constant peace and joy, that would cut me off from non-peace and non-joy. Yet ime, models and concepts of nonduality and enlightenment have been beneficial in providing a scaffold for direct experience that was way out there. I’ve had many experiences that were so far out there, that I would have dismissed them as woo woo, imaginary or dreams. Yet then I’m like “So thaaaaat’s what Rupert Spira was trying to communicate”. Then I have a much better chance at catching the realization, integrating and expanding. I see SD as more of a model for cognitive development.
  19. I’ve watched several of his videos and I’m going with legit realizations that are unstable on the human level. Too much too fast with psychedelics. It takes time to process and integrate. Spiritual support groups and experienced facilitators can be important at the human level with psychedelics. Imagine leaving an 8 yr old Canadian child in Mumbai, India all by himself. It would be traumatic to the kid. I did an Ayahuasca retreat in Peru for a week that had an amazing spiritual community and facilitators. Yet the 2nd ceremony was so intense into insanity zones that I couldn’t relate to anyone and had to leave. I wandered around Peru for three days and was able to return for the 3rd ceremony, yet I was still terrified. I was shaken for months after that and it took me a year to stabilize. As psychedelics become more popular in spirituality, I hope newbies can get some group support including people with psychedelic experience. There is a lot of value in exploring solo, yet it can be extremely taxing. There is also value in being within group settings.
  20. I had the same initial impression, yet then I watched some of his videos. My sense is he had some intense realizations and experiences indexed by psychedelics that have been unstable on a human level. It can get mixed with personality fragments and be really hard to integrate. Legit insanity zones. Connors video yesterday seems to show some integration and grounding. I’m rooting for him. I think he has a lot of spiritual potential and I love seeing normies shed their personality skin and get into metaphysical realms.
  21. Psychedelics can reveal a lot very quickly. Decades worth in hours. It can be very destabalizing at the personal level. Deconstructing the personality structure beyond repair is serious stuff. I had 20+ years of spiritual work and personal development work before trying psychedelics. I can’t imagine trying to absorb it all without that foundation. I’ve also gone through periods of rapid expansion and insight that most people would call insane. Especially after a 30 day 5-meo retreat. I was was unable to function in society for several weeks and isolated. It was like going from ant consciousness to human consciousness and then back to ant. That is a lot for an ant to handle. Imo, he went deep too fast and it’s unstable. He made a video yesterday that shows signs of integration and embodiment.
  22. Connor, I re-opened the post without the self promotion to your social media sites. Please read the forum guidelines at: The stuff about awakening stuff and the nature of reality is fine. Please tone down the self promotion. If you have any questions or comments to me, please do so via PM. Thank you.
  23. It was not hidden for the content of claiming to be awakened or god. In my judgement it violated the forum policy for excessive self promotion. For those interested in his post, I’ll repost it without the self promotion.
  24. @Preety_India It was political theater to promote the narrative of mass fraud. It was designed to look like an official hearing, yet there was nothing official about it. There were some Republican PA legislatures that came to say how concerned they were about the fraud and that they would take action to fight fraud. To me, they were trying to tell the MAGA base “we are fighting for you”. They have a fine line to walk between maintaining reasonable republicans and batshit crazy republicans. On the left, it would be like trying to hold onto both Lincoln Project centrists and revolutionary socialists like Ryan Knight.