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Everything posted by Forestluv

  1. @Slifon A person with scoliosis may need to adjust some movements, yet so do old people. I need to adjust some movements due to an aging spine, yet I still experience the energy. As well, breath, mindfulness and energetics are fundamental to kundalini kriyas. I haven’t experienced what yogis describe as kundalini awakening, so I can’t comment on that part. I’m also not a doctor or physical therapist. I’d research a bit about health and safety. You may want to also look into ancient kriya yoga. There are very few asanas, it’s nearly all meditative breathing. I’ve also found breathwork compliments kundalini yoga well.
  2. I screamed and cried during Breathwork tonight. The most profound ‘words’ I’ve spoken all week. I was the only one who heard those ‘words’. Some in the group know as they’ve spoken those ‘words’. As my shaking voice spoke unstable words to the group, there was no translation. Some within the group knew. And I knew they knew. There was no ‘trying’ to convey meaning. That is a beauty of empathic connection and understanding. With others we communicate without an empathic channel. Sometimes when ‘missing’ arises it brings sadness. Yet the sadness dwells within an unfulfilled yearning to connect. That is a form of love, so the sadness is also beautiful. Just in a different way.
  3. I used the term “context” in a sloppy way. More precise words to articulate don’t come to mind. Beautiful in a way, yet also one of the saddest aspects I’ve encountered in reality.
  4. Are there beings with deeper embodiment than conceptual? Perhaps a kundalini yogi with a relatively simple conceptual framework?
  5. In another context, sure. Various profundities within parts of the whole is beautiful.
  6. At a practical level, this video illustrates why it can be important to integrate psychedelic realizations with someone who has integrated psychedelic experiences. I appreciate Rupert’s insights into many facets of consciousness, yet I cringed as Rupert tried to contextualize as “This is what psychedelics are, what they can do and what they cannot do”. He is correct within his contextualization, yet is unaware he is contextualizing that which he is unaware of. Ironically, the question was about infinity. . .
  7. @Farnaby If you are into books, The Mind Illuminated by John Yates does a good job with the mechanics of mind how to use meditation to quiet the mind.
  8. There is no apple hovering in front of me. Yet for there to be the non-existence of apple in front of me, there exists the emptiness of that apple. Perhaps I’m not using terms precisely or I’m off base.
  9. Psychedelics have altered my brain, yet not in the ways you describe. At the human level, the upsides outweighed the downsides.
  10. I see a lot of people use a frame like “A unicorn doesn’t exist”. Would it be correct usage of your context to say “A unicorn exists as emptiness”? It seems a non-existent object needs empty existence. Without the empty existence, there is no non-existence.
  11. Pornhub removed all the unverified content, which was about 10 million videos. Most likely only a small percentage of that was illegal. Trying to determine legality by evaluating 10 million unverified individual videos is not feasible. That would take an enormous workforce and cost a ton of money. They would need to hire thousands of full-time evaluators - and even then there is no way to verify with 100% certainty. For example, some women are obviously over 18 y.o., yet how can a Pornhub employee verify an 18 y.o. is actually 18 y.o.without verification? I’m not sure if this is the best avenue to take, since requiring verification changes the dynamics of user-generated platforms. Yet there are cases in which the girl/woman looked like she could be under 18 as well as videos in which the girl/woman didn’t look like she consented to be there. Unfortunately, there is market demand for that.
  12. I’m not sure I clearly understand this framing, yet here are some thoughts that pop up. . . I think absolute statements can be useful in some contexts. For example, if I’m teaching freshman level genetics I may say that alleles are either recessive or dominant. That statement is not technically precise, yet it is appropriate for the level of learning. I can’t start off describing cases of incomplete dominance and co-dominance before someone understands simple recessiveness and dominance. In other contexts, absolute statements are used to strengthen an argument. Yelling “Our sports team has the worst record in the league. Fire the coach!!!” has more intensity than “Our sports team has one of the worst records in the league. Fire the coach!!!”. The “usefulness” is dependent on the intention. If the goal is to get rid of a shitty coach and move in a new direction, saying “We have the worst record!” will energize everyone that already wants to get rid of the coach. Increasing that intensity has value for that goal. . . Yet if the goal is to convince somewhat reasonable republicans - hyperbolic statements are way too easy to dismiss into polarized categories. If the goal is to show somewhat reasonable republicans that Trump’s covid policies have been bad, I don’t think framing it is as “Trump is 100% at fault for everything” is best. Yet I could be wrong.
  13. If you’ve already had some easy going dates and she is open to the two of you tripping together, I’d suggest something like cooking a meal together and seeing if it progresses sexually. Cooking and sharing a meal together in one of your homes is a much more intimate environment than chatting in a crowded coffee shop. Tripping during your first time alone together seems like way too big of a jump to me.
  14. It depends on who you want to convince. If the goal is to convince weak, persuadable Republicans, this is not the framework to do it. For this goal, the video is framed far too far about intentionality about how Trump intentionally wanted to kill people with the virus. That is not going to convince any somewhat reasonable republicans. For this goal, I would tone down the personal intentionality and focus on how their plan of herd immunity has been disastrous. Also, to convince somewhat reasonable republicans, the economic impact of lockdowns must be included. At least acknowledging that lockdowns have a negative impact on the economy. And then showing that the impact of herd immunity would have a worse impact than mitigation and lockdowns.. And showing how giving federal covid support funds would have increased the deficit,, yet would alleviate economic impacts - and give examples like Canada. And it’s not fair to say that the U.S. is “the worst”. The U.S. ranks about #11 in the world in per capital deaths - so the U.S. is among the worst. They are in the “worst tier”. Reasonable republicans will notice these types of small misstatements, amplify it and turn off. They are looking for reasons to dismiss it as biased Fake News. If the U.S. ranked 347th out of 358 countries and MSNBC said “The U.S. ranks the worst”, a republican looking to dismiss could say “The U.S. is not the worst! Angola is worse than the U.S. MSNBC are liars!!” Yet if the goal is to fire up energy on the center-left, then the above video is good framing.
  15. @Preety_India The only auto-bans I’ve seen are obvious spammers or previously banned trolls with new accounts. Other bans involve prior warnings (either formally or informally) in which the user has had an opportunity to contact the Mod who issued the warning, another Mod or Leo. Occasionally there is a warning that was too excessive and after a bit of mod chat (or Leo stepping in), the warning is downgraded. So there is an avenue for this. I don’t think it’s fair to say users have a concern to say “I may get banned for writing this, but here I go. . . “. I think it’s more fair to say “I may get a warning for this, but here I go” or “I’ve already received multiple warnings so I may get banned for this, but here I go”. If a user has had multiple warnings and carries 15+ of warning points, yea they should be extra careful about not crossing forum guidelines, since the next warning could put them over the top and get them banned. And warnings to regular users are relatively uncommon. A very small percentage of posts on the forum get a warning.
  16. I wouldn’t trip around other people with this planted / especially people I didnt know well. I’ve had trips in which stuff came up and I was able to hold my cool and it didnt maifrst in real life. A couple times it did and I’m glad I wasnt around anyone. I would also start with lie doses and give it a test run. Dosage, setting and mindset are all important
  17. I’d be aware when the mind is taking things very literally. If someone says “I am everything”, it doesn’t mean they are literally going to transform in all sorts of things like a stapler, football, tuna sandwich etc
  18. Hauntingly beautiful
  19. Smaller animals have faster metabolisms. Per kg, a rat would need a much higher dosage than larger animals. About 1mg/kg is a good trip for a mouse. In 1962, researchers did the first LSD study with an elephant and naively used the standard 1mg/kg concentration as rat studies - which we now know is massive dosage, And she died ? We still don’t know the lethal dose for humans. Years ago, there was a drug bust of an LSD lab. The cops didn’t know LSD can be absorbed through the skin. One cop handled many LSD sheets without gloves. It’s estimated he absorbed hundreds of hits worth. He was in the hospital trippin for like a week, yet came through ok. Yet I’m not sure if the story got embellished over the years. Sad and sweet ♥️ ?
  20. When dosing animals, keep in mind that size matters. The dosage needed for a moderate trip in rats would kill an elephant (RIP Tusko)
  21. It’s hard to get a sense of their subjective experience. I’d be curious what the brain scans look like. Brain decoders are advancing in resolutions. Soon we may be able to decode animal brain activity - like what images they see.
  22. First by grieving the loss of the past. At the human level, there is a loss from the mountain to hill. There is a wonderful space the mountain brought forth that the hill cannot. It’s not the same and comparing them hinder joy. Then develop a new relationship with the hill. Become grateful for the hill and new experiences and insights. For example, on Mt Everest there may have been constant adrenaline and focus on survival. That’s great for Everest. Yet the hill may be chill. We can now take our time. We can look at the details of the landscape. We can appreciate the beauty of how the sun hits the pine needles. We can stop and admire flowers.
  23. This appears to have both no quality and quality. A delicious paradox. ?