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Everything posted by Forestluv

  1. I’ve been in a psychedelic insanity zone many times - yet it doesn’t look like that. shrooms can put me into a thought loop - which is a waste
  2. I’ve never done salvia. I’ve had some difficult trips - yet nothing like that. If I lose motor control, it means I’m laying down immobilized
  3. @Roman Edouard A single word can go super deep as well.
  4. Some say the personality is a massive collection of memories (data) stored in the brain (computer). If we could download all memories and place it into an android, would it be alive?
  5. If you need to write an eight point plan to get space from a friend, there is something going on. It looks pretty deep, like trying to break free of a relationship. Can’t you tell him you need some space for a while for personal development? Cut your contact with him by 60% and do other stuff - make other friends. If he is a true friend he will be supportive. If he gets all manipulative and guilt trips you, consider cutting him loose. Relationships are a mix of good and bad. Decide how much of your life you want to invest in this
  6. At times, the show went to spaces only psychedelics have taken me. Really trippy stuff like experiencing multiple realities simultaneously. At times, it was difficult to follow the plot. Westworld is MUCH more sophisticated than The Matrix. Westworld has plenty of cheesy scenes I had to sit through, but it was well worth it. There were scenes that were genuis level - multilayed complex depth that pushed me out of my rational mind. The movie Inception also did to some extent, but I would put Westworld higher. And the interviews with the writers are so intriguing. I bet they’ve tripped a lot. It’s like the writers went where they wanted to and didn’t give a shit whether the average viewer could hang with the complexity. Then the producers added in some fluff with gunslinging shoot-outs and sex to keep viewers engaged.
  7. It’s hard for me to categorize. Sense8 is full-on green. Yet Westworld doesn’t have any core green values to me. There are no themes of empathy, multiculturalism, equality etc.
  8. @Andreas Wtite down all the painful consequences of the habit. Really feel it. Make it agonizing. Now write down all the pleasures of being free of the habit. All the great things. Really feel it. Make it blissful
  9. I don't have any experience in that. I just met women on dating apps and went with the flow.
  10. Yes, stage green has it’s limits - yet stage green understands cultural relativism -and so does stage yellow. JP is not looking at green from a yellow perspective. He is criticizing green from a blue/orange perspective. For example, he is oblivious to what a polyamory sexual orientation is. His position of forced monogamy is deeply blue. Forced monogamy on people with a polyamory orientation is akin to gay conversion therapy. Some people don’t want to get married or have children and want to have multiple sexual partners. This triggers JP’s blue - what is moral / immoral. Family values. Traditional gender roles. Disempiwering women etc. JP and his ilk are threatened from what they perceive as red. They see polyamory as people acting out their reddish primal desires of sex. They fear this will disrupt natural order and morality. What they don't understand is that polyamory at a Green level is much different and more sophisticated than polyamory at a red level. We are not talking about warlords and thugs sleeping around with women. Green-level polyamory is about open communication, consent among everyone involved, empathy, understanding, commitment, love and community. JP and others stuck in blue/orange do not understand this. It takes a radically open mind - of which JP lacks. So many orange-level people want to skip green and think they can go straight to yellow. It doesn't work that way. One needs to experience and understand green before advancing to yellow. Without doing so, they will lack key aspects of empathy, love and an aspect of relative thinking.
  11. On micro/mini doses are easy to integrate in a week. And you tolerance will stay low. I find moderate / high doses to be harder to get ntegrate. I used to do two times a month, now just 1 time a month
  12. You are correct. I did some more researching and found a video with JP giving an accurate description of psychedelics. He actually sounds quite readonable here. I wonder why he changes his tune.
  13. It sounds like those professors were uninformed and took no position on psychedelics. That is very different than a clinical psychologist / academic taking a misinformed stand on psychedelics in the national media. Academics hold themselves to a higher standard. I find it hard to believe that a clinical psycholgist / academic could make such obvious errors in the national spotlight without being told. I’m not giving JP a pass here. It’s grossly negligent and unprofessional of a man in his position to make such ill-informed statements in national media. It reinforces the false stigma of psychedelics and puts more of a burden on the true clinical psychologists that are working tirelessly to develop therapy that will reduce mental suffering. JP could be uninformed and unprofessional or he could be an informed heartless hack that cares more about his image than people suffering from depression and PTSD.
  14. JP cringed when Joe asked him about women who don’t want to get married, don’t want children and want to have multiple sexual partners. I think JP is threatened by empowering women to make these sexual choices for themselves.
  15. Do you all think that the nature of courage is different for Blue, Orange and Green? What is courage like for Blue?. . . I would say the pinnacle would be military medals of honor. What is courage like for Orange? . . . I would say a whistle-blower of white-color crimes within their company. What is courage like for Green? . . . Colin K. taking a knee during the national anthem.
  16. Why? Scientific clinical studies have shown psychedelics help people with mental illness. He has no concern as a clinical psycoligist or as an academic acknowledging this. These were academic, clinical psychology studies. I’m an academic and cover psychedelic therapy in my neuroscience course. It’s also commonly taught in psychology courses. JP must know this - or he has his head completely in the sand. MDMA for PTSD therapy is in stage III clinical trials for goodness sake.
  17. Part of the beauty of the video is that JP tried to veil his position to what you wrote. Joe pulled JP’s veil off and exposed his bullshit. It was a thing of beauty. If I were the host, I would have pushed it further and get JP to admit he wants to prohibit threesomes and swinger parties. Both are non-monogamous
  18. If you want to transition out of blue. . . first, drop the “polygamy” bit. It’s polyamory- we are not talking about polygamy. Second and more challenging: polyamory is a sexual orientation. Just like you have a monogamous orientation, others have a polyamory orientation. This isn’t about people sleeping around. It’s about people with a polyamory orientation. How would you like it if society forced you to be polyamorous?
  19. No. I’m referring to forced monogamy for people that are unmarried and don’t want children. Forcing people with a polyamory orientation to be monogamous is akin to forcing people with a homosexual orientation to have heterosexual sex. These views are as blue as it gets regarding sexuality
  20. Each person is a muxture of colors. You might be Green in some areas. JP is hardcore blue in that video. If that resonates with you, then you are blue in this area.
  21. You’re not green in this area. Forced monogamy is akin to gay conversion therapy. It’s a hardcore blue position.