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Everything posted by Forestluv
Ethnicity and social staus are often conflated - they are related issues, yet also distinct issues. White oppresses color in the U.S. Progress comes when white relinquishes oppressive behavior, not when color accepts being oppressed.
Forestluv replied to Elysian's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Elysian Sounds like you have tapped into something divine ? -
Even if true, it’s a false equivalency since white is the dominant culture in the U.S.
Forestluv replied to Elysian's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@ElysianThat sentient, intelligent guiding force is within the holistic you. The self tells you it is a seperate entity. Transcend the self and come to know that the personality appears within something grander. -
Forestluv replied to How to be wise's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
I was referring to a 5-meo *peak* experience. I can’t imagine someone being able to navigate life on a permanent 5-meo peak experience. As well, I’d say they are on the same level - but different experiences. An elite basketball player and an elite swimmer have some in common, but they are not the same. -
Once you go Yellow, you never go back ?
@Aquarius Hmmm. Perhaps you just need some precise fine tuning rather than a general overhaul. For me, I was almost all Green - yet became aware I had some Blue-level issues with sex and relationships from my Catholic upbringing.
Forestluv replied to How to be wise's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Ahhhh. I did 20+ years of part-time consciousness work - 100% substance-free. So, I had a large foundation before my first psychedelic experience. Regarding direct experience in an area of awakening, my first "ego death" trip of four hours revealed more than 20+ years of meditation, retreats, readings, dharma talks etc. There was a knowing of a couple key concepts I never understood - even after many many years of study and meditation. It's like being rocketed to spiritual awakening. Yet then you return. I think I had a solid spiritual foundation to absorb the experience. I had felt an inner calling to go deeper with psychedelics for several years before I honored it. I would say that a 5-meo peak experience is on the same level of a buddhist master. Yet how that 5-meo experience is interpreted and integrated is dependent upon the developmental spiritual stage of the user. Someone with a shallow / immature spiritual foundation may be shaped by 5-meo very differently than someone with a solid / mature spiritual foundation. I know someone who has spent about forty years expanding her consciousness without substances. She is very highly evolved. I can sense that she is in tune with areas that are foreign to me. Likewise, it is clear to me that she does not have direct experience in a few areas I do. For example, a 5-meo peak took me to the null void. She speaks of nothingness conceptually, yet I can tell she has never ventured there. As well, I can tell she has direct experience I have never ventured. It's not like one is "higher" than the other. They are both highly evolved. Yet, I would say a lifetime of practice provides a spiritual maturity that a teenager doing 5-meo a few times would lack. With that said, anyone rocketed to a buddhist master level on a 5-meo peak will be profoundly affected. How that manifests will vary depending on the user. From one perspective, it is a "short cut". From another perspective, there are no "short cuts". Awakening is instant and a process. -
I'd say this is an intermediate stage in the self dissolution process. It can be extremely difficult and uncomfortable to reach this stage. Once this stage is reached, it becomes clear that living within the personality is like drinking gutter water and living beyond the personality is like drinking spring water. Then there is an energetic shift of motivation arising from the self to seek personal needs to an energy seeking to be that Truth. That's been my experience anyway.
Forestluv replied to How to be wise's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Great question. Psychonauts often call this "integration". IME, the psychedelic experience is often beyond what my finite mind can comprehend. When returning to a sober mindset, the mind likes to make sense of the experience. Yet I've found doing this reduces / contracts the experience. Quite often, it seems like the "essence" of the experience lingers for a while and then dissolves. Yet, something remains. Once you see certain things, you can't unsee them. Imagine living in an isolated town in which nobody has ever left the town. Nobody has any idea that anything exists outside this town. One day a being enters and offers you a very different perspective. You agree and he takes you outside the town to a mountain top. You sit there and for the first time see the expansiveness beyond your town. You see how it is interconnected with nature. You see other towns off in the distance. Your perspective of yourself expands greatly. . . You return to the town and try to tell others of your experience. They challenge what you saw. They say you must have been dreaming. They question how you know it is real. They want evidence, yet they are unwilling to leave the safety of the town. Would you be permanently conscious of every facet of the experience? Of course not. Yet you will be unable to unsee what you saw. Your consciousness will be forever expanded. The way you view things within the town will never be the same after what you saw. -
@RichardY The Kavanaugh hearing seemed like an emotional lightening rod. I find it fascinating how Blue / Orange and Green were both strongly triggered for different reasons.
Consider all the input that has gone into making you you. The trillions upon trillions of stimuli every second of your life. Each little bit shaping you. Consider all the input before you were born. The DNA you inherited from your parents. Millions of years of evolutionary input that went into shaping you. It is so vast that a finite mind can't comprehend it all. Yet, the mind and body remembers bits and pieces. These memories are the basis for "The Story" about who I am. A few fragments that seem to create a character we call "me". From this, lots of impulses arise - thoughts, feelings etc. "I am kind", "I'm not attractive enough", "I shouldn't have lied", "She shouldn't have lied to me", "I regret yelling at my dog", "I need to earn more money". . . and on and on and on. . . The reality we perceive mentally and emotionally is shaped by these lenses we wear. What is reality without these lenses? What if you stepped outside The Story and examined it? What if you deconstructed the Story bit by bit and then let go of it all? What would remain?
Similar for me. The rough part was 1-2 years. Then a maturation. It's kind of like taking a space ship into outer space. Lifting off against gravity is a rough ride. There is lots of uncertainty and it's uncomfortable. Yet, once we breakthrough the atmosphere and enter space . . . it's magnificent. We look back and see the earth floating in space and realize we too are now floating in space - free of the limitations imposed by gravity. We are free to be curious and explore. . .
This seems like a Tier 2 perspective. If I drop down to Tier 1 Green it can feel like losing because the progress doesn't look like how I think progress "should" look like.
This is great stuff about evolving toward Orange and Green levels. I would just be careful about getting to bogged down. I would have gotten overwhelmed with all of that. . . I grew up in a predominately Blue environment. Very Catholic, authoritarian. Lots of respect for rules and laws. One lives their life for an anthropomorphic God to gain access to an afterlife in heaven. In general, the keys to transition from Blue to Orange: 1. Things are not always "Black or White", "Good" or "Bad". There are shades of gray. There are spectrums. I.e. it is not always "bad" to break the law. Some laws are nonsense and, at times, it is actually "good" to break the law. . . People are not all "good" or "bad" - they are complex mixtures. 2. To challenge beliefs and start looking at things rationally and reasonably. . . Hmmm, maybe everything in the Bible is not literally true. Maybe the Noah's Arc thing is more poetic than literal. Maybe there is both "good" and "bad" stuff in the Bible. Maybe there are good lessons within all religions. 3. Personal development. Who am I? What do *I* value? How can I establish my own ethical framework? What does personal development look like for *me*? What are my personal goals and what steps can I take to achieve them?
Yes, I was trained as a scientist and I still teach science courses. The process of transcending science was quite bumpy at times - yet totally worth it. The holistic view is so beautiful. I like your analogy to waking up to religion. It was a similar process for me as well.
@Annoynymous I'd say karma is conditioning of the mind-body.
Forestluv replied to electroBeam's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@electroBeam IME, psychedelics remove "The Story". The conditioning. It is waking up from one delusional state and entering another delusional state. The power for me is the awareness of the delusional sober self state. What the self does with that awareness is not the point for me. It's the realization of the dream. It is the awareness of the person. Imagine you are dreaming and your dream character is "Paul". Paul wants to awaken and spends lots of time meditating in the dream. He watches lots of Mooji and Sadghuru videos. He spends lots of time on the actualized.org forum. . . Can Paul awaken as Paul? . . . No. It is a higher consciousness that becomes aware of itself. Everything within the dream is within a higher consciousness. . . . Suppose Paul ingests a substance that stimulates you to wake up temporarily. You realize everything within the dream is within a higher consciousness (the real you). . . You fall back asleep and Paul returns. Does it really matter if this realization stimulates Paul to meditate more within the dream? Does it really matter if the realization stimulates Paul to start Yoga and get physically healthy within the dream? . . . I would say no. The BIG thing is that there is a higher consciousness that is now aware of the dream. Whatever Paul does, there is awareness that it's all within a dream. And not in a philosophical way. In a very real way. Psychedelics offer this awakening. And it is extremely extremely powerful. -
@Charlotte It sounds like your transcendence of science is maturing. During my maturation, my interest in science declined. I no longer "believed" it like I used to. As my post-science consciousness stabilized, I began seeing science as a wonderful tool that is integrated with art, philosophy, history, poetry etc. Science became part of a holistic view. I started getting curious again - yet this is a more mature curiosity. Once a person transcends rational thought and science, I can't imagine how one can return. It's like spending your whole life immersed in a town. Then, one day you climb to a mountain top and see the city from a very different perspective. It is a meta view. You see how your town is interconnected to the environment and other towns. You can return to your town, yet you can't unsee what you saw. It will always be part of your more holistic view.
Forestluv replied to NoSelfSelf's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
That is a wonderfully juicy self inquiry question. I'm unable to offer a post-rational definition. Yet I can say my view of intelligence was based on logic / reason. My transition to post-rational understanding involved direct experience with intellectual, emotional, social, creative, intuitive and empathetic forms of intelligence. Then, these distinctions began to dissolve. As well, I contemplated and had experience with the source of intelligence. I.e. From where does intelligence arise? -
Forestluv replied to karkaore's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
As a psychedelic newbie, I felt the need trip in my familiar home. Once I reached intermediate levels of experience, I began walking outside - in my neighborhood and in nature. Just observing everyday stuff. I got a lot out of that too. -
Forestluv replied to NoSelfSelf's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
That depends on your definition of "smart". I would say transcending the self expands intelligence. -
Forestluv replied to cle103's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Yes. I have experienced it as well. The space can be scary, yet it can also be liberating and beautiful. Part of the anxiety for my self when entering this space is that my self no longer gets to choose the experience - it no longer gets to steer the car. My self is scared of the unknown. This space is unfamiliar and it lacks control. What then am I surrendering control to? What if I give control to some dark energy? What if harm results? . . . What I've found is that the space is not unsafe and harmful - it's ok to surrender into it. -
@Annoynymous Yes, one can let go of ideology and take a meta view. It can be tricky though. I often get pulled into a Green level of consciousness in this area.
It's an acquired taste through direct experience. There is an energetic shift from a self orientation to a direct being orientation. The self will rebel - it's a total loss for the self. An awakening experience is quite simple - yet it is unpalatable to the self. Selfs don't awaken because they don't want to awaken. They want to control the narrative. A self wants to be relevant. It wants a story, beliefs, opinions. It wants to seek through conversation, debate, books, religions, spirituality, retreats, ashrams etc. Yet, it is always zero steps from enlightenment. It is eternally present now. It will never be found in the timeline. Never to be found outside of here and now.