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Everything posted by Forestluv

  1. If the self takes ownership of the experience and identifies with it, it becomes contracted and nonabiding. This is the “back and forth” type of awareness commonly seen at intermediate stages. I've found with practice, the deeper level of awareness becomes more common and is easier to snap back into. Sometimes, a certain word or action (like snapping my fingers) can drop me down from ego mind immersion.
  2. I would guess about a third of the audience was at a similar stage as her.
  3. @kieranperez You’ve been doing a lot of self exploration. It’s cool that you are finding which practices and tweaks work best for you.
  4. @pluto8 If you haven’t tried it yet, you may want to consider shamanic/holotropic breathing. It can help release stored memory energy in the mind-body. I was able to release a couple childhood micro trauma with it.
  5. @Emerald I noticed similiar things. I don’t think Mooji was able to meet the woman where she is at. She was confused and defensive. Several times she was so confused, she looked to the audience for support and was surprised the audience didn’t agree with her. Mooji seemed to stay too advanced for her developmental stage.
  6. That's some nice consciousness- expanding experience. Thanks for writing about it to us?
  7. @Nick5050 That’s beautiful. Thanks for sharing it with us ?
  8. Nope. My first time the entire story of me got erased and my relationship to reality in the present became different. I have had personal stuff come up - yet they generally come during the comedown when I’m returning to the “normal” world and start reconstructing “my” life.
  9. Not necessarily. Perspectives can exist in the mind free of attachment and identification.
  10. Yea, people do use those terms with various meanings. At the deeper levels, I consider them the same. Yet, I’ve noticed most people new to the practice are more familiar and comfortable with the term awakening than enlightenment.
  11. Well said. That is what a lot of it boiled down to.
  12. @Emerald I like Rick and Morty. The Interdimensional Cable episode put me into uncontrollable laughter. If you take requests and happen to like Monty Python, I’d love to see it woven with Spiral Dynamics sometime. ☺️
  13. Weaving Spiral Dynamics with Rick and Morty? @Emerald is becoming a Spiral Wizard ?‍♂️
  14. For some reason, Infinity and Everything took up different spaces in my mind. I have integrated Everything = Nothing. Now I can integrate Infinity with Everything and Nothing for a nice Absolute sandwich.
  15. I love that imagery of energy transfer! It is like the flow of water through the water cycle. Or, the flow of energy from the sun to sugars via photosynthesis.
  16. @Roman Edouard Thanks for the kind words. We are all doing some good work together. It’s good having you a part of it ?
  17. In some of your videos, you give examples of infinity in an infinite number of dimensions. For example, the block of clay that is infinite for shape, size, color etc. Could we add “being all creatures” and “at all times” as two more dinensions of infinity within Absolute Infinity?
  18. @ZZZZ Yes! Welcome to the next stage of the journey. ?
  19. There should be a “hide” option under the message.
  20. @Wisebaxter I didn’t journal before my first time. I started after my first trip because there was so much to process and explore. It opened up new avenues. Journaling is great way to explore. Now that I think about it, there may not be a lot of stuff to process and journal about heading into the first trip. It’s kinda just waiting for the show to get started.
  21. I’m also cerebral oriented. I find contemplation journaling great for integrating my mind with my heart and direct experience. Self exploration and direct experience are super important components to develop a holistically integrated understanding. Your consciousness will expand through the process. I would go into it sincere and open, without expectations. You can have your own journal here in another area of the forum. Some users like using that format.
  22. If you like contemplative journaling, you might find it helpful to journal through the process: leading up to the trips, the trips, integrating insights with conceptual understanding and embodying the deeper truths. There can be a lot to process and journaling can be a good tool.
  23. Very nice. You are questioning identification with thoughts and emotions. That which is aware of thoughts and emotions is the “I Am”. This “I AM-ness” is simply awareness of thoughts and emotions - without any judgement or criticism. It doesn’t grasp for, or push away, any thought or emotion. It does not try to control or manipulate situations. See if you can get the mindset of an impartial observer to thoughts and emotions.