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Everything posted by Forestluv

  1. There is a transpersonal (no-self) level and a personal level. At the no-self level, the story dissolves. And yes, as you stated all memories, beliefs, experiences etc. can dissolve away. There are different degrees of self dissolution, yet the self can completely dissolve into nothing, yielding a deep nondual state of consciousness. At this level, there is no self - there is no personality. So, your questions about how are "you" no longer part of your experience - no longer applies (since there is no "you" anymore). This perspective is unimaginable to a self. As well, the little personal "you" dissolves and the Big infinite "You" emerges. There is no god entity separate from You. You become God. You are God. (not the little personal "you", the Big Infinite You). This no-self state of being is unimaginable, ineffable and beyond extraordinary.
  2. Experience with letting go during intense cannibis states is likely helpful. For me, I would be prepared with a few options for activity. Meditation, journaling, music, videos, creating something. A few times, I might be trying to meditate and get all "introspective" and it's uncomfortable and the energy is pulling in another direction. I put on some music and entering an amazing nondual state with the music. . . Sometimes there can be uncomfortable body and mental load on the come-up. It doesn't last that long. So don't think it's going to be like this the whole time. During the come-up - have fun. Laugh, smile, get silly. We often talk about the uncomfortable nature of surrender, yet tripping can sooo beautiful - One Love. Pure existence. Beauty beyond the imagination. Also, sometimes a minor mental tweak can totally recontextualize a trip. I was tripping in a cafe in Medellin, Colombia one time. I started to lose touch with reality. Reality became a computer simulation and the waiter and I were the only humans in the simulation. I got anxious and thought I was about to do something stupid. Like I may start yelling that everyone in the cafe were computer images and to wake up.. . . Yet, I was able to tweak it and recontextualized. . . I thought "Whoa!!! This is amaaaaazing!!! It's like I'm on another planet, in another world!!! It's like actually being in an amazing science fiction movie!!! Then, things got so interesting and I got so curious about people and felt so much love for them. They were the most beautiful people in the world and I was experiencing a new level of love I couldn't imagine. I would devote 12hrs to the trip, yet it's not 12hrs. of hard tripping. There will be stages. So, if one stage feels a bit intense, know that degrees of sanity will slowly return. The intensity will not last 12hrs. I've had trips in which an hour or so was nauesa and mental discomfort - and later amazingly beautiful.
  3. True passion is a connection to your True Self. Psychedelics will give you direct experience with nonduality. The mind will flip back to a dualistic mind state. Yet, nondual direct consciousness is a game-changer. Even when your mind flips back dual and starts to contextualize it, there will be a deeper "knowing" that you can't put into words or explain.
  4. This is the observer - object state of consciousness - in which an observer becomes aware and is observing eternal stillness / peace. This stage has not yet fully transcended the self. Here, the observer dissolves and distinctions dissolve. There is One. Not a conceptual or theoretical One - being One. I found this state of consciousness extremely difficult attain. In fact, the self cannot attain it. I tried for over 20years of meditation and spirituality work. It wasn't until I added in psychedelics into my work. Psychedelics can remove the ego and there is still existence. Just nondual existence/being. Then, when returning to a sober mind state, the self would recontextualize the nondual being to an "experience" of my self and added in meaning, concepts etc. So, there were good looks at it with psychedelics, yet would flip back to observer - object consciousness while sober. Yet, getting a good look at it through direct experience was a game changer. There was a "knowing" deep down that I couldn't explain or put into words or concepts. After integration through meditation, yoga, journaling and discussions on this forum - these no-self states of being began to arise during sober mind states. These days, my mind state is in the observer - object state of consciousness. It takes my mind effort of concentration and letting go to enter nondual and I can't always do it on demand. Yet, it's getting easier and more common year after year. . .
  5. I've found it challenging to really "get" the Nothing = No Thing = Everything bit. The direct experience of Nothing / Everything came after a somewhat understanding it conceptually. I think this was the concept that opened my mind up for the direct experience to arise: I would imagine Everything. Absolutely Everything. Any thing that has ever existed, exists or will exist is within Everything. Any idea, concept, dream. Everything. Now, there is no way to step outside of Everything and look at it. That looking, observing, thinking is within Everything. There is no way out. There is No Thing outside of Everything. My next step was Everything = No Thing, because there is no separation in Everything. Every single thing is within One Everything. So there is no individual thing. Yet, as you say "Even No Thing" is something. Yet, "something" requires separation. There must be one thing viewing something else as a something. My mind worked the same way. Even with One Everything, I saw a bunch of "things" in Everything. After a lot of work, the direct experience arose and which showed "Everything = No Thing = Nothing". It was kinda like one of those optical illusions of a vase and two faces. It was like my mind was conditioned only see the vase and I just couldn't see the two faces. Then, I got a glimpse of it. When seeing the faces, the vase disappears. Similarly, with direct experience of Everything / Nothing - all separation dissolves and collapses into Nothing. Yet, my perspective flips back to seeing separate things. Both perspectives exist simultaneously. Just like both perspectives of the vase and faces exist simultaneously. Yet, my mind could only "see" one perspective at a time.
  6. Welcome to the forum @Killer Bee!! I concur with @Winter, meditation is a great way to get started and he linked you to a great meditation guide. Other steps you may want to consider are linked below. Some exercises may resonate with you, others may not. I would suggest that you follow your true desire and explore. Find out what works for you. Rather than a desire for Enlightenment, you may be more of a desire to focus on personal healing, personal development, starting healthy habits, personal goal setting etc. Some people find journaling helpful. If you like, you could start your own personal journal here: As well, many of Leo's videos are for beginners. I would recommend the video as an introduction to spirituality. Again, if "spirituality" doesn't resonate with you right now, explore other areas of personal development. Sometimes, it can be hard to decide which direction to head. It can be counter-intuitive. Sometimes it's best to move in a direction that feels uncomfortable - there is a lot of growth there. Other times, there is a sense that this is just not working for me and I should try something else. In times of indecision, I often asked myself "Which direction will lead to expansion and growth? Which direction will lead to contraction and regression?" (Rather than "Which direction will provide temporary relief). I've found when I contemplate this, there is a deeper true desire / intuition that arises and is a connection to my true Self. I would move with that, even if it is uncomfortable. Also, feel free to ask questions and share your experience on the forum. We are all in the same boat here
  7. One could think of it in terms of an Absolute Level and at a personal human level. At the Absolute level, there is a stillness that always present and is independent of circumstances. It is transcendent of the personality of "me". Some people refer to this stillness as emptiness and peace. That stillness / peace is present regardless of whether or not the mind is aware of it. At the human level, we have the personality. Here we have conditional peace. "I feel at peace", "I will be at peace when I finish this project". It's probably more accurate to call this type peace "relief". It is temporary relief from anxiety, stress, excitement etc. So, "I" will not have unconditional peace of love. The "I" personality / self / ego will not love or hate everything. It will not be at peace with everything. The self is based on division, dualism. It sees things as "me" and "other". Since it is not One with Everything, it is not a peace with everything. It will selectively like objects/people that add to it's pleasure and security; and dislike objects/people that add to it's displeasure and insecurity.
  8. @SOUL It’s not about me. The Absolute is revealed when a mind is ready. @Elysian That’s an awesome video! So inspiring! ? @Anton Rogachevski For sure. With practice, one’s capacity of freedom can expand toward absolute Freedom, similiar to how one’s capacity to love can expand toward absolute Love. ❤️
  9. Well said. Sometimes it feels like we are pioneers. I know others have come before us, yet it seems like the internet and abailability of spiritual resources have made high level spirituality available to so many more people than any other time in history.
  10. Yes, indeed. Direct experience is super important for understanding and embodying insights.
  11. Attachments to thoughts and dualism is fundamental to the ego.
  12. @daniel695 Follow your true desires. They are connections to the True You.
  13. @Elysian There are some nice insights in there ?
  14. That is fine in your present state of consciousness. Yet to expand further and see things you currently cannot imagine, you will need to relax that resistance and open.
  15. That's like saying Infinity is conditional on being infinite and Everything is conditional on being everything. This sounds like a mind in a trap of trying to figure it out.
  16. I think that is some confusing word usage. Absolute Freedom is not a condition. It is always present regardless of what conditions the mind perceives. Any condition or situation you can imagine - absolute Freedom is present. Absolute means Everything / Infinity. All conditions are within Absolute / Everything / Infinity. Absolute really really means Absolute. At the human level, freedom is relative and dependent on conditions. For example, "I can be free if I am not imprisoned", "I can always be free, except if I was being beaten", "I will be free after psychotherapy" etc.
  17. Is it fair to refer to that type of peace as "relief"?
  18. Absolute Peace and Freedom is unconditional, it is not dependent on circumstances.
  19. @Salvijus Thanks for the neck practice video! I've had chronic headaches, in part due to head and neck tension. I imagine it's very common. I like how the video integrates meditation with the neck practices, rather than quick head cranking to get it over with.
  20. Pointers can be helpful for human minds to awaken. Yet, it's best to speak of it delicately. As you wrote, pontification can be a distraction.
  21. Because Everything includes every thing as One. Everything really really means Everything, including all perceptions of things. There is no thing outside of Everything. There is no thing you or anyone can think, feel or do outside of Everything. There is no object or concept outside of Everything. Thus, Everything = No thing = Nothing. Everything / Nothing is Absolute. There is no conceptual escape hatch. Concepts of nonduality and duality collapse into Everything / Nothing.
  22. Agreed. A personality may speak intellectually of no-self without awareness of the personality. The embodiment of no-self is key.