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Everything posted by Forestluv

  1. From a communal perspective, Blue and Green value community very differently. My parents would be considered Blue in this respect. Community to them is their white, Catholic conservative community. Green has a much more expansive community. To Blue, the thought of loving LGBTQ, multiculturism, muslims, immigrants and hippies as members of their personal community is repulsive. Green is not “community” to Blue. Rather, it is a threat to their contracted idea of community.
  2. Would this be another way of saying it? . . The concept of time dissipates energy through self seeking, story telling, avoiding, worrying, resentments etc. Theses are like fragments that drain the energy of what is now.. When those time-based energy drains are acknowledged, an observation of what is now, without escape, may be present. The total of energy of now may pull together fragments of a mind immersed in time-based self stories and form a coherent whole of that which is now.
  3. I blacked-out at 32mg. Then, I dialed it back down. 28-30mg is the highest I’ve gone in which there was some form of recollection of an experience (yet, there was no “experiencer”). 15mg was smooth sailing for me. It’s the sub-breakthrough zone around 22-28mg that can get uncomfortable. Yet, each mind-body has different sensitivities.
  4. I started at 15mg and worked my way up to 32mg
  5. Nondual joke: What is red and invisible? No tomato.
  6. @Arthur Those are some nice contemplations, thank you. I’d like to throw in a few ideas. . . When transitioning in tier1 stages, the pendulum can swing to extremes - such as a self- sacrifice extreme to a self- centered extreme. Yet, tier2 Yellow is balanced between left-right brain. It’s sense of intelligence goes far beyond intellectual intelligence and knowledge. There is now an awareness of creative, intuitive, empathetic, post-rational, social and emotional intelligences and the integration into a more holistic intelligence. Generally, there is also a balance between individual and social dynamics. In tier2, the seeking energy is no longer dominated by self-survival and self-needs. A yellow-level person could value both solitude and social interactions. Yellow has embodied Green components. There is a shift toward “independence”, yet Orange and Yellow level understandings of “independence” are different. Orange independence is based much more on self-needs.
  7. @Tony 845 “Do you want to become a vegetarian after becoming Enlightened?” That’s like asking: “Do you want to become a vegetarian after you die?” It doesn’t make sense to me.
  8. That’s where magnificence dwells. ?? ? ?‍♂️
  9. Yea, that’s the hitch isn’t it? Perhaps “accepting” could be used more as an observer perspective to the no surrender/surrender dynamic. Like watching a battle in a movie and being ok wether the battle continues or if the battalion surrenders. Who knows? Just some ideas swirling around in the ole noggin. ?
  10. @cetus56 I’m guessing: acceptance and allowing things to be as they are - at that point, choice becomes irrelevant.
  11. So the personality doesn’t disappear. The truth of the personality is revealed and attachments/identifications to the personality dissapear. Yes?
  12. Once enlightened, does the mind still work to deconstruct the personality structure? Such as working through a neurosis that may arise due to previous mind-body conditioning.
  13. I don’t think I can be helpful to you here. Have a good one ☝️
  14. You wrote: “I say expand outside of Truth because one can experience it directly” Who/what is this “one” that can experience it directly?
  15. Who/what is the “one” that can experience it directly?
  16. Yes, the unimaginable would include all those ideas as well ? You keep trying to cut something out of the whole. You will not be able to figure it out with words and concepts.
  17. It’s unimaginable, yet contains all images. ? And it is unpalatable to a self ?
  18. One cannot step outside of Truth and objectively measure it by a standard.
  19. It’s probably better to explain it as attachments being within the mind than the brain. Yet, I think it’s close enough for the point I was making