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Everything posted by Forestluv

  1. If it is absolutely true, then it is true for both humans and birds. Yet the birds in my feeder don’t seem to accept these ideas. They seem to be expressing another reality to me that my human mind cannot see as a bird sees.
  2. It’s not about me. Will the bird see as you see and will you see as the bird sees?
  3. Sure, and that is a perspective arising in a mind. Try convincing a bird of those concepts. A bird has a different perspective and would not accept the perspective you are describing here. In the absolute, the perspectives are equal. What you describe doesn’t carry any more relevance or truth than a birdsong.
  4. Yea. It sounds like a lot of parts in an integrated whole. That’s one perspective. Another perspective is simply whole without any distinctions. There is no thing that comprehends another thing. Even saying one word is saying too much.
  5. I think it would be super cool to start a Turquoise-level talk show. I don’t think there are any currently.
  6. If Truth is whole, it does not contain reality. There would be no container to hold a separate thing.
  7. Good idea. I was thinking a Green scientist as head coach. I think the team needs some wholesomeness for balance. Perhaps John Denver and some all-natural Rocky Mountain High. Or a yoga instructor
  8. @cetus56 @Leo Gura AOC is on my Green Dream Team along with John Lennon, Timothy Leary and Jerry Garcia. I still need to find one more to complete my starting five.
  9. Stepping out suggests there is something to step out of and something to step into. Truth has no separation. Truth cannot step outside of itself.
  10. One of my biggest surprises with psychedelics was that psychedelic reality is as real as the sober reality. Before using psychedelics, I thought the sober reality was the normal one and psychedelics were an “alrered” state of conscious. I thought I would temporarily enter a trippy mind state to gather info that could be used for my normal life. To my surprise, they are both real or unreal. Overtime, the psychedelic real world and sober real world are growing closer together into an integrated holistic realness.
  11. @Hero of Time James Swartz is at a high spiritual level within an Orange framework of reason.
  12. I’m oversimplifying things. There are multiple lines of developmental such as intellectual, emotional, intuitive. It’s really tricky to identify one’s own level because the ego enters and obscures. In terms of theory, SD is a good framework. In terms of direct experience, sit and meditate. Step outside of identifaction with thoughts. Become an observer of the self that simply observes without judgement. I know it sounds esoteric, yet such is the nature of direct experience.
  13. For sure. The alien abduction narrative is like a bad first act and the audience sighs and rolls their eyes ? Then the real show starts. . .
  14. @Freakrik That would be one grain of sand in the beach ; a drop of water in the ocean. Trying to imagine it can stimulate motivation, yet in the end all imaginations fall short.
  15. Lovely. Now work on embodiment. You think it. Yet are you being it? Don’t become imprisoned by the key that sets you free.
  16. @Mikael89 Let go of beliefs and look around you. . . ? If you hapoen to start dancing for no reason, it’s a good sign.
  17. @Mikael89 You speak of your psychedelic experience as if it were true ? It gets contextualized in the baseline conscious level. The key is integration, not bimodal true/false distinctions. Imo, psychedelics become a powerful spiritual tool when one’s baseline conscious level is at Green.
  18. Reality loves to tease itself with synchronicities.
  19. @DarjeelingTea The ego wants to control the narrative of what is real and true. That will get dissolved with psychedelics and the question will take on new meaning.
  20. @Manjushri You might consider seeking professional help with a provider you resonate with. I worked with a green-level social worker for a few months during an unstable period. She was open to a wide variety of healing modalities and I found it helpful.
  21. @Oliver Saavedra Wow. My mind just recontextualized those lyrics. I had never appreciated them before. They’re good.
  22. It seems that self-righteousness can be expressed in many different and new ways. It can be sneaky and doesn’t want the spotlight on itself. A sophisticated ego well-versed in spiritual and self-help concepts that is convincingly genuine could veil itself past most psychologists.