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Everything posted by Forestluv

  1. @OrpheusNovum Yea, we were exploring that kind of stuff.
  2. Cards to test and practice ESP. @Joseph Maynor That is so cool! I didn’t know you’ve got a right brain thing going on.
  3. Turquoise level stuff makes my colleagues uncomfotable. They like green and yellow though. For example, I was doing zenner cards in my office with a couple of students to explore paranormal abilities. A couple of my colleagues caught wind and questioned me about it.
  4. @Highest Ok. We will be here for ya when the wheels stop spinning. There is a maturation aspect that will kick in at some point. I’m not implying that anything you are writing is wrong. I’m saying there is more to it.
  5. @RichardY I think Jim goes to deep zones on his own. He has amazing art studies in his house. With like platforms so he can lie on his belly and paint. I think he tones it down to n public. Yet, most of us do. Turquoise can be nice unsettling and threatening to some. I’ve gotten pushback at my work as well and need to tone it down.
  6. @Joseph Maynor There is a live version of Chet Baker playing All Blues that is heaven. Right before he died
  7. @OrpheusNovum Let’s start Liar Liar family therapy groups ??
  8. Go with the flow! These days, science is a hybrid of Leonardo Da Vinci and Deepak Chopra. An integrated mystical wonderland.
  9. And Heath Ledger ?. It’s an intense business. Yet, some breakthrough - like Jim Carrey.
  10. @Joseph Maynor Super cool! I love live classic jazz. Can you play All Blues? Or Flamenco Sketches? My two favorite jazz trumpet songs.
  11. @OrpheusNovum You can continue acting. I’m a scientist and thought I would have to quit since to walk a spiritual path. Not the case. It has gone deeper and more integrated.
  12. Gotcha. Drop that thought for a minute. If what I write doesn’t resonate with you, you can pick up the old thought again. It’s not going to go anywhere for now. Consider that all actions have an underlying motivation. Some type of seeking energy. For most humans, the motivational energy is need based. We want to meet our needs. we want to feel comfortable, secure and happy. This gets distorted within egoic dynamics. Countless beliefs and ideas about life has been conditioned into the brain. We get conditioned to see the world as it relates to personal needs. Our actions become transactional. The ego constantly thinks “What’s in it for me?”. This leads to separation and suffering. As we become aware of egoic attachments and ideas, we can begin to release them. We lose the need-based motivation. Since this is pretty much the only source of motivation you know right now. its natural to ask “If I lose that motivation, there won’t be any motivation and nothing will get done”. This can be true at a transitional stage. Personally, I could barely get out of bed for a couple weeks. Then, a new source of energy arises that is not fueld by egoic needs. It is much more genuine and pure. It is energy of life wanting to experience itself. This may seem a bit woo woo, yet you have personal experience of this. Go back to when you were a kid - before the story ruled your world. Imagine doing something you loved. Perhaps climbing trees or playing soccer. You didn’t do it to look cool, you didn’t do it so your parents would be proud of you, you didn’t do it because you were told to. You were living in the moment climbing a tree for the pure joy of climbing that tree. You were energized up that tree by a life force. That is a glimpse of it. It is home. It’s what we all truly desire deep down. To return home. There is still action, yet the identification of being an actor dissolves.
  13. That darn long-term Yellow thinking ? ?
  14. The ego will grasp and identify with ideas, thoughts and concepts. Become aware of the underlying sense that these are “my” thoughts and ideas. There is a subtle attachment and identification that is just below your awareness radar right now. You might be tempted to think more and figure things out, yet this will keep your mind distracted. The most important thing is to become aware of those attachments/identifications to beliefs. Beliefs are really important to hold the egoic structure together. The ego will fight like hell to protect them. It will avoid, blame, defend, distract, cause fear or pleasure. There is a highly evolved egoic defense system and it doesn’t get deconstructed easily. Putting cracks together into attachment and identification with beliefs is really important in dismantling it’s fortress. I sense some genuine willingness and openness present here. Be aware if the ego tries to close that window of opportunity.
  15. @OrpheusNovum Be aware of the ego’s tendency to trade a set of concepts it finds unpalatable for a set of concepts it finds palatable. This is the ego playing a game of bait and switch. The deeper issue to get at is the attachment and identification with beliefs, regardless of wether you find them displeasing or pleasing.
  16. Thinking about ego is still immersed within the ego. It’s the “good ego - bad ego” game. The deconstruction process is much deeper and takes discipline, attention and maturity. It can be uncomfortable and involve surrender of control. Become a skilled observer of the mind. It takes a lot of practice. Then, observe attachment, identication and the interplay of egoic dynamics. The ego will resist. It doesn’t like a spotlight on itself.
  17. @Highest It sounds like you’ve experienced some insights and the ego is trying to contextualize it and take ownership. That can distort the integration and cause blockage. It’s a distraction from embodiment. Relax the mind, contemplate without intellectual thinking and imagining, sit quietly and self inquire. Let it ferment and mature.
  18. @UDT Yes indeed. Just wait until the default state of mind is nonlinear, interconnected systemic . People begin asking you “Can you please try to make sense?”. ?
  19. @Aakash There is no journey and there is a journey. The journeyless journey. Contextual flexi-flow within absolute relativity. A yellow turquoise playground.
  20. @Aakash The journey is the goal. Experience now. Be now. Whatever now is. Dive into it. Oneness, emptiness, synchronicity.
  21. @Key Elements Thank you. It’s a good reminder to check for sneaky egoic assumptions about truth in my mind. And not to force-feed a bowlful of truth to someone that has no appetite. Part of my career is having to teach students that lack interest. It’s a hard habit for me to break. Nahm and Cetus throw me a lifering when I fall overboard, which is much appreciated.
  22. @Aakash It’s referring to the Ox tracks analogy of spiritual development (a recent Leo video). The Ox represents higher truth, the Full Monty. As we wander around searching for the Ox, we may see it’s tracks - or we may get a glimpse of the Ox. What you wrote has Ox tracks around it. If you take a big wiff you could probably smell Ox dung. Rather than over-conceptualize and try to figure it out, perhaps contemplate what you wrote about an interconnected universal love that might be experienced differently than previous emotions you thought were love. Look around you. Open yourself up as you walk around outside. See what arises, experience and be. ♥️
  23. Oooh, very nice. There are many ways to express disinterest that I’m not in tune with. My intuition software is getting upgraded to 3.0 as we speak. . . ?
  24. @OrpheusNovum We’ve all gone through conceptual rabbit holes. It appears as a cute little bunny, but it’s got fangs! I think a journal can be helpful and it will be cool to see the insights arise in you. You can hide the thread if you like, or let it ride.