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Everything posted by Forestluv

  1. @TheAvatarState That is some nice imagery. My right brain is loving it ?
  2. It is what I want to do, yet it’s also bigger than me. There is meaning and purpose deeper than just what I want to do.
  3. @CreamCat It’s nice to do my own thing and I don’t like getting dragged down by negative people. Yet, I also find it rewarding to participate in different groups and feeling part of a community.
  4. @CreamCat That seems like a frightening world that you describe.
  5. @TheAvatarState Well said ? ♥️
  6. @CreamCat Whether we like it or not, we all live in communities. And with technology and globalization, diffrent communities are getting connected. We are all interconnected. Do you think it has value to learn about different cultures and develop social skills to communicate well with various people at school, work, friends, travel, family etc. ? It seems like that would help a person navigate through life.
  7. Well said. The judgement devil loves to hide in the shadows of the mind. ?
  8. Yes. I’ve learned a lot from the thread. Join in!
  9. So true. For years, I used the “for me” add-on to veil my judgement of other people.
  10. @EvilAngel No worries. I know that wasn’t your intention. It’s a good reminder for the forum. I didn’t get in tune with this until I started learning Spanish and lived in South America. It’s really hard to learn a foreign language and interact with native speakers. And English is much harder to wtite than Spanish. I’m so impressed with people that learn English as a second language.
  11. Just a reminder for us all: please refrain from personal grammar policing. The forum contains members from all over the world. For many users, English is their second or third language. Criticizing anothers’ grammar at a personal level can be perceived as unwelcoming to our users that speak English as a second language. Yet if someone wants help with their grammar, by all means help them.
  12. @EvilAngel Notice how much separation there is in your mind. “I need this. I am dependent on others. The Now won’t make me happy”. Observe the separation of that “me”. There is an idea in your mind of a separate “me” that needs external things outside of “me”. And you believe it. That is a source of the suffering. Without that thought dynamic, what would be the experience?
  13. @Ninie There is a timeline that appears within Now. Human minds are conditioned to spend 99.9% of it’s existence within a timeline and interpret everything in the context of a timeline, so it can be quite odd getting to know Now. During first exposure of Now, it is tempting to try and get rid of the timeline. Yet, I don’t think this is fruitful. The timeline exists within Now. Everything is occuring Now, including thoughts related to a timeline. It’s not that the timeline vanishes. It appears and disappears in Now. It’s the relationship with the timeline that changes. The attachment and identification to the timeline dissolves. It doesn’t have the same “realness” as it once did.
  14. Being in the moment will not solve problems your mind creates and tells you cannot be solved in the monent. If a sense of longing arises, perhaps experience it rather than judging it as bad. A person can experience longing and sadness without adding on a story about how this is bad, nobody loves me, I’ll never find anyone to love etc. That’s all within a self need seeking dynamic. If you do find love and affection from another person, it may feel euphoric. You may think “Yes! This is it! I’m dating a cute gal that likes me!!”. Yet this is only temporarily relief. It will never be enough to fill that feeling of being incomplete. What you truly desire is to come home and awaken to the fact that the true you is already whole. Yet, this can take a lot of deconstruction of the personality dynamic.
  15. @EvilAngel Could this be a sneaky ego trying to distract and avoid? What is your personal inner resistance right now? I’m guessing it’s not wether or not to put on a pair of warm socks.
  16. For those that like Ayahuasca type music, the sacred valley tribe in Peru are great. I did an Aya retreat there which was amazing. The music linked below is a gentle flowing style they would play the second half of the ceremonies. They also had esoteric / ethereal type music that was mindblowing. The music + the atmosphere can take it to another level.
  17. Wow! They are good. I’d love to hang out with them for an afternnon. Thanks for sharing it Peanut ?
  18. @Enlightened Trolling and inflammatory posts are against forum guidelines. Be a contributing member within a community. Do not sow seeds of conflict within the community.
  19. @Epsilon_The_Imperial You’ve created a story about low and high levels of spirituality. You can’t really put your finger on what high level spirituality, yet whatever it is, it isn’t here. Rather than daydream about what that imaginary golden ticket is like, why not seek it? If it’s not here go seek elsewhere. Join a buddhist group. A yoga group. Go seek it in Sedona, the Ayahuasca ceremonies in Peru and ashrams in India. Go into the silence. Search your own mind. You may be surprised with what you find. You have no idea how deep you can go because you are imagining what it might be like at those deep levels. Find users and practices in the forum that resonate with you. If nothing here resonates, find something that does. The actuality of it far surpasses the fantasy of it. You don’t become a master by daydreaming what it would be like to be a master.
  20. Rather than focus on the end goal, why not see spirituality as a way of life. Before I ran my first marathon, it seemed like so much training. I was overly focused on the race and completeing the goal. I thought “What if I get injured and never complete the race? Why even start and invest so much?”. The saw the training as work. Then a funny thing happened: I fell in love with running. I would run hours through forests, I made so many great running buddies. I traveled around my the U.S. and Europe running marathons. Similarly, spirituality is a wonderful way of life. The discoveries, people you meet, meditation and yoga groups, the places to travel and you can do it anywhere. The journey is the goal.
  21. @pluto So it’s ok to directly hit the flame on the herb, just briefly to ignight it?
  22. @Key Elements Great quote from The Arcturians. It allows me to think of LP as a spiritual tool. ?
  23. @pluto @Shadowraix Would this work for 5-meo as well? I’ve read 5-meo vapes at 600 degrees, higher than any cannibis vape I’m aware of