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Everything posted by Forestluv

  1. @How to be wise This seems like a bowlful of awesomeness Similar to you, as my ego got deconstructed and my consciousness expanded, new essences arose. In this case, a new essence of love. To me, it's a deeper, more mature flavor. When it was first revealed, I wanted to test it out by observing myself around people that used to annoy me. Sure enough, love arose. Good stuff.
  2. @Aakash I think "ignorance" is a great term for self inquiry. What comes to mind right now is: lack of awareness.
  3. Adya is a master at the integration of spiritual Being in the Now and spiritual maturity in the timeline. We are fortunate to have him among us.
  4. @OneWithAll The no good or bad thoughts is an important insight, yet not what I am pointing to. Once nonduality is revealed in direct experience, the mind will try to contextualize it. The mind will try to make sense of it. The mind will start to believe that these new concepts are true. It seems that nonduality has been revealed to you and your mind has entered a deeper level. What I have found is that when my base consciousness level deepens to a new level, it is unstable at first. Then my mind wants to create grounding so it contextualizes the deeper direct experience. It tries to make sense of it. The problem with this, in terms of maturation and embodiment, is that the mind tries to take ownership and believes the concepts are true. It confuses the map for the territory. After a while, this deeper framework may get challenged and the mind has resistance. It says "No, nonduality is really like this. No, thoughts really mean this". At each deeper level, the attachments/identification gets more subtle, nuanced and sneaky. It's easy to see the attachments one had when they were at a more surface level. It is much more difficult to see attachments at one's current level. The mind needs to go through the whole rigamaroll again: become humble, open and willing.
  5. The human mind is highly conditioned to become attached and identified to thoughts. So, dissociation from thoughts can be a great step forward. Yet, the problem with becoming an observer that demonizes thoughts is that it sets up a "good ego vs. bad ego" mental dynamic. When thoughts are free of attachment and identification, they are as beautiful as a birdsong.
  6. Is there such a thing as a nondual sugardaddy?
  7. @OneWithAll Be aware that the mind tends to contextualize nonduality.
  8. I'm just playing. Sometimes focusing on specifics can seem like setting standards, goals or achievements. One of the guys at a meditation center I attended had a lot of meditation experience, yet paid a lot of attention on meditation "benchmarks". Like he would talk about how he gets his heart rate down 28 beats per minute during meditation. He seemed very impressed with this and would ask me how low my heart rate has gotten during my meditation. His reaction was very different depending on whether I told him 32bpm or 106bpm. It made me giggle.
  9. @Worldclassbullshit Traveling from the states to Esotonia is a big ordeal and investment. I wouldn’t put any expectations. I’d go with the intention of just meeting a cool person and exploring esotonia and perhaps nearby countries. Get a feel for how into it she is about it. I visited a gal in Prague and we didn’t connect too much f2f. I spent about half the time exploring solo and had an amazing trip.
  10. @corndjorn I think the main passage has some insights. Can you change the title?
  11. @corndjorn Other than the title, I think it shed light onto how the ego cloaks itself. Yet, the wacky title makes it easy to dismiss as a rant. Edit: nice change of title
  12. @corndjorn How do spiritual transmissions work?
  13. @Jordan94 She may have a weak undeveloped paranormal ability. When the ego comes in, it can start manipulating. Especially with people that are vulnerable.
  14. @tashawoodfall Are you regulatly connecting with psychics and witches? Or was this a rarity?
  15. @DrewNows Yes, it can enter on dates with women at a Green level. If we eneter spirituality zones, I might go a quasi-nondual turquoise state. I haven’t had a significant relationship since this dynamic arose. I can’t manage it in relationships yet. I’ve ended each after 2-3 dates because it got too intense.
  16. @Good-boy Are you a natural spead reader? Or did you train to be one?
  17. @seeking_brilliance Manipulation can take many forms. Looking back years ago, my manipulation seems blatant. Yet at the time, it was still subconscious and I wasn’t aware of it. I’d have a realization that felt profound then. Yet these days it looks obvious. What I’ve found is each level deeper have more subtle forms of manipulation. Like at work, I think I have a higher consciousness than my coworkers. For example, I can pick up on people’s inner insecurities and how they act it out. I can be supportive, yet I can use it manipulatively. I can say or do certain things to touch their insecurity and move them in a certain direction. It’s under their conscious level so they are only subconsciously aware. Like I can sooth someone’s insecurity and they will open up to me. They feel totally at ease, feeling no judgement. I transmit security. Students regularly come to my office for personal problems. They’ve told me deeply personal issues that they’ve never shared with anyone. I try to use it for good, yet I’ve caught my ego doing it for it’s own needs, which can harm others. When my ego enters, it can get sloppy and go to surface levels that people pick up as being ingenuine I’ve got a few others. It’s like once you go deep into the psyche and mysticism, you become aware of really subtle things about how the mind and body work. Once you see it in yourself, it’s so easy to see in others. As well, it’s deeper than their conscious level so you can interact with it, without them consciously knowing. Yet, if it’s not deep enough below their baseline conscious level, they may pick up on it. They feel something weird going on and have an awkward pause. Some are intrigued and curious and come back for more. Others get uncomfortable and pull away.
  18. That’s kids suff. Can you take a breakthrough dose, maintain a steady ujjayi breath with third eye concentration while holding tree pose the whole trip? If so, let’s talk. ?
  19. @CreamCat Yes, personal development has a lot of value. It sounds like you are doing it in a responsible way
  20. It seems sometimes the sexual excitement can fade as it becomes more ordinary. Yet, also dynamics can change. For example, a couple may be having fun dating with low expectations and then one person starts talking serious commitment like marriage, which can alter the dynamics.
  21. You seem focused on personal achievements. Yet there is also a part of you that wants to do good for others, even if you don't personally benefit. I think that shows a genuine caring for the welfare of others. You don't know them and it doesn't improve your own welfare. You are not doing it for personal gain. It's a selfless act of kindness. It's beautiful and something I would like to do more of on a daily basis in my life. Sometimes, I think the simple questions can touch our inner humanity.
  22. You said you would make the call to help them, yet wouldn't feel much after helping them. What motivated you to make the call? These are people 500 miles away that you don't even know.