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Everything posted by Forestluv

  1. Curious exploration and becoming aware of the magical. Then, being within the magic and being the magic. ?
  2. @Zizzero There are multiple lines of development including intellectual, emotional, spiritual. One aspect of evolving into tier2 is an expansion beyond a contracted self. Attachments and identification to thoughts and concepts begin to dissolve and deeper understandings of relativity and inter-connectedness emerge.
  3. I was thinking as each mole pops up, it appears as a seperate entity to the player, which generates angst in the player. To protect the self, the player whacks down “other”. Yet each mole is within one whole, so it’s a delusional game of continuously whacking One’s self down.
  4. Nice analogy. It got me thinking of a never-ending game of “whack-a-mole”.
  5. @Igor82 I’d be cautious with these dose levels if you get another batch.
  6. An interesting topic, yet there have already been recent threads about this interview
  7. Well that certainly would change things. My allergies would appear. ?
  8. Allow words to be like feathers floating in the wind. . .
  9. A feature of psychedelics is that distinctions collapse. So language, images and meaning break down. A mind can go into various nonlinear, nonverbal realms. It’s only horrible when the ego resists and won’t surrender.
  10. And what is there without the appearance of an Ego-mind?
  11. @Knock You would place the pursuit of delusional egoic desires over awakening to Truth?
  12. @Manjushri It sounds like you got a lot opened up in a short period. I would take a break from the psychedelics and focus on integration through meditation, yoga, self inquiry, contemplation and journaling. Based on your other thread, it seems like more is going on psychologically than just integrating psychedelic insights.
  13. Nice work. Thanks for the report.
  14. @Paul92 My self has used the same narrative to protect itself. The second half of the narrative for me goes something like “what if the spiritual life for me means I no longer have sex, don’t get to have fun and have to work a low wage job serving people?”
  15. I think deepening and expanding love is a really nuanced topic. I think Leo did a good job in his video. I've experienced many different flavors of what I would consider love. I'm aware of the concept of absolute love, everything is love, all things arise from love etc. I've had transient experience with that, yet I'd say my day to day experience is still that love is an essence that arises in various forms. The deeper I go, the more nuances I can see and new doors open. One category of flavors I'd say is love of the magnificence of life. When I am truly being in the moment, sometimes love arises for whatever is happening. Like a deep appreciation. It has brought me to tears at times. Even something simple like watching a bird feed her young. It's so amazingly beautiful I can barely handle it. Or I will be sitting by a river and watch a leaf gracefully fall through the air and make a perfect landing on the water. It is art. It is beauty. It is poetry. Love transcends all. I don't know if there are any methods to create love. What I found is that when I deconstruct the ego, let go of attachments and identification - space opens up and new stuff arises, like love. I would say the last block to love I got through was with Shamanic Breathing. There was some emotional blocks deeply ingrained into my mind-body that were released.
  16. I think recontextualization helps, yet the true test is when the sh!t hits the fan. It's easy for me to talk about: one love, how we are all inter-connected, to sit in peace, that thoughts and feelings are just illusions - when things are going well. For me, the test of embodiment is when life punches me in the gut: I find out my girlfriend is cheating on me, I get into a car accident, I break a bone, a loved one dies, I lose my job etc.
  17. The conditioned response would be to have a negative emotion. To me, it doesn't sound like the euphoria was because he lost money. Rather, it was because the conditioned response had dissolved. I don't advocate being careless with money, yet I know what it's like to experience the dissolution of a conditioned attachment. There was a time that a thief stole my bicycle. That bicycle was my primary means of transportation and I didn't have the funds to replace it. My conditioned response would have been anger, frustration, fear, revenge etc. Yet as I stood there, I was overcome with compassion and love. I felt compassion for someone who had few resources and felt the need to steal a bicycle. I knew he was hurting. I knew he now had to carry the karmic debt of stealing a bicycle. I hoped the bicycle would serve him well and he could work through his internal struggles. Then I thought "wtf am I thinking, wft is happening to me?". Then I started laughing at the absurdity of it all.
  18. It could also be a sign of embodiment. Hard to say.
  19. @Andreas Yes, up to a certain point. You will eventually outgrow him. Along my path, Sam Harris helped me grow a lot. And then I outgrew him and he no longer resonated with me.
  20. JC recommends putting attention on each Chakra as you breath in and out. Apparently there is also a prana energy flow. To me, this feels really awkward. At times, there is a vague sense of prana flow, yet when I am imagining spots in my sacrum, belly, sternum etc. it seems like a fantasy disruption. It's like I'm trying to coordinate breathing, images of energy flow, sensations of energy flow and images of individual Chakra centers. Is it ok to just imagine energy flow up and down the spine? Rather than trying to imagine the energy passing through an images of my sacral vertebrae, then moving on through the abdomen chakra, then passing through the heart chakra etc.
  21. @Alex bAlex I would ask that the essence of judgement be revealed, sit still and watch. Don't over-analyze it. Just observe. What appears? What has an essence of judgement? Observe the mind dynamics and energy in the mind-body when the essence of judgement arises. Is there attachment? What does that attachment look like? Are these thoughts a recurring pattern? Where does it arise from? Rather than intellectualizing and creating more complex concepts of judgement with intrinsic contradictions, I would take the counter-intuitive approach: put your mind under a microscope and deconstruct it through observation.