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Everything posted by Forestluv

  1. @Zakee hinnant Great. So it seems clear at this point your mind-body is not in nonstop bliss. I would recommend increasing body awareness of the emotional dynamics playing out in the body. That is not the hand exercise or self inquiry (I've watched all three videos). The video on body awareness is very different than those things. To me, it sounds like deeper issues are rising to the surface. It can be extremely difficult to deconstruct and work through. If you have access to a social worker / psychologist, it may help.
  2. I'm not referring to the haters. I'm referring to the experience in one's own mind-body. Quite often there is lack of awareness. I would recommend gaining awareness of what the mind-body is experiencing. The video above is great guide. . .
  3. It sounds like your mind-body is ungrounded and confused. You just started a thread telling us that you have been in nonstop bliss for weeks. Thus, the hate you are receiving is giving you bliss. Yet, here you seem to suggest the hate is bothersome to you and it is not blissful. I would recommend getting in touch with your mind-body. Leo made a nice video in this area
  4. It depends on the type of fear. The example you gave is fear mixed with harm anxiety. That is a very different dynamic than something like fear of public speaking.
  5. @Aquarius Yea, perhaps he needs to get in touch with body sensations and feelings. I've had experiences when bliss got too intense - yet then it becomes uncomfortable and is no longer blissful. A few nights ago, I was laughing so hard; it was wonderfully blissful. Yet then the laughter got even more intense and my abdomen started hurting. I couldn't stop laughing and I wanted to, but couldn't make it stop. Then I had trouble breathing and anxiety and panic arose. At this point, it's no longer blissful. It sounds like his mind-body is experiencing a mixture of bliss and discomfort. Yet he is saying that is not the case, that it is all good feelings.
  6. Then, I don't understand the problem. You are saying "freaking out" and "I can't handle it" actually feels good to you. So, what is the problem?
  7. Physical intercourse is such a small component of a romantic relationship. Physical sex for reproduction is bare-bones limbic system stuff. Humans have evolved so far beyond that and have the capacity to go much deeper. Even more primitive creatures, such as penguins, have love, intimacy and connection in their romantic relationships.
  8. Just being is great stuff. Enjoy! My mind-body particularly enjoys just being in nature.
  9. Once you climb a ladder to a higher level, the ladder is no longer useful. Yet, the beat goes on. . .
  10. It sounds like the bliss has stopped and you are now feeling anxiety. So, problem solved - you are not trapped in eternal bliss (you are now freaking out). Or. . . You are still in a blissful state and experience freaking as blissful. So, no problem. I don't understand the problem your mind-body is trying to solve.
  11. I’ve found deep relaxation and body awareness to be helpful. The other night, my body was shivering during Yin Yoga. The mind body was able to relax and transform the unpleasant shivering energy and tension to a neutral energy, which later dissolved. Yet my house temperature was within a normal range. I prolly couldn’t do it if I was laying in my underwear outside in a pile of snow. Leo made a great video on relaxation and mind-body awareness a few months ago -which I found helpful in exploring this realm.
  12. @VictorB02 I'd be careful with the concept of "Ego" and "Authentic Self". This can create a "good ego" vs. "bad ego" dynamic (in which "Authentic Self" is the aspects of ego that are pleasing). For me, a construct of higher and lower conscious states resonates more. Through my day, the conscious level of my mind-body can fluctuate from being immersed in the personal story (a contracted state) to a trans-personal collective consciousness (a more expansive state). Human mind-bodies are conditioned to reside in the personal story. Once a mind glimpses a more expansive state, it may appear that there are only two states that of mind: personal and trans-personal. Yet upon further inspection, one will find there are many flavors of trans-personal consciousness. In SD, it is tier2 flexible flow along the spiritual line of development.
  13. @alankrillin That would be one way for a person to interpret it. Notice the attachment and identification the person has to the interpretation. *Pop* out of the person and observe the dynamics playing out in the person.
  14. Curiosity and exploration is so exciting ??
  15. @alankrillin The passive aggressive pokes stimulated the response. If an invitation is to be declined, just decline it.
  16. That's a good question. For most of my life, I had little money and spent a lot of time working through school and my career. I ended up getting a job with lots of time off and job security. This allowed a lot of time to spend in spirituality and I think allowed for more progress. With that said, I think openness, sincerity, willingness and curiosity and essential keys. A wealthy person with lots of free time will not make much progress if they are closed-minded and defensive.
  17. @alankrillin A self commonly desires to argue and defend a contracted narrative it is attached to and identified with. When this arises, there is an opportunity to observe the dynamic and expand one's consciousness. Yet, a self often grasps and tries to stay within it's contracted state. A self has dozens of tactics. If a mind can relax and observe without attachment, these dynamics are often revealed and seen clearly.
  18. That is an amazing exploration. I'd relax the second part about an ultimate goal.
  19. @noselfnofun Ime, the really deep stuff started arising when I reached upper Green of maturity on the SD scale. Before then, egoic attachements and identifications to the story were too strong.
  20. @alankrillin There is an opportunity to expand here, yet you don't have interest in exploring and expanding into a new space. You've declined my invitation and I respect that.
  21. I'm learning that when the mind-body deeply relaxes, new realms are revealed. Last night during Yin Yoga my mind-body went deeper and deeper into relaxation. It seemed like I was fully relaxed, yet then some body spots further relaxed. A stray thought dissolved. Micro tensions I would normally be unaware of melted. And then pure energy was present. I've been *trying* for about six months to get in touch with "energy" dynamics. In this deeply relaxed state the energy surfaced. Then things transformed into a "paranormal" realm. My hands started getting tingly sensations. The yoga teacher says if you start tingling, you have gone too deep and need to pull back. The pose was so perfectly perfect and there was disappointment I needed to pull out of it. Then the tingly energy in my hands transformed into a warm sensation - as if I was holding a cup of hot chocolate. This caught my attention as an odd happening and it seemed like it was ok to stay in the pose. Here is the odd part. . . there was a knowing that "you did that". This was a different frequency than I'd ever been in tune with. Attention was brought back to my hands and the warming energy transformed back into tingly energy with a knowing that "I did that". Usually, my mind-body would be too pre-occupied to observe this. . . Then mind-body became one entity and transformed the energy back to warm. And then to tiny pops of energy, then flares of energy, then swirling energy. Then the exploration began. . . -- I noticed a muscle in the body that started to spasm and cramp. Rather than moving to relieve it, attention was directed to it and transformed the energy to a slight burning energy and then willed it to relax. -- The body started getting cold and shivering. The shiver energy was transformed to a type of soothing energy and the body was no longer cold or shivering. -- The body became hollow. There were no organs, bones etc. Deep breaths filled the hollow cavity. -- Breath was directed to body parts to relieve tension. -- Body parts were massaged -- Muscles were willed to totally relax so tension in tendons and ligaments could be dissolved -- I went deeper and deeper into a back bend. What normally would have been pain and discomfort was transformed into a neutral packet of energy. I realized I was bent waaaaay further than I ever have. Then I realized I could tear tendons, ligaments and muscles without feeling "pain". I didn't even know if tearing body parts in the bend. -- During savasana, all the energy dynamics throughout the body were integrated into one whole. It felt so amazingly healthy. There was a consciousness participating in all of this. Transforming the mind-body. Afterwards, I spent the next hour stunned. "What just happened?". What an amazing exploration.
  22. It’s not a personal comnent. It is a trans-personal observation. Egoic dynamics involve a strong sense of “you” and “me”. An ego will try to maintain and protect that division. It is necessary for the ego’s own survival, yet causes a sense of separation and unease.