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Everything posted by Forestluv

  1. That's a really nice poem describing layers of resolution. Thanks.
  2. This is what evolving through healthy orange looks like. Nice work @CreamCat ??
  3. I must have done thought labeling over 100,000 times during meditation over the years. I had some glimpses and experiences, yet never broke through.
  4. @Belay kelemework What comes prior to these ideas in your mind? What is there if you let go of attachments and identification to these ideas? There you will find a deeper truth.
  5. That is one way of looking at it. There is an amazing exploration available here. The mind-body is conditioned to identify as the existence in the play. Which is great, I’m not suggesting it isn’t real or to get rid of it. Rather, see if you can temporarily let go of that personal existence and explore that “something” in the background. It’s super cool. Then you can return to the existence of the player. There is magnificence beyond imagination within that background. You can access it because that background is as much you as the player is you. It may be reaching out to you. Try an experiment: don’t try to figure it out. Relax the mind and body and dissolve into that background. Almost like the optical illusions of the young and old woman. The young woman may appear first, yet when the mind relaxes, the okd woman appears.
  6. I would let go of any purpose, outcome or expectations. Just relax and observe. If meditation doesn’t resonate, try meditative forms of yoga like kriya, yin or slow vinyassa. This can allow the mind-body to “do” something while still allowing for relaxation and space for insights. There is a balance between effort / discipline and being too rigid / serious.
  7. Yes. Raising a child together is an expression of love. And it doesn’t require heterosexual intercourse. Yes. I have friends that were adopted by heterosexual parents and others by homosexual parents. Both were raised in loving environments. I’ve also met the parents. Very loving. I was raised in a religious environment that taught me being gay was unnatural and immoral. Later in life, I got to know some gay people and learned they are just like everyone else. They love, laugh, cry and struggle just like I do. And I made some great new friends ?
  8. @Belay kelemework Your thread was merged with an existing thread discussing Leo’s videos in general. You’ve already started another thread on the god video
  9. You are getting close. You are a part of it, like a drop of water is part of the ocean.
  10. Yes. Love is the key. You said bringing semen and egg together without love is cold. I agree. It’s about the love. Heterosexual or homosexual love. Love is love.
  11. @Belay kelemework You are seeing things as seperate. That is, “me”, “you”, “god” as seperate entities. It is all One everything. We are all God, everything.
  12. Listening to Pink Floyd’s Breathe now. Great for bringing down a heart rate.
  13. @Shin Relax into it. The room and dream are our friends. It’s all us. One big everything. ?
  14. Why would humans go extinct if everyone had nonsexual relationships? Heterosexual intercourse is not necessary for humans to continue on. Men can give sperm without sex. One push of a syringe is all thats necessary. Less than a minute and under $1. For you to reproduce, all you need to do is masturbate by yourself, put your semen in a vial and pass it off to a woman that you never meet. And you never meet the child. Would that be a satisfying healthy relationship to you? Of course not. What else would one need to have a healthy relationship? . . . Notice how anything you say here to create a healthy relationship has nothing to do with being heterosexual.
  15. Many countries in central/south america don't hold fathers accountable. They can impregnate a woman and just leave - without accountability to help raise the child or pay alimony. I met many women raising children on their own (or with the help of their parents), because the father just took off. I also noticed that women looking for a mate placed dedication, loyalty and integrity very high up on their priority list.
  16. That is a contracted view of a relationship. Where did that view come from? Have people in your environment (family, friends and society) believe that and pass it on to you? Is that a view you really want to hold onto? Is it serving you well? There is nothing "wrong" with that view. It's just traditional and contracted. I've also had beliefs about relationships conditioned into me during my upbringing. My mind-body was conditioned to believe relationships should be between a man and a woman that leads to marraige and offspring. Years later, I questioned my own beliefs and was like "Where did this come from? Do I really believe this? What wold life look like without this belief?" I learned that those beliefs were limiting me and letting go of them allowed my mind to expand. For some people, heterosexual marriage and children is best for them. For others, it isn't.
  17. What does not wanting children have to do with stage Orange? Some Orange-centered people want children, others don't.
  18. I would be cautious with that belief. Psychedelics can certainly bring a mind-body to experience death - yet it is by no means comfortable. They have been the most uncomfortable experiences of my life. As well, they can open doors and bring forth very uncomfortable lessons. Ime, I don't get to decide what the teacher shows me. I can make a request through an "intention", yet then one must fully surrender and what arises arises. Psychedelic teachers can sniff out the slightest hint of cockiness and will squash it away.
  19. Indeed. There is a post-egoic attraction / reality dynamic. Not the egoic type of "I want to attract more money or a hot girlfriend". Something beyond the ego that is revealed when the ego is relaxed and dissolves. When the ego sleeps, it's time to get the Turquoise parted started. . .
  20. @Aquarius @Zakee hinnant Thanks guys ? ♥️
  21. That is a great question and I think it is a great area to explore. Sometimes my energy stirs things up in people and it's better if I step aside. I'm also still learning and growing.
  22. @Zakee hinnant It seems my approach to help is causing turmoil. I hope healing enters your life. I will step aside now.