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Forestluv replied to tashawoodfall's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
There are many variables on a trip. And there are many ways things unfold during a trip. Even the same person, same setting and same dosage can yield two very different trips in two different time points. What you describe is a dynamic within psychedelics- with various degrees of intensity. There are lessons and growth within that dynamic, yet it is not the only dynamic. There are many other realms to explore. There are awakenings and stories that don’t involve anxiety and trapness. There are also realms of freedom, oneness and beauty. Yet expecting or demanding something from a trip can create turmoil within the trip. Even a sense of personal wanting can influence the energy dynamics of a trip. Ime, it’s best to be humble and place certain bags down before entering through the gate. If concerns have arisen in a mind-body, I would be extra mindful. Something is being communicated through the mind-body. I would consider establishing a grounded spiritual practice prior to introducing psychedelics. If called toward a psychedelic, I would use a low dose and take care when choosing a setting. And beware of charlatans in related areas. -
@zikzak I’ve read 600 degrees is optimal for vaping 5-meo. So I assumed 428 would be less efficient. My understanding is that vaping at the optimal 600 can give a fast and intense effect. I found at 428 it’s very gradual and I can easily manage the intensity. I assumed this was novel since I read a lot of people talking about discomfort, getting dosages wrong, getting techniques wrong, anxiety etc. For me, vaping at 428 had no issues. Smooth sailing. Perhaps this is all common knowledge, yet I can't imagine how people would still be having issues. Here, the amt. of 5-meo in the vape doesn’t much matter. Hi can just eyeball and sprinkle some in. It’s the depth and hold time of inhale that determines dosage. Similiar to vaping weed. I think because 428 vapes so slowly, one has a lot of control over the intensity. It’s high resolution. For me, snorting is a different experience than plugging. Plugging is so much cleaner and purer. I can’t really get to the same zones snorting as plugging. Yet I can with vaping at 428. It’s a somewhat different flavor, yet clean and pure. And I had no nausea, body loading or any other physical discomfort. I didn’t reach breakthrough levels, yet have had amazing sub breakthrough trips. I wasn’t aiming for breakthrough. I was aiming to develop a method for reaching high sub breakthrough conscious states without the mental and physical havoc. And for me it allows so mych more versalitt in developing higher modes of being, awareness/release of blocks/attachments and working in trans-human states of consciousness. Currently, I’m experimenting with various combinations of 5-meo and weed with good results.
A new roa I’ve been working on is vaping freebase at 428 degrees. Thus is an efficient low temperature, yet such a small amount is needed the inefficiency is not an issue for me. The adavantage is one can manage the experience. It’s like having a volume dial from 1-10 and you can change the volume in real time. The effects of vaping at this temp is so fast one can manage the intensity, as if each inhale raises the volume by 1 unit. I went into zones with vaping to plugging. I think there is value in plugging and surrendering and breaking through to whatever happens. Yet I think there are also positives with vaping at low temp. No more worrying about dosage, no more missing the mark too high or too low, no scale needed. The technique could not be any simpler. I have no more anxiety in the sub ego death zone with this roa. In this zone I think the personality construct is much better observed and deconstructed since anxiety and struggle is greatly reduced. The aspect of possessiveness was removed ime. It is perhaps the gentlest post-egoic experiences I’ve had on any psychedelic. As well, I went into n and out of various intensity zones for about an 45 min - twice the length of a standard trip. There is also time management - one can trip for 2-45 min. however they please.
The language of the heart ♥️
Left-Right brain integration. Beautiful Chaos.
Forestluv replied to Bodhidharma's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Bodhidharma I’d get some 4-aco-dmt. -
I've also gone deep into empathetic energy zones. For me it can get too intense. I've had to leave a few situations because the empathy became overwhelming. It's a tool I am learning how to use. As well, I've found it really important to establish personal boundaries when I enter deep empathetic zones. I've dated a few narcissists that were more than happy to vampire my empathetic energy.
Forestluv replied to Wisebaxter's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Hmmm, I hadn't really thought about it like that. . . I think we are all familiar with the "monkey mind" (no pun intended). As well as a mind that quiets down during meditation. I generally don't really go into meditation with an inquiry goal (yet occasionally I do - like when I was struggling with form=formless). Usually, I will sit still or do be doing yin yoga and reach deeper and deeper states of consciousness. I'm not really waiting for a question to arise either. It's like another realm (I found smoking a little weed + yin yoga can together help relax the mind body into deep relaxation). Then something may arise. There is no attachment, identification or internationalization with it. Sometimes it arises, sometimes not. What arises can be wild. Like paranormal stuff. . . For example, I started dating a gal recently I feel a strong connection/attraction to. Last week during the start of my practice, surface level thoughts about whether I should ask her out again, should I call her later tonight, what we might do on the next date etc. arose. That's surface level stuff I just let go of. 20min. into the practice was deep relaxation and quiet. Then she appeared again. Yet it had a very different essence. It was trans-personal. I just sat with it. It was like her presence was with me. Like a channel had opened. There was observation of how our energies mix. It was deeper than self desires and needs. It was a deeper level of love I guess one could call it. I just let it mix and linger. Yet, my "self" wasn't there. There was no "me" thinking stuff like "Wow!! This is so cool!! It's like another being is here! Gosh, golly I wonder if I should ask it something. The guys on the forum are gonna love this!" There was no person like that present. If there was, I would have changed direction. -
Forestluv replied to Wisebaxter's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Wisebaxter I will only inquire if my mind is relaxed and quiet. It's counter-productive if I try to inquire with a busy mind. If my mind is still and relaxed, a question such as "What is genuine?" may arise. If my mind starts intellectualizing, I will stop the inquiry. It's more about a state of "being", a "prescence" an "essence". It's not about intellectualizating for me. -
Forestluv replied to Sharp's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
This thread is going nowhere. @Sharp If you want a discussion regarding death, please establish context in the OP. For example, that you are referring to "ego death", the experience of "no-self" and liberation from egoic-based suffering. Your OP is ambiguous as it can be suggestive of physical death and glorification of that form of death as being "beautiful" and "inspiring". I'm not saying this is your intention, yet I can see how one could reasonably interpret it like that. Many people on the forum are working through issues related to anxiety, depression and existential crisis and it's not cool to plant that seed. As well, avoid click-bait titles. -
As a general reminder: the yellow mega thread is for posting a variety of yellow-level videos by a variety of forum members. A couple comments about a video is fine. Yet the thread is not intended for extended discussions about videos or for a single user to post a series of videos on a particular topic. For those types of discussions, please start a separate thread.
Forestluv replied to Aakash's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Forestluv replied to Viking's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Spiritual practices are are sooo healthy for a mind-body. My spiritual practices are continuously evolving. Something resonates with me and I flow with it. Then it stops resonating and something new enters and starts to resonate. I would recommend finding a practice that resonates with you and to immerse yourself into the actual process that is happening now. And perhaps take the focus off of future results. -
@Dean Walker To me, it sounds like development along the empathetic line.
Forestluv replied to Viking's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
It doesn’t seem like moderation for you. It seems like you are in an “all or nothing” mentality. Moderation lies within those extremes. -
Forestluv replied to Viking's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Viking Why not do spirituality in moderation? Spiritual activities for in moderation are generally very healthy for the mind-body. It’s like saying you don’t want to train for a 100 mile ultra marathon race because it would negatively impact your life. There are other options. -
Forestluv replied to Viking's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Viking Does it need to be “all or nothing”? What about dedicating 5 hours a week to spirituality? Yoga, meditation, contemplation etc. It’s very healthy and improves performance in other areas of life. -
@TisDoney What an amazing and beautiful story. Thank you for sharing it with us. ?
Forestluv replied to CreamCat's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@CreamCat Dang, you keep digging deeper and deepet cat. Nice work. -
Well yea, for major things like marraige, buying a home, having a child etc. That’s a whole nother level.
Forestluv replied to Sharp's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Sharp Nice contemplations, yet you still have dualities. For example, how can nothing have a polar opposite? -
Forestluv replied to Highest's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
That sounds like some meaningful direct experience. Depth is relative. Based on your personal experience, it was deep. That is the key thing. -
I don't get the sense you've had considerable Turquoise direct experience. Meaning is very different at Tier1 and Turquoise levels. I get the sense you are employing Tier1 level meaning and trying to apply it to what you imagine Turquoise might be like.
@Ampresus Rather than seeing it as “better” I would view it as “development” or “maturity”. We could say a 10th grade student is more developed than a 4th grade student. Yet is it fair to say the 10th grade student is “better” than the 4th grade student? To me, that doesn’t seem right. Similiarly, I would say the green stage is more consciousky developed than the blue stage. And it’s really cool to see how curious and excited you are about SD. And that you want to share it with others.
@okulele Spiral dynamic theory is based on social “memes”. How social systems condition individuals and evolution of conscious within inter-connected individuals and society. It’s as if we are all neurotransmitters to each other. Removing an individual from society and placing them in an island for 29 years isn’t really within tge parameters of SD and it would be difficult to evaluate such an individual.