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Everything posted by Forestluv

  1. I think its an immersion within a personality dynamic. A strong personality expressing itself. I know it well.
  2. @FoxFoxFox Be careful about falling into conceptual traps of enlightenment and reality stories. One word is too many, a billion words not enough.
  3. @FoxFoxFox Those are just words I’m using in an effort to point to something nonverbal. What I am pointing to is prior to language and concepts. In your description there seems to be an underlying belief of an objective reality. My sense is you haven’t yet had direct experience with the null void in which all distinctions are unformed into nothing and then reformed into everything. Ime, direct experience with the null void, Mu, is key to being shown how reality is formed.
  4. @FoxFoxFox Be aware of the mind’s tendency to give more relevance to one state of consciousness over another state of consciousness. This is a limiting and contracted mind state. As well, be aware of the mind’s tendency to create an enlightenment story. It can become a major distraction and trap. This is post personal. It’s not about personalities. All the personality dynamics are within a much greater expansion. There is awareness and beingness that is detached from the personality. @cetus56 In Leo’s last video, he said he wasn’t planning on using psychedelics, yet may do so.
  5. See it as an opportunity rather than a problem.
  6. @Manjushri Write down three things you’ve been putting off. It can be things you “need” to do or things you want to do. Just things that keep appearing, yet you put off. Now take a major action step for each item RIGHT NOW that will significantly orient and move you in that direction. All action happens right now. One cannot take action in the past or future. . . It may be an action that is uncomfortable. Perhaps making a phone call. You just have to do those three major action steps right now. It will start momentum and you will feel a sense of empowerment. I can’t tell you how many times I got sick and tired of being sick and tired. I’d get all pumped up about making big life changes yet never followed through. One thing I’ve learned is that if I’m not willing to make three major action steps right now, I’m not ready yet.
  7. @mandyjw One thing I’ve learned is not to rationalize the post-rational. They are different frequencies. Crossing frequencies leads to static and confusion. There are time and places for each frequencey. Just go with the flow of which frequency is present and appropriate. Last Thursday I was commnicating with trees and plants. I now understand the relationship ancient cultures had with the old wise tree. Mother tree. It just is. Trying to make sense of it is like trying to cook soup with an idea of pink. . . Today I taught a neuriscience class on a different frequency. Tonight I do Yin Yoga on a different frequency. Variety is the spice of life. And its paranormal until its not paranormal. Just be aware of charlatans in these realms.
  8. There are trillions of beings on earth, each with their own reality. And there are an infinite number of beings that will arise in the future. How are you so sure that FoxFoxFox’s reality is the one true one? Have you experienced another being’s reality? If not, how could you conclude what you perceive as reality is the right one? Of the trillions of trillions of organisms that exist on earth and will exist in the future, I would think you would at least need to experience a couple hundred of them before deciding which is most accurate. Even that would be a tiny sample size. Just a few grains of sand on the beach. And this is one reason psychedelics are so powerful. They will expand a mind beyond the contracted delusion of an objective external reality.
  9. This perspective is still one of opposites that perceives nonduality and duality. That itself is a duality. The human mind is highly conditioned to perceive duality, so nonduality is a very difficult perceptive to have direct experience. Once the mind-body experiences nonduality it can gravitate to and embrace nonduality and reject duality. Nondual direct experience is extremely important and since the mind-body is so conditioned to duality, totally immersing oneself in the newly-accessed nonduality his helpful for development. The next stage is to start integrating nonduality and duality. Yet, ime and what I've seen in others - this is advanced. I had to really get grounded in nonduality before this integration. It helped me to visualize a coin. One side is nonduality, the other side is duality. I saw these as separate for a long time and explore each side. After gaining a lot of experience with the nonduality side, I begain seeing that both sides of the coin are integrated. There is no point in which one side stops and the other side begins. They are an integrated whole. This lesson can be applied to all that we see as being opposites, such as life-death, joy-sorrow etc.
  10. The enlightenment story can be a distraction. There is nothing to "achieve". You have access to deep insights right here and now. That's it. Kundalini is a tool you have utilized in your direct experience. Go deeper with that. Perhaps. This could be one of many forms of expression of release. Just be mindful of the mind's tendency to associate "progress", "advancement", "awakening" etc. to some type of dramatic event. This is super common for human mind's (including mine). What happens is ideas and beliefs about how things "should" look arises. This becomes a limiting belief and the mind can miss lots of subtle opportunities. For example, let's consider what you wrote about brain re-wiring. This is something I'm really interested in. For me, I used to believe that drugs and needed for rewiring and rewiring will be like *omg!* type of experiences. Those are limiting beliefs. Recently, I've gone to deep meditative zones where some type of presence seems to be rewiring the brain. There is an awareness of this. Yet, it is totally calm and uneventful. It's actually quite "ho-hum". In the past, I would have missed this. It would have seemed boring to me because I was expecting some type of "razzle dazzle". We often miss very powerful insights because we are not in tune with the here and now. We tune out what seems ordinary while we seek something extraordinary. One of the most effective tools for spiritual and personal growth is to develop awareness and intuition to perceive the extraordinary in the ordinary. Regarding enlightenment: try flipping the script on enlightenment and see what happens. Imagine you are always zero steps from enlightenment. It is always here and now. Wherever you are, whatever you are doing is enlightenment. You don't need to go anywhere, read anything, learn anything, become anything or do anything. Enlightenment is always present. Whether you do those things or not, it is enlightenment. In fact, you can't escape enlightenment. There is no way out. Yet it is so obvious that the human mind is not receptive to it. Once the direct experience arises the mind often reacts "That's it?? Are you kidding me??". For this reason, many call it a Cosmic Joke. It's cleverly hidden right in front of us - all the time.
  11. @SoonHei In terms of personal development, I think there is a balance. At an immature level, I've seen people say "Well, that's just how I am" in an unhealthy way. For example, an alcoholic causing havoc saying "I'm just a person that drinks to much and hurts others. That's just how I am and I accept that of myself". At a more mature level, we observe the underlying personality dynamics and conditioning. For example consider a person that is passive aggressive. It doesn't do much good to be overly self-critical and constantly beat oneself up. It doesn't do much good to blame one's parents and say "That's just how I am". It doesn't do much good to become defensive. Rather, it does more good to observe the underlying dynamic in a detached way. So we become aware and accept that a psychological dynamic is taking place and we can observe it from a curious, detached perspective. What is the underlying cause of this behavior? How was it conditioned into the mind-body? What triggers this behavior? How does the body feel when this is triggered? What does the attachment look and feel like? What is the self seeking? Relief from insecurity? A desire for control? What are the effects on interpersonal relations when this dynamic appears? These types of introspective contemplations and meditations can raise one's awareness into what were previously subconscious dynamics occurring.
  12. @Charlotte One thing I've learned is to only go to my edge with poses. The correct posture and breathing is more important than how far I can go - for example with twists. Trying to twist beyond one's edge can alter the position/alignment and cause problems. For example, in Warrior posture, being able to square the hips while maintain other bodily posture and breathing can take a while. I've found Yin Yoga and Restorative Yoga to be highly beneficial in opening joint space. Aprille Walker is my favorite Yin teacher on YT. She takes it to another level by integrating mind, body, spirit, meridians, energetic flow, etc.
  13. Great. I’ve struggled to speak and write Spanish well as my second language. I’ve traveled through Spanish speaking countries and I’m so grateful that the locals were kind and patient with me.
  14. Keep in mind that many forum users write English as their second or third language. English is challenging to write well as A second language. The sentiment is more meaningful than whether the sentence structure and spelling is correct. Yet I also appreciate those that write English well. It can be beautiful.
  15. The nature around Sedona is a wonderful setting for that. I tripped with my gf there and it was powerful. It was her first time and a moderate dose took us on a deep journey with our spirit guides.
  16. I live in the Midwest. I just felt a calling to visit Sedona. Partly to escape the cold Midwest weather, partly to resonate with the energy in Sedona.
  17. That kundalini experience can open a door to being awake, yet so can the flight of a butterfly.
  18. It’s not to suggest you are proclaiming. It is a generic statement. A psychological self tends to take ownership and proclaim dramatic mind-body experience. I can see that you are simply curious about such occurrences. I think its fine to explore these phenomena. I also find them curious. Just be aware if the mind begins to create an “enlightenment story” in which an idea of enlightenment is attached to dramatic mind-body experiences such as these. Then seeking energy may arise that can be a distraction to more subtle and deeply profound awakenings that are present here and now. Notice if the mind is more oriented toward dramatic mind-body experiences as awakening rather than what is here and now, such as bird chirps, as awakening.
  19. Turquoise wands require an enormous amount of maturity and development. Novices using Green toys in 3D is a distraction and can be counter-productive.
  20. @Tistepiste ? I just returned from Sedona, AZ and still glowing it’s energy.
  21. Associating awakenings with dramatic mind-body events can be a major distraction from actually having awakenings in one’s own mind-body. Awakenings often occur in very simple settings without any bells or whistles. No drama, yet deeply profound. And often there is no desire to proclaim or own the experience. It simply just is.
  22. You’ve likely already had glimpses of direct experience into this. Imagine a time you were awestruck by something beautiful. Something like viewing the Grand Canyon for the first time. Awareness is present, yet there is no “you”. There is simply grandeur, beauty. Then the self “snaps back” into itself and is like “whoa, what just happened?” Normally, a self blows it off. Another example is a moment of love with a person or animal in which the self dissolves and there is simply love. The self melts and there is one love. Then the self snaps back and may try to interpret it. It may grasp at it or push it away. Without the self dynamic, what is there? One’s own direct experience is a powerful teacher and a really important component of understanding. Humans often assume understanding is to be found through the intellect and outside teachings and they unfortunately disregard the deep teachings revealed through their own direct experience. When the mind-body has direct experience into this, the relationship with the mind-body will transform.