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Everything posted by Forestluv

  1. I consider rational thought to be within the intellect. It is one just one mode of being for me. To me, the term "post-rational" is not quite right because it suggests other modes of being (emotional, empathic, intuitive, creative etc) come after rational thinking or that other modes are "better" than rational thinking. I prefer to think of it as a jazz band - rational thinking is just one instrument in the band. All the instruments get integrated together to produce the beautiful music. Sometimes there is a trumpet solo, sometimes a drum solo, sometimes all the instruments are playing together at the same time. For me, my sense of being feels healthiest when emotional, intellectual, empathic, intuitive and creative modes are all integrated and communicating with each other. What tends to happen in some people (myself included) is that the rational/intellectual mode dominates. At times, I realize I'm spending 90% of my life rationalizing/intellectualizing/analyzing. It's like 90% of the song is a drum solo. Then, I need to rebalance all the instruments.
  2. @Chumbimba The three most important variables with psychedelics are dosage, mindset and setting. It sounds like you've had several positive experiences with psychedelics and they may be a helpful tool for you. As well, it sounds like psychedelics are "calling" you to explore more. I would also consider your concerns. In particular, your one bad trip was off on two of the three variables. You say that the dose was too high and it was a poor setting. Being around people is hard enough, being around people with negative energy is even harder. If you correct for those two variables (reduce the dose and trip is a comfortable, supportive setting) the likelyhood of having an insightful trip increases greatly. As well, I would try to reduce the anxiety associated with the bad trip. I would go into it as relaxed as possible, knowing that a low dose trip in a comfortable environment is very likely to go well - similar to your other trips. Regarding a family member with schizophrenia and psychedelics. There may be a risk factor for individuals with a family member that has of schizophrenia - yet we just don't understand it well. Having a grandfather with schizophrenia raises the risk by about 5% over the general population - that is a relatively low risk factor - because there are many genes involved and environmental inputs. As well, the brain changes start to occur in early adolescence around 15 and behavioral changes generally occur late teens/early 20s. If you had a somewhat normal upbringing (without significant abuse, trauma, chronic drug use) and haven't experience significant perception and behavioral changes (hallucinations, difficulty speaking, thought disorders, bizarre behavior) you are likely at a low risk - about the same as the general population. I also have a family member with schizophrenia (my uncle) and I was mildly concerned with the risk of psychedelics. For me, I would just be more cautious about dose / setting to avoid a traumatic trip. I would do it alone or with a trusted friend in a very familiar, safe, peaceful environment - like my house or out in nature. I would just be extra cautious to avoid a lot of people stimulation (crowds, concerts, noisy cafes etc) and negativity (negative friends, harsh music/movies with violence etc.)
  3. I think Lisa Cairns is good at discussing emotions and spirituality. She has a heart-centered approach and is grounded.
  4. @David Hammond That sounds great to me, thank you ? Earlier you had used the terms “good” and “bad” in a way that shifted my impression of the meaning. Language can be tricky sometimes.
  5. We are not connecting due to being on different wavelengths of thought and prior experience. It happens sometimes.
  6. Yea, we are not on the same frequency ??
  7. @davidomni Welcome to the forum. I’m looking foreard to updates on results ??
  8. Yea, that’s what the experience is like. For me there is a temporary dissolution of personal awareness and an appearance of a “collective” awareness that is aware of itself. At first it was really uncomfortable and even scary Thanks for the moth name ?
  9. Along the collective fish theme. . .
  10. If that thing winks at me, I think I’ll lose my mind. . .
  11. I like allowing some flow for wander. Insights often arise for me in that space.
  12. I wonder if it says “Whooo Whoooo”
  13. You totally tripped me out ?. I was like “is that an owl?” ? It looks like two moths. Their bodies are on the branches. They are two seperate organisms, yet come together to make a higher level organism. I’m so amazed by it,
  14. @herghly I usually take 5-meo in bed. Quite often, I continue laying there gazing out the window at a latge tree. Also taking leisurely strolls, especially in nature. I often feel very loving afterwards and want to connect with someone I care about. I don’t necessarily want to discuss the experience, more to connect at a meaningful human level. We often have open and deep talks about life.
  15. Do you happen to know the name of these moths? I’d love to read up on them.
  16. I appreciate your input. I thought this playful context was different and I learned a lesson here. I can see my error in judgement that you pointed out. Things can get hyper-serious on the board and I like some humor sometimes. The forum can get waaay serious at times.
  17. I think someone joking they would twist your nipples to awaken you and you replying with a laughy face was a pretty good indication we were all joking around. . . .
  18. @Joseph Maynor Joe,others on the thread were being silly with the fish terms. I honesty did not know if you were serioys or joking. Looking back, I can now see how I could have phrased my question. My intention was not to have an adverse impact on you or the thread. I’m sorry it did.
  19. C’mon. We were all being silly and playful. I honestly didn’t know in the context of humor. And I did not know my comnent would provike him. Please don’t assign that intention onto me. It was not my intention. Which is totally obvious. We were having fun! Fun feels GOOD. I wanted to continue having sone fun. Look at the rest of the thread. I tried to get it back into the Fun Zone. Yes, spirituality can be serious, heavy and intense at times, Yet do we really want a forum with no humor or fun? Where it is squashed by hyper-seriousness?
  20. @zambize Look at it in context. We were joking around about Angelfish and Devilfish. We were being playful. We were being silly. . . Someone comes in and starts talking about proper defifinitions of the terms Angelfish and Devilfish. I honestly didn’t know if he was being rational or engaging in post-rational humor with us. Then things got serious and intense fast. Guys, lighten up. We were having silly fun.
  21. @Serotoninluv bird murmurations are another great example if colkective consciousness.
  22. It’ back on like Donkey Kong!!!! That is so amazing!!! I can feel it.