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Everything posted by Forestluv

  1. The relative has an infinite number of intricacies. Is a 7 ft basketball player “defective” or “abnormal”? What about a culture that believes a child with Down Syndrome is god’s Pure enlightenment. Would these children sill be view as “defective” or “abnormal”? Of course not. The highest honor in the village would be to have a Down’s child and the child would be smothered with love, care and admiration. We could brainstorm hundreds of other relative examples.
  2. Because it IS. Look at the ISness all around you right now. It’s Absolutely Perfect. . . You don’t think so? Well go ahead and try to change what IS. You can sing, laugh, think, yell, juggle apples or jump in a lake. It’s all IS. Whatever you do, whatever happens, IS. It is Absolute. Nothing can change that. That’s not to say we reject the relative. For example, I think it’s a good thing to be kind and genuine.
  3. Yes. In this model, things that “just are” are Absolutely Perfect. What IS, IS. How can what IS be any different? Thus, it is absolutely Perfect. There is also relative perfect and imperfect- that has value and importance too. The child in the video appears to be suffering. I think it’s good to try and help the child and reduce it’s suffering as much as possible. The Absolute doesn’t mean we reject the relative and become sociopaths without empathy.
  4. What is it’s own “imperfection”? Imperfection is a relative concept imagined by humans minds.
  5. @SQAAD This is what Leo gets at in the first duality video. You are setting up a duality of perfect and imperfect. Yet upon closer inspection one can observe many nuances and interconnections. It’s not a simple binary duality. You are conflating the relative and absolute. You would need to let go of your attachment / identification to a relative binary model of perfect vs. imperfect to expand. I’m not saying you are “wrong”, I’m saying you are contracted and are within something larger.
  6. What do you mean by “anomaly?”. You seem to be assigning value to it. Would you consider a child with Down Syndrome as an “anomaly”? Who gets to decide what is “normal” and what is an “anomaly”? Are children with autism, anxiety, chronic headaches, bipolar, adhd and asthma also “anomalies”?
  7. @SQAAD You are conflating relative and absolute. I grew up with a very loving golden retriever. She would love a child with Down Syndrome just the same as a child without Down Syndrome. She made no distinction that one child was “perfect ” and the other child was “imperfect”. She Accepts and Loves both children as Perfect. How would it feel to tell a child with Down Syndrome they are “imperfect”? I couldn’t do it. It just doesn’t feel right to me. They are Perfectly what they are and I would love them however they are.
  8. In the groove, rolling along. . . No guardrails needed.
  9. Just Be
  10. @knakoo I would use the same amount, or slightly less, that worked well for you before and if sensitivity has increased, then reduce dosage. As well, I’ve found more isn’t always better. I’ve had some profound insights / experiences on light trips.
  11. That’s what she said. . . ?
  12. I would get in touch with that direct experience of the present moment, rather than getting immersed into the thoughts stories that follow. To me, it sounds like you are off balance toward groundless and could use some grounding.
  13. I would spend more effort in what is actually happening now than worry about what might have happened in the past. I think you are hyper analyzing and that’s the biggest fish to fry. It’s as if your favorite futbol team missed the first shot on goal in the first game and you are hyper analyzing that missed shot and are filled with worry that your team will lose the rest of the games and finish in last place. It’s just one shot on goal. Come back to what’s happening in the game right now.
  14. @SQAAD I concur with what @Nahm wrote. I did not intend to suggest we are "doomed". I don't think we can do a complete reset by snapping our fingers. It takes some work to deconstruct and release - yet it's not some insurmountable task like trying to hike Mt. Everest in your underwear while playing a kazoo.
  15. It's so hard to get through to those darn science guys. . .
  16. Haha. Yea, I tried to duck the question since I could sense it would derail the conversation. I first said I was a "mystical scientist", yet that didn't go over too well. I like your answer and will try it if I'm in that situation again.
  17. Hmmm, that's not the conclusion I would make from it. I would look at it another way. . . More like exercise. Having a lifestyle with regular exercise is healthy (and likely also helps de-condition the mind). Exercise can become a lifestyle. People walk, hike, run, ski, play soccer, lift weights, ride a bicycle etc. It's not like they think "I have to get in exercise. I guess I should go for a bicycle ride so I don't turn into a fat slob". Rather, they just do it - like second nature. It's a beautiful day and we are on vacation, let's go for a hike! Exercise is a chore for some and a delight for others. Likewise, awareness of conditioned personality dynamics can be a chore or a delight. Once a mind gets the hang of observing itself, it becomes second nature. It's not like "I better go sit on a cushion and deconstruct these awful unconditioned psychological dynamics so I don't turn into a fearful loser my whole life". Rather, you just do it. During the day stuff arises and it's like "whoa, where did that come from? How does that dynamic work and how is it serving me? How interesting. Fascinating".
  18. @CreamCat I haven't used a recliner, yet I'm past middle-aged and extended meditation sessions do not feel healthy for my back. I've found I can go enter meditative "spaces" during yin yoga - and as a bonus, it's actually healthy for my back. Yet, it might not resonate with others.
  19. @Leo Gura Yea. It also seems like openmindedness can be really tricky as well. After I wrote that passage describing my wonderful open-mindedness, I realized I was seeing her perspective from my perspective. From her perspective, it seems that I was an odd scientist bastardizing and diluting the essence of pure spirituality. That it totally reasonable from her perspective. I really liked your metaphor of drawing images in front of a camera. One needs to draw it as a mirror-image for the other to perceive the correct orientation. For example, when you motion upward growth on a chart, you do it backwards. Quite often, I draw my drawing and it makes complete sense to me. Yet seeing it from another perspective requires a new level of openness and to draw the picture to that perspective takes practice and skill. I actually loved Sedona. I was there years ago when I was Orange-Centered. It was a very different experience this time around. The resonance was much stronger. And tripping in a natural energy vortex was quite "enlightening". Regarding what you wrote about epistemic foundations. . . I don't have any formal training in epistemology, yet you suggested that I am "getting it". Is it possible to "get" the underlying essence without formal study of epistemology? Perhaps through related side routes or direct experience? For example, a lot of your videos probably have this essence without referring to it as "epistemology". As well, could a person have realizations in this area during contemplation? . . . I'm just wondering if I am missing out on something of value, yet I also don't want to have to work my way through a bunch of philosophical / intellectual weeds.
  20. To love another so deeply you melt and become love To appreciate creativity so deeply tears appear in your eyes To explore ones emotions and connect to others in deep and meaningful ways To see beauty in diverse manifestations To be in awe of your own right-brain activity To feel inter-connection between one's mind, body and spirit To frolic and laugh with others beyond words To allow the intellectual mind and analysis to rest and fully immerse oneself in the beauty of the moment These are all core components of Green. The depth and quality of the human experience is sooo much deeper than Orange. All those youtube videos of Orange demonizing Green is giving you a distorted view of the essence of Green. Orange is in the head. Green is in the heart. Take the long journey from your head to your heart. Immerse yourself there. The embodiment of Green is absolutely wonderful. . . My transition out of Orange was much easier than my transition out of Green. After my first few direct experiences of Green, I was like "Wait a minute, I get to trade in Orange for this? Sign me up!". It's a no-brainer.
  21. I would say that segments of culture recognizes and values various forms of intelligence. Yet I would agree that many cultures, in general, define and value intelligence as IQ-related. And reality certainly recognizes other forms of intelligence. Reality recognizes creative, intuitive, empathic, social and emotional modes of intelligence, just as it does cognitive intelligence. Develop these modes and the mind-body's relationship with reality will be very different.
  22. What is your direct experience when you are with other people or out in nature? What is the actual direct experience prior to any of the thought stories? My mind-body is highly empathic in it's direct experience. The story of Solipsism is sooo far away from the direct experience. I have had a few encounters with Solipsism and my mind-body finds it disturbing a- it does not resonate with that story at all.
  23. I'm not sure of the proper technical use of the terms "crystals" and "powder". They both kinda look similar to me, yet I haven't taken a real close look at each. The HCL form will easily dissolve in water. Freebase will not.