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Everything posted by Forestluv

  1. You appear to be immersed within a narrative. There is an awareness that includes that narrative, yet expands well beyond that narrative. Ime, the key to such expansion is recognizing and letting go of attachments and identification to the narrative. There are many ways to do that. Psychedelics are a very effective tool in doing that, yet psychedelics don’t resonate with all mind-bodies. For some, other methods are better. I hope you find what works best for you ?
  2. That seems like a reasonable perspective. Ime, that storyline dissolved and something new arose.
  3. I would do a trial run with a light dose of 5-meo to “refresh”. I would also drop the narrative that it will hit me 1,000x harder. For me, that would increase anxiety.
  4. @Aldo I’ll take that to mean you have no 5-meo experience and are only speculating what it might be like.
  5. @ivankiss Your experience seems to differ than mine. Thanks for sharing your experience so openly, I found it interesting and learned something.
  6. @DrewNows I mean temporary in the sense it’s not untreated schizophrenia or bi-polar and wasn’t recurrent for years. That would likely be a different recovery and contextualization.
  7. @DrewNows I would be comfortable calling what you describe as a form of temporary psychosis.
  8. “ “mind trapped in resistance unable to surrender” My statement was based off of that definition you gave.
  9. My statement was based on your definition - which was based on surrender.
  10. @DrewNows In some forms of insanity, surrender is not an option. There is nothing to surrender and nothing to surrender to. In the example I gave of my friend and her mon - surrender wasn’t an option. I’m reluctant to define insanity because such a definition is a privilege of the sane.
  11. @DrewNows Your definition / description is not aligned with my personal experiences of insanity or my experience volunteering with patients in a psychiatric unit. I would not consider your definition to be insanity, yet I would say could be a component of a psychotic episode. Yet I’m not a trained expert in this area and it’s fine if others hold different views. To me, your definition sounds like anxiety on a psychedelic prior to ego death.
  12. This is not like my experiences, yet I can see how it could be for others.
  13. I would say no. Stick your hand in a fire and tell me if the experience is completely dependent on one’s perspective. The direct experience carries much more weight for me than an intellectual analysis. I had a friend who believed her mother was dying and only she could save her mother, yet she didn’t know how. She became paralyzed and flipped out. That is until the psych unit arrived and put her in a straight jacket as she screamed yo save her mother. For two days she believed she killed her mother. Absolute hell. . . . To me, that hellish suffering is not dependent on what her perspective of insanity was.
  14. To me, the original quote trivializes the direct experience of insanity by reducing it to a label. I don’t care what word is used. I’m more concerned about the direct experience. And the direct experience is not dependent upon an intellectual pov or label.
  15. The Mile High city! This would give national exposure and increase awareness. Oregon votes to legalize shrooms next year.
  16. Well. . . Nithyananda also got a solid from his Twin Flame. You think he learned his Slow Jamz in an ashram? I think not. Nithyananda flows like an Eastern Luther Vandross.
  17. Yea, Sister Gertrude. . . ? Surviving the 4th grade with her should qualify as a miracle.
  18. That not how it was taught to me in CCD class. I like your interpretation much better! ???
  19. No way Kanye ascended to the Lebron of Rhyme naturally. He was on Nithyananda Juice.
  20. That’s an interesting description - not how I would personally describe it. What dosages and ROA did you use?
  21. @mandyjw I would say one of the deepest human desires is to return “home”. Which is Now.
  22. @Swagala One concept that resonates with me is the image of a horizontal timeline and a vertical Now. There are awakenings in both dimensions, yet it seems most human minds put 99% of their focus on the horizontal dimension and believe the vertical Now awakenings can be “achieved” along the horizontal timeline. Ultimately, all awakenings occur in the vertical Now dimension, yet often get contextualized into a horizontal story or experience
  23. I don’t think it’s that simple. On the one hand, observation, learning and knowing has allowed release of many blocks and opened up openness, space and freedom. Yet on the other hand, I had to let go and “unlearn” a lot of stuff. There is also a state of not-knowing that is peaceful/blissful. Yet I’d say it’s a deeper form of “ignorance”. Not really the way most people use it.
  24. Thank you ?. I think I’m delving into the deeper, more subtle aspects of my psychological dynamics and what you wrote is helpful.
  25. Ime, psychedelics can stretch the boundaries of reality. Yet they can also take a mind into insanity zones in extreme cases. It’s temporary, yet during the experience, sense of time can dissolve and experience is it will never end and there is no way out. I agree on the personal interpretations. There are some people that mean well, yet have not had the direct experience. As well, I’ve had temporary episodes that I would consider insane, as well as others who have experienced insanity. Yet I’m also aware that I have limited experience in this area and have only experienced a few forms of insanity. There are many others I have not experienced. It’s like someone who burned themself touching a stove one time telling a victim who got burned alive in a house fire “Yea, I know how it is. I’ve gotten burned myself”. They may mean well, yet just don’t understand the degrees of intensity.